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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#26 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the extent of ...
Type I error: No change;
Type II error: decreased
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tags: biostats

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submitted by โˆ—bhangradoc(25)
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The P-value is basically type 1 error, and they keep the p-value the same (at <.05) in both versions of the experiments. By increasing number of patients in the group, they increase power of the study, which reduces type II error.

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jfny21  Thank you +1
baja_blast  For more, FA 2019 p. 262 goes over Type I and II errors. +

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submitted by โˆ—sam1(22)
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If anyone needs a refresher on these statistical concepts, Khan has a brilliant video:

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submitted by _pusheen_(7)
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No change in type 1 error and decrease in type 2 error? Can someone please explain why?

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bhangradoc  The P-value is basically the type 1 error, and they keep the p-value the same (at <.05) in both versions of the experiments. By increasing number of patients in the group, they increase power of the study, which reduces type II error. +6

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