"Pick your Big, Foamie, Zeibra nose with your Sphinger"
Choose options with the letter I.
SpIngomyelin, Sphingomyelinase, bIgorgans (hepatomegaly etc), zeIbra bodies, Foam cells
Huh. Who else thought this was Gaucher until you had to pick D?
Can someone please explain why this is not hypercholesterolemia? It also presents with HSM and there are numerous foam cells. Since hypercholesterolemia also presents with pancreatitis, couldn't that explain recurrent vomiting? FA2019, p94. Thank you for your responses!
submitted by โatstillisafraud(217)
Niemann-Pick Disease presents with mental retardation, lipid laden (foam cells) in bone marrow and cherry red spot on macula. No sphingomyelinase results in buildup of sphingomyelin which builds up in macrophages.