enoSmeo aelpes hple em twih hsti (lasway ripts me :up) PHT ceassu neerscdia ivt D uprntodico ni id.eyn.k. rea ew ugsnimsa the dneascire THP 'ntca hcact up thiw eht enikyd ?fliruea sI it hte eellv ropri to THP ocisnomnetpa ahtt heyt an?tw :D
per@prkecrwbiata tahw it ksrow fro em ;;;; si infd eht irtsf toriybamaln os DCK owl oariiclctl n(o D t)vi g-t&--; is naong iasceren PTH gt-;&-- hte iyndek aer nto nowgkri ihrn,(occ eyht ton'd ellt u ternclye- you ntca; terrev a CKD os eth yeidkn erven gigon ot htacc up) ;t-g&- nraseeic niorganic p-huor&htsgp-.o;s awlysa tatrs ithw hte .lrpbeom I slao sue sthi fro iccela nad epsyt of co.kshs rttas iwht hte ,blpmero dna rtuts
m@ai3rimp kntah !yuo I lwil try uot uoyr yteatrgs entx mtei!! ):
I htugtho ernal fiyuicfenisnc &t;-g liyaiitnb ot rbaebosr ohespphta ta PTC t-;&g ersdeedac spepaohh?t
Can nmsooee xliapne why lirloitac si o?lw sI it sjut htta shi sikynde ear cufdke adn eh anc't kmae t?i So HTP si nicseigrna to try ot oelrw eth hsop nad easri hte tvi d tub eht sikyden aer keil ,llo" I a"cn't
konssy@ tpreyt uhmc yIpu!
n rylea aelnr lrauief ulo'ly ese ighh THP ellesv utb RAOMNL aC nda s.Poh seBecau tsi' bael ot eepk pu tub ryebl.a At a tniacer poitn uthohg, eht nkiedy bwos tou nad HPT si hhg,i hsPo si h,hgi a+2C si l,wo EPO is ol,w lclrctiiao si o,lw ieaCretn si ihhg, NBU si ghi.h
submitted by โbubbles(79)
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oCrchni anrel ffsninyiue:cic
)1 oopr poatheshp cleaearnc g-;-t& hghi userm ncagiirno ppsrsuhhooo
)2 gihh esumr hoehapstp -;>- xemlcseop wtih tialendv ioatnc aC tg-&-; aC fsall
3) Ca sllfa t;-g-& stgrierg HTP aisx
)4 iekynd iulrfae -g-t;& srdeeadec itaicvyt of eyy-axhds1orl ta the eyndki t--g&; sesl tclraloiic