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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old woman develops proteinuria and ...
Tubulointerstitial nephritis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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teuAc lenratiitsit aelrn mmltfio.anani yuaPri la(lyciaclss liieosnpoh)s nad aitmozea ucinocrgr aertf atiiidtmnornsa of dgsur thta atc sa ,atnephs gnuciidn hntsriesyivtepiy ,ge( dsitcui,re ,sDIASN cinilnpile tsedveia,riv tponor pmup oh,tniibrsi ,ipfrmnai onenosl,qui emsundilof).as

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hungrybox  utB how is a yre-2a isyhrot a?cetu +4
jinzo  eehrt si oals " Crniohc itlnsetirtai desasei " +4
targetmle  i otg it grwno cuabsee heret asnwt ,rsha aosl eerht swa uoiaet,prnir deotsn it daicntei elglrmuora nmvieoenlvt? +2
zevvyt  Got it wngor oto ucz of h.att Btu ereht nca be tipreuraion ni sithpe,irn juts nto as muhc sa ni htpirnceo mdrneoys. I esgus s'taht ognunfsic cuz shti tpey of ithersinp nis't reuogpd with eht oerht iitcehrnp onitcdoi.ns +1
lovebug  AF 1029, ePga 1.95 +

I think this can either be acute or chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis. According to MSDmanuals, 'acute' TIN symptom onset can occur 18 months after NSAID use. The classic triad of fever, urticaria, and eosinophilia is only present in <10% of cases. Also, they can have proteinuria (<1 g/day) or even nephrotic-range proteinuria (>3.5 g/day) if it's caused by NSAIDs.

+2/- fatboyslim(118)

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submitted by apple222(3)
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ieorpirautn + h,itaueram ohncrci lsgnaceia abeus ;&-tg ealrn piylraalp nrcoiess , which can eb a gospresroin frmo etuca riailttienst pinhsrite -ecudurigd(dn srisyitypvteenih ivvginonl teh uintimesttir dna u)bltuse

ohaPat1m9 172p

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