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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#19 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old primigravid woman at 22 weeks' ...
Ask the patient if she would allow the examination if her husband is present at all times 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by m-ice(370)
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heT itntape nesed ieacdlm tneanitot ,eatilimmyed hicwh liitaesnme onatginib a toucr d,oerr or intafernsrgr .erh A nersu sode nto evah teh esma anriigtn dan qnofaiiicultsa sa a ,sphcniiay os it wudlo be pprpentaoriia to ksa etmh ot exianme the ptetnia. kAsign hte ashlpito ahnalcip ignaa ocudl be ,apopartenprii adn owdul etak rome .temi ehrfTee,ro the etsb tnopoi namog ohets gniev si ot sak teh iapntet fi hes lliw lalow with ehr ndbhuas eetnsrp.

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sympathetikey  baGaegr oetiuns.q +71
masonkingcobra  So wto nme si trtebe htan oen rapypnetal +33
zoggybiscuits  aGGArE!B ? +2
bigjimbo  árbéggá +5
fulminant_life  htsi otnsquie si .grgaabe eSh ndtsoe twan ot be nemeixda by a amle woh oudwl teh eprsceen of reh dbshaun eakm ayn fecedniefr ni atht ep?rtces +17
dr.xx  I sseug sith si a rgbagea tneioqsu ecseabu wtah loapthsi, eenv lmsla and url,ra eosd nto eahv a lefmae yiaspichn on BMNE ktea cenito -- this si the 10s02 tno 9.s071 iaLmghoaglpB.x3/t1/ntsKoscLe4a9.gp7:4G3t.p/ +11
medpsychosis  ehT sqietnuo erhe sfcseuo on a pficesci eiuss icwhh is hte ntet'pisa lsreuoigi nsiotevacerv febesil s.v nygucre of eht itnasito.u A yinpaichs si drqueire ot rcpetes teh ptite'nas ntymauoo wlehi laos ialncnabg eewbtne cenfcneebie nad f.nnnalemiccee-o ehT esarnw cihoec reweh eth ycpnisiha skas the tetapni fi ti dlouw be ok ot rfopmer the xame itwh the nsbhuad stprene si na tatptme ot eecpstr het teonviavrces irlsiogeu eelibf of eth tnpieat ot(n gneib xodsepe or alone thwi rthnoae man in het nscbeae fo ehr ubas)hdn wleih osla naliogwl teh yphacisni to oirdpve creasnsey aldcemi tearettnm thta oudlc be lfei ngisva orf hre dan ro eth lci.dh na,Aig tshi slwoal for het tpneati ot racpiect tuyomnoa sa hes sah teh girht ot sya no. +21
sahusema  I oswehd ihst uontqise to ym nsterap dna heyt dias h"ist is teh dink fo sftuf oyu ystud all ?ady" shm +29
sherry  I aylltot aeegr siht is a egagbra ouqsien.t I nrpeyasoll thikn treeh is mroe ggbaera utoiensq on wen BMNE rofsm ntha hte souperiv shoy.n.ete. nca ugrea ni yna I elfe klie ehty erwe jstu nytrig to akme pepoel lgegrtus on dab otinosp hwne evydryeob wkson thwa ythe wree iryngt ot kas. +1
niboonsh  This itqousen is htoali3bhlao +11
sunshinesweetheart  htis stqnuieo is eylral otn thta ygl.ceaagbr..ual.ta asye poitsn I swa efurtalg o.f..r laly era sjtu cllayre ngotanri oatbu m.Ilsa aeetudc elsse,ouyrv n,heebrrt utjs sa hist axem si giynrt to egt oyu ot .do btu yeha I egare ehert slhduo be na pootin rof fmleae hycanpisi oll +9
drmohandes  I ntikh stih MBNE24 si a ewsta fo .n6$O 0 noe hdna ew vahe heest ytsep fo uqoseni,st taht aehv 0 nccineoont to uor ne-twngmhoaoekery-l- gs.niOyndut eht heotr ahdn we aveh Sne"pyvabirt"no edintas of A,SENR uaebcse f*kc incomg pu iwth ogdo sqst.eniou +15
myoclonictonicbionic  wtshrseteseinuan@eh I ylaultac evah etiudds teh liiengor unmdrseyotle dna rheet a alcer cenussnos gnaom all Msmsiul htat ni hte esca of an nemg,yrcee it is llmcoytpee dwoalel ot heav emoeson mofr eth esoptpoi egnrde inxamee you. I htnki tshi talcalyu sretnereps woh ntigrona eth xmae ewtrrsi ear of lsm.aI +16
korahelqadam  lAl it ektsa si oen NEBM uenoqist cnengcionr ulmisms for hte oshmliIbpoaa to jmup otu I egsus +3
sars  ihTs si a rvey raif esiqo.unt I rgeae whti awehiesutentesnrsh vaob.e haTt is +2
wrongcareer69  ebaaGgr tseunioq +1
alimd  elwl we dslhou iatw rof the niqtseuo i"f a nam otsuhs I NTAC HREABTE hitw a locpie enke on his ,kcne tahw si royu xnet st?pe nA-s iatw 8 .ienmus"t +3
beto  ,ykoa oucht em ehnw my nbdusha .ksolo ear hyte nrgairppe ofr reeshmtoe?? fckn esnquiot +
fatboyslim  I'm a smMuli nma dan I otg it go.wnr I osehc B o.ll I gtuhoht yb reh iganys I ton'd antw ot eb dnxeiaem by a mna sayst ture lesedrsrag fo etwerhh hre huadbns si ehetr to .tno I eguss ti sodent' ruht ot ska reh hwat ldowu kmae ehr efel more mceoalfrobt if it lwlsoa a elam dco to anmexei .rhe +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by rifampinrifle(5)
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iTsh ueqsitno ints' eargt yaellcsiep fi yoru'e a musilm ynigtr to swnaer htis oll eesubac teh pernseec of uryo abuhnsd hsa oginnht to do hwti rwhthee or otn ouy wsho ayn aprt of uyro doyb aht'ts ylsluua oeverdc. tI laos nsfierorce eprtstysoee ahtt lmase eactitd who we can whos ruo sdboie t.o Wtih ahtt ebgin ds,ia i seugs ti ondwutl' hrtu to ska in scea hse eslfe oc.eaouftubrnm.tb.l fi nanyg,iht i'd igaimen teh srpnecee of aeorthn naowm dwolu eb emor ton.grofm.i.c istouneq cusks

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by therealslimshady(42)
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C dna D aer renve ellary eht itgrh ssaewrn no isecth eunisqso.t B si otu abcusee usrnse aer nto clepifsclaiy dnitera ot do ,shti) yeu'or lfte whti A nad .E eceBasu rhe dobol usprrsee si 0/90,6 ulpes si 02,1 'eshs ibdngele out dna hits is na ecmergyen. heT ertoh iliaytfc si 2 osurh aw.ya ikAngs teh nipeatt fi e'dsh lowla the aexm t'nlwduo rut,h wld'otun i?t It dstn'eo sya floyelucf"r axeemin "reh, it sasy ska. fI ehs ssya ,no htne yd'ou ahev on toher ccehio but to let her leedb otu no the 2 ohru iverd ot reh fmiyla itebsanorci.t

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drdoom  ddue ’yeuor on ontip ithw ehtes lcose isaegrdn fo hte stmes! ttL)(arriuee ro?jam +

exactly how I answered this question. the worst case scenario for A is that she says no. But you can say ethically you've exhausted all options before sending her to death on the 2 hour journey.

+/- jgraham3(30)

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by apurva(101)
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nI da,inI uor ssenru rea trsam nghoue to mprfeor PV dan vnee ot devlrie hte anneeo!!t!

I am yricng ued ot ym ds6u0 !!ss!ol!

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submitted by feanor(2)
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Artnapyelp nbeig a msMlui ddnt'i lehp em cuhm wileh girasnnew this cpiee fo amtaicrteot siqtenu,o sseug Id' eavh ot be a eilttl itb voasrntcviee nhet h..e..

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submitted by j44n(141)
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ehT lyno arnseo I ogt hits htigr is aecuesb I did a dsuyt for a ceracipt no srueryg cnnoctiaeal taesr dan whne we ddi itl ereivw I dera a arepp ahtt ni lidmed entsrea rsecuotni ni aaesr rhwee eyht are eryv ryve nsivaerotcev umimls a tlo of ruiesegsr egt eladcnec ecseuba tiher sadsbnuh atiectd lla fo rtehi acer or c'nat be tereh to ees erhti veswi ruidgn the gersry.u I khtin hter'ey ustj ntgnaiw oyu to see het cuuatllr rndecifeef and be arwae of it. hWihc nluess yuo anhev edar taht eon pscfieci rpaep is klei yitnrg ot ees enimgosth hwit het nsu in uyro eyse. tNo ngidnfede eth BMNE tbu tihs tisoeuqn saw rgaabeg nda altosm as cuhm bllu tsih as teh ptleaelt oneuqits

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submitted by an1(114)
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,DC nda E rwee ovulosiyb .gnrow A dna B weer eftl. I opdet fro B, btu tehn chadgen .it A nsure yma tno eb bela ot ctcha eth msae ihngts a dtoocr ocudl. dAn sol,a A yssa ot .KSA eSh has het ihtgr ot yas ,no nad wtha pahspen ftera ttha is fo on ncocern to su ni shti cneo.asri rsheTe enrve yna hamr in .sgkian

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madamestep  eahY I wnet itwh the ldftaue of dcsisgisnu hufetrr +

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