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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man comes to the emergency ...
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submitted by hpsbwz(98)
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heT way I otg iths wsa firts abeds off the MI,R 'ist fidintyeel ton het ts,ahmoc sa i'ts no whree eanr hte mtah.cos nigGo ffo atth, eht nddmouue coesm griht ffo the tmoa,sch agdleni em ot laos rsocs hatt o.tu Tehn rofm hte mtes it dias FELT nDiaoalmIdbM ,iapn iglalwno em ot orscs otu exnppiad (sola no everf) dna reroeefth ceucm sa wel.l nlOy nranimegi eichco ryoe'u letf htwi is jjeu!num

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kevinsinghkang  T,C ont *RMI +

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submitted by mcl(670)
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heseT agiesm are slfuue in mbontin.ocia

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by medstudent(18)
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isTh is hwo I rnredawo ti don:w

It si on the .tlef Not euc,cm pda,epnix or cothasm it’s( eht way telf no TC adn .sal)ml

Tshi salvee ejmnjuu adn .dmoneduu tI si uct ni srsco tisocne chwhi senam it dwluo veha to eb atelroteeipnorr (2dn roiontp of due)omd.un uoY anc ese eht edysikn nad eiecsndngd lcoon ywa hbeidn .ti yikLle otn

ihTs seeval .uumnjje

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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Plseae elhp - who are ouy lbae ot ltel ahtt eth CT eiamg si nto ta hte lleve fo ?nouumdde

I n'tod okwn tahw 'mI koingol for to preocam nda atntcros a CT at eht elvle fo eht nudmoude sv het TC ivegn ni thsi .Q

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by iviax94(7)
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CT shswo mssa on hte telf dies of hsi baomend and rye’uo ldto ts’i sepuictn.nosutis sksA hcwhi prta of hte GI rttac si smto ylilek ot ecusa hte ainp. I eiilmetamdy oldoek rof eoaliclce ojinuctn ... not na nerasw choci.e Wyh is eht wrsnea jnjuume (v.s n?oedu)mud

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liverdietrying  Teh ipuetrc si yke er’Yuo thigr tath lacoeilec is stmo ,mconom tbu eoili-llae dna loeuj-nenjjjau ear eth next msot omoncm I( itnkh I gimht sjtu knwo sthi frmo hganiv oend riehslpksc lydr,aea nto esru). ilao-llIee nts’i an raenws, os ahtt urels ttah uot. okoL at rewhe teh rsoraw aer nigiptno ni eht pctriue as well. tIs no het ,L grniul uto aepndxpi nad u.mcce Adn eht leics is nto at hte level of the oeuunddm, nirlgu tou that awnsr.e So yb cesrpso of lioianitmne edasb on teh prcieut you duocl gte htis eno too. +6
dr.xx  enuedaoluDond-do cptetisiossnunu si a rear sceeuab fo hte tteorrprieloaen finxotia of eth mou neud.drcMoe4/hil/vih/56:.5w.4ncgmb./sapnt//m.lt9PwipcswtCn2 +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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snusoctpusneIti si gleyneral ucased yb a kgloecba in hte IG ttcar cduase yb a motu,r plo,py vitmeiu,culrd or sujt iimbotilym ta aptr of eth c.ttar

)1 My otuthhg asw hatt eht enpitat had a lkMece ril dmcueivtu yse it pheansp ni 2 tefe mofr the lacceoile ;veavl ubt ttha is ni uabto 2% of eht pnlpouiato

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hpsbwz  ceeklM diuevritucml fsilte ccrsuo in 2% fo hte onp.lptuioa oAsl it woudl enetsrp mcuh sneoor rtehra tahn in a 82 raey odl anm. +2
osler_weber_rendu  Mseeclk is an atniildnec nidinfg in 8%9 .nepattsi l(nyo %2 omi taI)tptymcs si a ellw nnwko dlea tnopi orf epcutntusnsiiso +3

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by lnsetick(107)
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owH are ouy bael to llet ahtt eth TC cilse is not ta teh vllee fo uo?eunddm

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zelderonmorningstar  I nthki eth llams tiinteesn rnrowsa sa uoy go gao,nl os uejnujm wlodu msto eiyllk snstui toni het noumdd.ue +1
yotsubato  uodemnuD si difxe to het pteaelitnrrreoo ,awll adn losa ahs lost fo dname lsveess hcdeaatt ot ,it nalog tihw teh atacriyicaobnplier utcd nad llaaump. tI nact lreyla pnu.ssitescut +1
gh889  oYu dlusoh sola onkw ttha het nuoeddum si slotma lyuerp on eht tgirh sdei fo eth ybod +36

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