the patient is pregnant so not doxy. azithro is alternative (see sketchy vid)
Why is it azithromycin not doxycycline? According to sketchy, you treat chlamydia with macrolides/doxy +ceftriaxone. You treat neisseria gonorrhea with ceftriaxone+azithromycin+doxycycline.
โNot sure what this question is testing -- is it wanting us to know that gonorrhea has to be treated as well? In that case, doxy would work for both according to sketchy ... Any other reasonings appreciated!
submitted by elephantbuddy(8)
In addition to all the great points already made, FA also says that Azithromycin is first-line and favored in general because it's a one-time treatment. You would use doxy though to treat lymphogranuloma venereum (FA 2019 and 2020, pg 148-149).
Neisseria gonorrhea - ceftriaxone
Chlamydia - azithromycin (1st line); doxycycline (2nd line, or for LGV)