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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman with asthma comes to the ...
Ask the roommate not to smoke in the apartment ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +105  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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hTe pdloeo is iclngpoylarhee, nda a 1/010 gdoo b.yo

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medguru2295  roF seom enora,s I nt'ac v.pteuo tBu TEVOPEUEE.E sgoD era flie! +1
mynamejeff  The eodplo si ehnlgrao,lpeyci and a 0/101 oogd .oby +
unknown001  on a,mn soimgkn si lfie :-P +

 +17  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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dCol ari scnuied thsaam s.ckatta

scaeDigern ueocrs aold ownt ehpl

gTakni todeirss si oto ucmh rof own

ioMgvn cbak ot eht odmrs is otn vliabe

iAr saclneer otnd orkw hueogn

tnoD etg ird of het oodG oeyB

Sgmkoin ioosdnr si stsugingdi

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sherry  ssetSr anc latlcuay eb a itrgegr orf tahasm. I tihkn the bomperl hree si htat she hsa lsywasa ediracr a ahvey ce,ruso whlie teh dieases tjsu sadettr l.cenryte +8
medguru2295  esStsr kmesa smatha .esrwo eeTrhr,oef keep gogdo for tssesr l!erfei +1
qiss  sAlo rhe ysmtsomp tdretsa 3 onshmt ago dna ehs ovdme in whit a tmmoreao hwo esomsk onrisod 3 ohsntm og.a +2
jrish  Btu owtunl'd eht skeom on teh otomaserm ctehlos ltils acsue sgcaninfiit hmsata ro?lmbsep +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by saturdaynightpalsy(10)
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So ew era ujst seppdsou ot nkwo ttah podeosl era lpeygo..airehlc.n

I ptu get" an air ecnae"lr asbuece I htuohtg kasngi eht moomtrae ot ostp skgimno wdulo eb nedyob eth scoep of teh ahspyncii and cisen I nditd wonk osedlop eewr ll,aoreegchyinp I guhhtot e,lwl" even fi the oeromatm dpstepo ,mgoinsk le'hsl ltils aevh susesi aeseucb of eth pet n.r"aded


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luciana  meSa e,hre I tgo csduenfo cebaues it esmdee thta eht ksome DAN teh dgo rwee teh tsrigge,r so I kicedp veoM" bkca ot het doeimtr"iors so lla the rigrgste luowd eb gono .heW luwdo negaimi oledpos eewr rnlohlepeygcia +
luciana  oFr hetos lkie me owh dn'dti nwko etreh aws 1 lryeeohgalinpc ,odg trehe rea 23 to uoy mzioreem ): a-3/pdsshedgt.socehhrloteahsdi-ndey/-o-ggmsiaeonv-e-rtb:llc/ +2
jamaicabliz  The ayw I uhhtgot uobta ti asw ttah e'shs ahd eht opoled fro enrlog nhta 3 ot,shmn ensci seh gohtbur it whti ,reh dan didn't msee to aehv replosmb bfhondaere +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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lAways sceoh mknsigo if yuo see ti. In nay ytpe fo Dn'to evne eadr :)

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dragon3(15)
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I asmtlo epdcki knigas teh mmaotroe nto ot meosk ni teh a,tenmprta ubt thne I iugedrf 'htsta dnoybe eth cpeso of hte .roc.d.ot erthoan eornsp iads igkant edstiros dwuol be oto mhuc fro wno, dna I suspoep ts'hat ubcseea teh mtsaah si relonltledwclo- hitw hre lehnira rn? hatt's( hawt I ahd di)ekcp

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sherry  I wlodu say hte teianspt' htasma yoln ogt wsore afetr ehr vmgino o.tu oS its mroe laetrdee-aler.lng tingtGe rdi of hte renllage is alsway ettreb ntah pdgainrgu eid.omitansc +2
et-tu-bromocriptine  pRipp teh tn"d'o eb a ikc"d teyrtags eieltfdiny elafdi em no tish oFr some rneoas, I tuhghto uesegrqtin eth patietn to ask seomeon esle to gcanhe rthie nigoksm btshai wludo eb a dta oot u.mhc I nca tsju eiptucr oUWrld acsgmkni em thwi a hhogtA"lu ti si kyeill thta eth to'smromea ansicoest fo monsgki dolcu ilavtaeel eth tasptein' asahtm eatcx,isnaeobr stih rutsqee dlwuo be uto fo eht hs'isynciap ..cto" +47
peqmd  dpenseD h'swo ercdkii teh rctood tlgieln hte ptnteia hse uoh'stlnd eilv ni kosem or mseo guy sniomkg in het ohseu +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—whoissaad(102)
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htaW nutearega od we eavh hatt eth marmetoo si iggno to ospt sgmknoi ni teh atrmnpeta by kis"agn" mhi to od ?o.s.

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krewfoo99  Teher si on yhTe era ailslyacb kganis wath a rretigg is for reh amatsh ereceruncr. Skonmig ni tsih acerniso nca be eth uesac fo shti tnpsatei to.smyspm tonD eldlw ot eped otni eth inst.qoeu +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—therealslimshady(42)
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I leyshotn on'dt rdaedunnts hyw A is teh rceortc I ikcedp "moev cbak ot het om"dr eucsbae ehrte rea trhee saahtm igrtgrse ni her :rdmo 1() het skm,eor 2() eht ctfa that reh moetrmao dnts'eo klei it ehwn s'ti oto awrm s(eh otns'de wnta ot be lc,od nad odlc is a gitgerr ofr htmaas,) nad ()3 het stsrse of plpeeo ohw 'todn eanlc hetir .dhsies ,tserSs odl,c dan oTseh rae ggrstrie ofr samhta htta aer tpseren in hre pnrtam.tea Is naeyno lees ton esngei hs?ti

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123ojm  cueaBse umbepalsyr he'ss eyaadlr indgse a lesae and tonnac daffro ot apy a dncoes etnr yb invogm kabc otni eth I kniht hist sego kabc to nkimag gsgutonssei rof rou ptetnsai taht ear anorebesal rof meth to cihev.ea +1
123ojm  lsAo ehr rmeaomto si eth eon ttah skmea it armw, os het mraenttap si tno ldco +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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No uhsc githn as aelcioelrnpghy sg!!od

hTe maorj ogd glrn,eael aCn f 1, is ipbroselsen fro ageliserl ni osmt polepe owh are raleicgl ot gnceroplielHay ebedsr of sdgo reew emooptdr cbsaeeu it wsa uhgohtt tyeh uwold reoupcd leorw ontosirnnatecc of naC f 1, dan trfroeehe caesu ssle (ro veen n)o crlegali opytmmss ni lepeop thwi a odg g.elayrl pxElmaes fo odg esrbde ttah hvae yrvsiuolep eben eeldlab sa chlpglneiayreo ndcuile dole,oPs beLorsd,oadla nad hrieskYro rierster. erhTe is no efinsitcci opfor htees eesdrb tylur eurcodp leowr tsouanm fo Cna f 1; teehs osgd eerw isympl adellbe sa carleinyhepolg ebseauc fo het eafsl oaupsistmn hatt gdo beesrd atth od ton sedh airh ustm aslreee esls nelalgr.e

(hNscoali E,C ganieeWk G,R tsdavHa L,S irtaotZ M,E wOnby R,D hJnoosn CC. gDo geellarn lsevle ni sehmo hwti rinlpceohglaey dcpoeamr thwi hiygecorlanlpeonn ds.go mA J hioRln legyrAl. ;.250625:5)โ€“121422( :56a.232100.051.j2i0)da10or6./

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freemanpeng  Siruylnprgs,i het nutamo fo nCa f 1 unfod ni arih and ctoa mspeals saw ualclyat thgsihe in the epyglh"icle"naro erdebs fo d,sog tiwh sooePdl vinahg eth egstihh nmutao fo het gdo lalergne, and aLarobrd teerreisvR hvgani hte twelos nua.mot redreV(g oo DW, ellsmWie T, apamnhC D,M iekeHred J,D oKrp E.J anC f 1 lvlees in iarh nda hsmoe fo nftedeifr dgo bes:erd acLk of eeeicdnv to rdcisebe any god bdeer as aciyohrnlpe.gel roauJln fo lAylerg dna icCnlila ygmomul.Ino 031.)(;22410 o1.103206c0)/.11.5i2d.i0a:10jj. +

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