dCol ari scnuied thsaam s.ckatta
scaeDigern ueocrs aold ownt ehpl
gTakni todeirss si oto ucmh rof own
ioMgvn cbak ot eht odmrs is otn vliabe
iAr saclneer otnd orkw hueogn
tnoD etg ird of het oodG oeyB
Sgmkoin ioosdnr si stsugingdi
So ew era ujst seppdsou ot nkwo ttah podeosl era lpeygo..airehlc.n
I ptu get" an air ecnae"lr asbuece I htuohtg kasngi eht moomtrae ot ostp skgimno wdulo eb nedyob eth scoep of teh ahspyncii and cisen I nditd wonk osedlop eewr ll,aoreegchyinp I guhhtot e,lwl" even fi the oeromatm dpstepo ,mgoinsk le'hsl ltils aevh susesi aeseucb of eth pet n.r"aded
lAways sceoh mknsigo if yuo see ti. In nay ytpe fo uqntos.ie Dn'to evne eadr :)
I asmtlo epdcki knigas teh mmaotroe nto ot meosk ni teh a,tenmprta ubt thne I iugedrf 'htsta dnoybe eth cpeso of hte .roc.d.ot erthoan eornsp iads igkant edstiros dwuol be oto mhuc fro wno, dna I suspoep ts'hat ubcseea teh mtsaah si relonltledwclo- hitw hre lehnira rn? hatt's( hawt I ahd di)ekcp
htaW nutearega od we eavh hatt eth marmetoo si iggno to ospt sgmknoi ni teh atrmnpeta by kis"agn" mhi to od ?o.s.
I leyshotn on'dt rdaedunnts hyw A is teh rceortc rewn.sa I ikcedp "moev cbak ot het om"dr eucsbae ehrte rea trhee saahtm igrtgrse ni her :rdmo 1() het skm,eor 2() eht ctfa that reh moetrmao dnts'eo klei it ehwn s'ti oto awrm s(eh otns'de wnta ot be lc,od nad odlc is a gitgerr ofr htmaas,) nad ()3 het stsrse of plpeeo ohw 'todn eanlc hetir .dhsies ,tserSs odl,c dan kem.so oTseh rae ggrstrie ofr samhta htta aer tpseren in hre pnrtam.tea Is naeyno lees ton esngei hs?ti
No uhsc githn as aelcioelrnpghy sg!!od
hTe maorj ogd glrn,eael aCn f 1, is ipbroselsen fro ageliserl ni osmt polepe owh are raleicgl ot do.sg gnceroplielHay ebedsr of sdgo reew emooptdr cbsaeeu it wsa uhgohtt tyeh uwold reoupcd leorw ontosirnnatecc of naC f 1, dan trfroeehe caesu ssle (ro veen n)o crlegali opytmmss ni lepeop thwi a odg g.elayrl pxElmaes fo odg esrbde ttah hvae yrvsiuolep eben eeldlab sa chlpglneiayreo ndcuile dole,oPs beLorsd,oadla nad hrieskYro rierster. erhTe is no efinsitcci opfor htees eesdrb tylur eurcodp leowr tsouanm fo Cna f 1; teehs osgd eerw isympl adellbe sa carleinyhepolg ebseauc fo het eafsl oaupsistmn hatt gdo beesrd atth od ton sedh airh ustm aslreee esls nelalgr.e
(hNscoali E,C ganieeWk G,R tsdavHa L,S irtaotZ M,E wOnby R,D hJnoosn CC. gDo geellarn lsevle ni sehmo hwti rinlpceohglaey dcpoeamr thwi hiygecorlanlpeonn ds.go mA J hioRln legyrAl. ;.250625:5)โ121422( :56a.232100.051.j2i0)da10or6./
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