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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A case-control study is conducted to assess ...
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submitted by meningitis(643)
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A eacs rnolcto duyst natc esssas eth averleepcn fo a esaedsi tbu a sosrc seiatcoln yusdt acn.

  • A saec rlotnco ustdy si ttha ouy ear tstngie eht grisman ni eth 2 yb 2 atelb hrferoeet royue' iddeignc woh yamn scesa nda octnorsl uyo atnw to ahve in oryu udyst nda eht tloclicanau fo eniidccne / lcereapenv ni itsh sarecnoi lwudo eb dsbai.e
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meningitis  teh rpleveacne of the oeuxspre adn het eahtlh ctoueom are eaudmers at het asem mi.te ouY rae lilasacby rtniyg ot fergiu uto who anym eplope in het tolpiaponu vhae eht essaied dan woh myna loeppe evha eth xrospeeu ta eno toinp ni teim. s Ca e rotonCl odwul nteiedmre DSOD Cr oiroo ttah wludo edeminrte eRtleiav iRsk +3

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dr_trazobone69(3)
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yWh wts’an eht lteab ongheu ot meridetne lcavenpree ni eht gnlreea oi?otnualpp

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sacredazn  orF hte aecs cnorolt q,teonius ti’s ikntag tath ilpiepcnr htta ouy ’cant sue asce ocnrtlo ideutss ot ecaluctla taeirlve skir dan ynlpgaip ti ot lBa. ra icpavynsl e elec htwi asce clorotn eissdtu we tstra yb gsiayn yko,a ’Im ngoig ot infd 002 epepol hiwt ssinitusi dan 040 .hiuowtt ,ehTn oyu go cakb adn olko at het unmbre ponexsxdpesoeeud/ dna cutaleacl eth sddo o.tair oS yuo ’atnc use asec nosotclr ot autlcacel preecanvel uasbcee it lal nesdedp no hwo mnya eassc ouy ikpdce ni eht rfsit ch g.lea iptM kema eomr nssee ot hknit obuta it hwti a erra crcaen eilk giahnicoaramonryp or mg-oenhsit ’selt yas uyo hceso 01 saecs adn 10 ootcsrln dna tedanw to ookl ta ohw yamn eplepo s.okedm tI ow’ntudl kaem eesns to nhte say hte arevpaecln fo iynaraoihmgrpacon is 012/0 = .%05 +26
dr_trazobone69  akThn yu,o ahtt sakem a lto fo ee!ssn oS we cna sue ltaievre kirs (crohto sditue)s ot cealauctl lraepc?enve +1
sacredazn  otbozraen@ mHm I ktnih eth riwongd duwol be e,ky uyo oludc seu a rsvpiceptoe crhoto ot lecataucl ndeenici,c btu you tn’udolw be aleb ot dfni eacvnpleer of teh egn nopitopula ssnuel oyu hda reom .iofn I ktnih het poncetc si ahtt llaery to lecaautlc clepnearve uyo eedn a peoprr cologeci dtsyu ooknigl at v-pinleutlooapel .adat heT ywa it was owrdde ni teh oseitnqu aws yrtkic hought oll icens ewhn sha o“tnnca be teredimned orfm the nofi evgi”n ever eebn a rghti rawen.s +5
nwinkelmann  ansardcez@ khnta o!yu stih aws teh steb peliontnxaa to eus teh raer saieesd rionoms.pac edMa thrngvyiee keam os cmhu snsee dan luhpfeoyl lI'l caualtly tusj reemebrm it no,w denitsa of nrlaeing eth tdiafoc nda gniafil to reclla it all the tm.ei +1
hyperfukus  i susge hsit eakms snese tbu i d'not ndrensduta hyw ew aer dskae ot caaelcutl ti rfom etsabl kile ihts hent? si eehtr rmoe foin ni hets?o +
hello  sfrykueu@ph Teh btela was ngvie ecbause tath a 22 bleta is typclylia hwta you od see erndiragg daat rfo -carncsetloo uestids. fI het 22 lateb t'nwas c,nidlue thne lyetilrla vnryteeeo ulowd pcki cheiCo ""E as the eotrcrc eswarn cb/ uoy n'cta ltlecacau eimonthsg owtuhti gibne rdepviod emnurb.s Teh nereidfcef ni udignlnci eht ebtada-atl is htta 1. gaia,n ouy eden ot opterr a 22 tbale eubceas hatt si ipalyclty wtha uyo wlli see rednirgag dtaa rof a oncacl-seotr uydts and 2. yb icinngdlu the 22 ,lbtea it atacyull tsste if the t-ekatrets dzerelai taht eth data in hte 22* alteb edso tno help at lal iwth anctaicllug r-pavlcene-e becaesu aeorctco-sln steiuds REEVN reprot no naevpe.elrc +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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roF pleoep ikagsn wyh eth daat bleta aws neev ldedncui if ti asw ont deened ot rnwsea iths Q, erhe si a fuslue ptxlaio:nane

ehT eltab asw gveni ubaeecs a 22x alebt si cyliplyat wtah oyu do ese agdirnerg dtaa fro c-tsrcenooal tudseis.

fI het x22 blaet n'satw ieuddlc,n nhet trliylela eyovretne dowlu pcik ceohCi ""E as het rotcrec ewnars bc/ yuo na'tc calutcela tnosghime ttouwih begin deproivd ubnsrme.

Teh ecfeerdnfi ni nigiculnd hte ta-btalade is tt:ha

  1. n,giaA yuo dene to trpore a 2x2 albet scuebea htta is ciytllyap wtah yuo lwli ees eignarrdg adta rof a -esrnlaocotc ytusd


  1. by nduglciin teh 2x2 tbael, it ualctaly tsets if eth ttsaer-ekt ierzeald taht the aatd in teh 22x abetl edos otn hlpe ta all whti uaigccltnla a-cv-peenrle ecebasu -ostcaonclre suiesdt REENV rtreop no eepr.acevln
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hello  I asol anwt to add hatt het Q is ksgani tbuoa nsisuiits ni the ELRAENG otni,uopapl leiwnmeha hte Q-mets sssidcsue a -cstlranecoo uysdt that is dsnitgyu eth hrsitapnoeli of kimgsno a(n pxsreeu)o to envtpmeeldo fo sii.insstu To nthe sak w"tha si hte areleenpcv of tuisisins in teh eerlang optoa"niplu tytlola dardsreigs agkitn oint ccauont hte uoprexes of oimnsgk wihch aws het neiter esnrao fro the nI reoth dswr,o kigsna lnceeerpav wulod be veyr +1

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