eunsiQsot liek hsti uyaulsl enhig no ksgnai if 'euory iogng to folwol hte lseru or tno gt,huho ulysibvoo the one kgnias her to lei dna sya ehs asw ehr ietssr is onw,rg but teh orctcre neawrs is uysliboov igkbaner the sciphoe rneset'c "plyic"o - yemsbpalru if teh hcpansiiy is igendns ehr ot ocpshie thne hyet 'otnd rwko eehrt so yhw owuld the D.r be leab to stju ellt ehr sti e?ifn
Yae,h I otg hsti neo owrgn ihtw hte mase gicol sa ou,y sa.maonle
I nlieyuneg rdteerneitp hits tseqiuon sa gohthu the two nomew eerw ni a isnplahiroet cebeuas fo teh euostq "ym oslce rdf."nie I freugdi gaiitnnfcsi hrteos uwldo eb dloawel ot sivti .sliypm Ha mssee klie Im' the lnoy oen hwo ared too raf in bneeewt teh !lneis
22mkem@y1 I losa guhotht eth esuqot iepildm a easilbn eslionphtria dan atth het eptatni swa aifard to rhsea tsih yteh( wger pu at a meti hwne it saw ahlyevi )atm.gdsztiie So i aws nhtgiikn, of oseucr uyo nda yruo leia"cps dirne"f anc syta I nwok sith si tno jstu a heasp
tAiyghnn airlrpcayutl wngor whti A 'Dont( oryr.w llI' lcla uoy tigrh ..aa)?wy". tI deseem kiel eht mtos oaoepsrsfiln tey tcisoederan nrweas c.oheic rAe
we puospdse ot lpmiy ttah 'eethry anrrestp debas no eshot oiqotnatu arksm uaodnr o"cles rf?nd"ei aeuscBe tsrwhoeie it essem eikl oot saacul dan elss rnlpfsoiaoes atnh A, moltas as if t'is kriaenbg yciolp.
I cna rsawe thta I saw this xcate emsa tqiesnou in LURWOD .robefe The ylon arenso I gto ti hirgt hsti m.ite
mn@keylloi anc uyo seeapl igev the DQI rof het UWdrlo otsu?qine
naC osoeemn xlpneai to me yhw fwognlloi asphotli plcioy si eth wgnor srwe?an mI' so s.nAdlot lnletaseyis ohw is itsh topnoi nya fnitredef from the satl itopno hrwee he ssak hre to sya its ehr tsi?ers hotB og tsignaa ishalpot pc.loiy udWol rgaetyl paaicetrpe osme tisnigh yall.
Can eenomos xnlaiep to em hwy olgowfiln otsaphli ocipyl is hte ngorw es?wrna mI' os lAdntso. tsylelanies ohw si iths niootp yna neiertdff rmof eth last tiopon erweh he assk reh to yas tis erh sse?rti thoB og ngstiaa iotahspl olp.icy douWl legyrat etpiraaecp msoe gtisnih llya. Pi:s.t rctuks me sa a ntroaicm prlaihiosten sa elw,l btu it etns'do eclra ym ๐bdt๐ญou
aeaatelp@krj oilwonFgl hte oplithas icpoly is nwgor casbeeu it ouwld be lruce dna nlunsiarsyeec idrig to edny a yindg wmnao teh rmocfto fo reh olecsst .ionnacopm osAl, tI uldow be retnpipapaoir ot kas the tP to li.e thW
s'a eth onipt fo bnmceoig a otcodr fi ouy vahe ot ololfw smoe BS cpeaortro yoplci idsaetn of cignlla teh tssho nad iodgn irthg yb oyur e?ntpista
Ya idnak bmud htat yllauus NMEB suullya llest su ot vnree abrek the ,elsur tey hree si't lddyeusn ko. But erhe eht sonera rof tihs octpienxe is atht wilhe onyl m""lfyia si lodwal,e a aiesnbl ophrienlitsa liuseafqi teh eifnrd"" sa limfay (yteh sjtu rewe eenvr ifliaflyoc clnadokdewge as faryireiam/dml edu to iagmst ro ttesa ws,al iwchh teycsio neoziegrcs dayot is budm dan dettoa.)du sIt' a siudpt nhatcilitcey htta ehr gsticiafnin toreh in'st lawleod ot tvisi sa a alfmiy mrebme, os lwieh ew sullyau nveer nawt to bkrea r,euls ihst sriaceno llwosof hte spt""iir fo the urel. lusP 'ist a raelyl eexmter aonsceir eehrw the manow is gnyid nda sujt sawnt ot sedpn her lsat nemstom twih ehr voled oen dan ti dlwuo be too uclre ot yned osemone .htat ereTh is no lei ivvond,le wichh kaidn esleav enop the cchena orf eht tiinusoat ot eb eceardl up if rsweo cesom to .orwts hsiT si fdertefin morf E wchih si a atrgihst pu ile. Hope that e.pehld
lWle i am nrigiwt thsi erfat gignett eth ewanrs ngwro nda terfa owkn eth ihtgr wnarse , i kdani iknht sti ueift.dijs Coz yhte omdnneeit ist ,heospic fi ni scohpei ayn umoatn fo pnia cimoantdie is eaollwd , hnte tshi slao doushl eb oaeldlw , erfaatll amin mai si ot fctorom teh eiat!ptn fI ti ewer mya eb hleerewes tnhe gnlfloiwo lpoitsah cylipo mya be gtirh , but hepcosi asywal iatpsent rcomotf itsrf os aeksm !esnse slAo
its ehtre ni mneb 17 , os otdn yrrwo fi ouy get it ngwro .
submitted by โimaginarybanana(30)
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'tndo be a ?kcid otn layerl eusr whta emro htree is to .it eTh tainpet seodt'n vhae nay toher imyalf os hits woamn udsloh be isrendocde ilmayf