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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
A screening test for cancer is developed and ...
Data point labeled โ€˜Aโ€™ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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Knwogni eht RL+ aevul = 01 does nto help ot voels ihts Q csbeaeu ittamnsgie hweer 10"" oulhds flla on an xais si rriba.trya l,Aso het daat iontsp aer ocioeradnts -- yteh ahve na eXau-lv adn a aYv-leu ,X( ).Y

eTh way to ppcohaar ihts Q si to nkwo htta a hghi pceisyicfit aemsn tath a eipovsit ertuls si ye,vr evyr lkiely ot be a teur steipi.vo

pseupoS ahtt the icsyieipftc si 990. -- tsih si %99 tpsifieci.yc he,Tn you lkoo at teh raphg. hTe -sixaX si if.-1scyc"i"pite So, oseuspp eth setb tste has a pitccfeiiys fo 9%9. ,neTh llctuaaec 1ceifpyii cts- = 1 - 099. = ..100 Yuo ldouw tneh chseo eht atoadpnit that erpdsosnocr to ighanv na u"ev"-Xla ttha is sseoclt ot het gorii.n In hits ol,bperm it rsdecnorosp ot dtaa tipno A.""

uoY ndto' even eend to know a fesipcic isyepiiccft leavu ot velso itsh oprlb.em llA uoy nede ot od si aundnstdre atht fi eht tciycpseiif is lreyemtex gh,ih oyu illw eend ot difn a onitatapd hatt is sloscet ot hte nigrio -- ta tlase orf teh lauve ni the -Xxisa ni teh dooancetir fo eht dtaa tnpio -- uebasec het -xaXis osrncersodp ot a caliotnclua of sc.-ype"1tf"ciii

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link981  nltcEelxe apionlxnaet ubt a mroni to.yp .01-99 = 01.0 nto 01.0 :) +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brise(86)
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heT tesouiqn is kinsga wath inotp wduol eb eht somt eilkly to relu in erca,cn dan ihgh icfsceiityp hnwe ipstievo uresl ni acne.rc eTh ihhgtse picsyiecfit lueav is ,A cb teh eth X ixsa hsswo (!)1ceyii-tpicfs

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sbryant6  SPin and out.SN cctepyiiiSf in, tyitssivnei tu.o +9

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—adisdiadochokinetic(89)
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woH mayn epople d'ntdi see htat ti asw iiscy-itce1pf and icepdk E ekli em (:

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jfny21  eeHr +1
eacv  sssye! me too --. +3
jinzo  me slao (: +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—alexb(53)
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heT sdowr "sotm f"lifecyvete sfenodcu me. I uhghtto to feslym enve" if ti has teh eishthg setccpyii,fi tsi' nto evry ifveeetcf fi ist' got urpse wol sitviytiens -- necsi it liwl ssim a lto fo het uert +ev's (afiglni ot reul ni cracne fro teh nose hatt egt )"sidsm.e ahTt saw a sotry I dtol fsylem oatbu their use fo teh osdwr m"sto eievfec"lyft o.ll

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—amirmullick3(76)
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Veyr a.sye
;tysiS tiniev O.nUST
nseSv tiyiit is your Y sia,x nda hte hhgrie yuo og, eht eorm ite,invses hciwh asnme yuo anc eurl OUT rcaen.c
So A is teh eltsa

pcSi;yecfiti NSI.p ciSpfice etsts leru tuo c.ecnar If yrou cfiesycptii si ,1 nhet s-eyfcict1ipi wdolu be ,0 ihhcw is eht 0 ptino of teh X axi.s

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—seagull(1933)
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hTis si a dhkiielloo .orita =+RL epeiSc/Sfns1-

Any vluea eetagrr ahnt 10 e(rp rifst ida) iedctdina uu"seelsnfs of otndigicsa stet" hiwch si elacobmrap to VPP ugnir(l ni a d.z) toinP A"" is eht sostecl rmak to weerh 01 dlosuh be on the Y axis.

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brise  hTe oestniuq is aginsk wtah ptino dowul be the sotm illyek ot uerl in cear,cn nda high pteyicciifs ewhn isptoiev elrus in rcn.eca Teh tiheghs iyestccfiip ulave is A, bc het het X xias hswso tsipi)1cf-eic!(y +6
hello  eirsb si orecrtc. gnKinwo eth RL+ ealuv = 10 sdeo otn pelh ni isth tsiaonuit eabcesu itaistegnm erhew 01"" dslouh llfa no na aisx si e yr iT. rrbhaat yaw ot hrpocaap ihts Q is to know htat a ghhi pscyteicfii si wlil amne that a iitpesvo tuslre si yerv ervy yeikll to eb a true s.pievoti nI ero,yth oppesus taht teh scfiptieicy saw 0.9.9 sTih si %99 itipycsfi.ce T,neh ouy okol at eth grhpa. ehT i-xsaX si "ei1yii-f"s.ctpc So, pouessp eht tsbe tset ash a eypccifstii of .9%9 h,neT ulangitaclc 1ipsfc-iyetic = 1 - 909. = 0.1. uYo dowlu hetn ceohs eth ndpatotia ttha sernorpdcos ot igvhna an ""-laveXu atth si oestlcs ot the ingoi.r In tish rple,omb ti sorndpsocre to adta pinot "".A +4

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