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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A 48-year-old man begins furosemide therapy ...
Decreases the luminal permeability to Na+ in the collecting duct ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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olpneooStanicr nad rneenlpoee era atii-usrappsgmsno ierustcicd thta niiibth het KN/a KN/a saTPeA is on the aatlselobar a.ermmebn Neno fo teh aresnw hcicsoe fti hwti hsti.

Aoimiedrl dan ieettmrnrae era also ssoatpnpgr-uamisi iric.tuesd hTe acmimshne is to ockbl aCEN nealsnhc no the nlmilua e,bmrnema ihst si icohec ."B"

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submitted by โˆ—j000(17)
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poonsclntraoei adn epelreeonn rea aleotsondre etrcopre snnoaatgti htye( kclob teh fftece fo osltoedrane yb bincglko hte lsertlaobaa /aNK esPATa mp,pu) hsti si nto hte asme ihtng sa lbgkiocn a slaterolaab K+ a.elchnn They kbocl adn ecrdaees hte oiusmaspt dnoio.cuctn eehrT si on etbroalslaa K+ claennh

fi the ()A erwe ot say edeserac" +K ocndtoiunc ni gecnotcill duct" atth thimg eb tcreocr

os B() is torcre.c iaenmrTter nda aemoilidr klboc N+a elhcnna on aacpil na(lmilu deis) e,dsi aecesrde taepibmelyri fo a+N

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submitted by biliarytree220(13)
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dhuSlo seu a smasirsgnippuoa-t rtduieci (FA 91.)5 errtnmTaiee nad ildmareoi krow yb ongckbli NCEa achle.snn

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submitted by just_1more(1)
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I ogt ahtt ti endeed ot eb a itapmossu ipasrgn du.tecrii Is theer a esanro ti ancton be an nloasdtoree aaointtgsn? I hoecs ksobcl ltraboalsae +K nehncsal as teseh ersdeeca the lsoaraaletb P+//eaNTaKs+A cbeueas teh wognidr of eht crercot wrsena ddi ont kaem esesn to me -- ungmsisa eyth rwee ngiog fro na NCaE bcelrok dn(a tath scerdeaed inlamul irimlebteapy ctsdaiien atth Na+ ldouw eb neirganmi in eht ,umenl tno iaergninm in eht piiclnrap llec as I rinlayolig tohh).ugt

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luckeroo  I nthki hte oenasr iโ€™st a oipmspsautrg-nais eciriudt heartr ahnt an teadnolsore atnontasgi sah less ot do ihtw hwy het eletrnsdaoo anstatiogn nconat eb udse nad orem ot od iwth eht tfca thta a app-iiarsgmtusnso teidicur duolw be oerm fo a sfir-eltโ€œโ€in vunecjdati ctdreuii ermttntea. +2
luckeroo  As rof het wenras ,ieocch aspimusot pnisagr idtiuersc ihcaeev tiher lvorale odinrsetlt-aaoen cffeet by tvptimeolceyi nngiitihib osatdeelorn srtpeocre no the nlttiisatier iesd dcgisrenea( hte N/KAPseaaT- teceff of thusgnni Na otin the od,l)bo bereyht esrdcaneig eth neigrdat for odmsiu to etern the elcl mfor the anullim ast,cpe ilcnbkog .aCEN +10
yotsubato  rheeT si no hsuc ithng as tlraosea"lBa K alChnen" theer is olyn baersatlloa imudoS mtPssaiou psmPu ichhw aer oerlocdlnt by edo.srnotale F A gp 357 +11
nwinkelmann  uosato@byt ..L..OL wyh d'nitd I ntikh of it taht w?!tha y(b het ,yaw thta LLO is rof .em) heT lyno lsalteaabro K nnachle si hte epohnnr saedb( no teh rftis dia t)picure si in the ctkhi cednnisag ilmb fo eht oopl of .enelh +1
hello  enioptocSnoral adn lneproeeen era nsaopspirgis-utam dciierustc hatt bithini hte /KNa PTaAe,s so Im' not uers twha ulekr@ooc is rrrnfieeg .ot looanneprStcio nda nrnpoeleea rea otbh ADLO nistg. Nstaaa/Kon easPTA si dnfou on the ltrselbaoaa reem.abmn Nneo fo teh rewsna scoceih fti hiwt hemAodr si.ltii dna meeetatnirr ear oals asisrng-uspmatopi iict;dersu ihetr shceimnma si ot olbkc EaCN shnecaln no eth ilanuml rm,eanbme hsti si iceohc .""B +2
rxfit  ormF tnuagKz darBo weev:Ri trcapoelnn"ioSo dan epnneloree rea tdeisro dvvtisireea dan atc sa pcgociaolhram ssoatiatngn of ralnotdeose ni het cllteocgin sulebu.t yB bnnmgioci htiw dna bocinlgk het tliercaulalrn rtneosdaleo ,peoerrct sehet surgd rcuede the siospernex of ngees htta doce rof teh ehealiiplt idomsu noi cenlhan Ca(N)E and K/+aN+ a.seTAP lidoremiA nad aimetrneter cat yb kcibgonl hte NECa dsomui anlcshne Fu(egri 15)5.โ€“ heTes( usrgd od ton bkclo NaI slhncnea in ieceatbxl bm)enremas. prtaiSeoonnlco nad ornnlpeeee evha swol sosten nda ftssefo of ctaoin 4โ€“272( .)h ioliArmed adn netmrreetia vaeh ndauiotsr fo cantio fo 2412โ€“ .h" oS tboh nrgi-asKp ubtespsy ear heayctllcni tccrr.eo +1

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submitted by volleyboy119(1)
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tI oe'dnst rmtaet hwich tpspsiriugmaoa-ns edtcurii oyu .ues oYu nac ltisl egt ot stih s.rewna dlAreoneost nlaromly elrapgueuts aN/K TaPAse ni het rcpalnipi leslc of teh ,CD ddresecae +aN rlaa,relcinlulty whcih selad ot iaeedsncr ENaC .ivaitytc or/arcninloeoeeneoneltSpp lwli iithbni ihst iupnegltraou fo C,NaE leagdni ot sdcederea parieibltyem to a+N ni eht CD.

Ovb aliemorid and entmeerrtia llwi cobkl ipciaplnr ellc ENC.a tIs' all in eht esma lacss so hyte ilwl lal dela to hits tfecfe :)

AF 2091 pg 357

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submitted by โˆ—usmle11a(102)
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isnlotcernopoa cats sa na oasrneeltod anoistngat hciwh nasem edricegsan +aN mliieyabrpte

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j000  i tnhik ete'yhr eierrnrfg ot iaeemnetrtr nad air,deimol not enpacnotosirol oplersaicntono esdt'on ylulcata eseecadr Na+ timarpbyeile +1
jackie_chan  @j000 It sodent me,tart porsi nda aieemnmr/tatrodeeiril vaeh a ocnmom ectffe fo ssengmi twih ACsedoEno rt.aleN apgeuerustl ,aNCE ropis udowl hnitiib ahtt os in etfecf ulwod cdaeeesr niullam iyplreteaimb to aN in uctd edu ot ferew NCEa ;nshnalce rnttaeeriem ulwod kbloc hte clnneah yt,clerdi meas etff ce.dkmtpl/id_orhe//prmtptuone:apuapiw.inrskmtupb/awtchdeaitdsi./g.ueeissu_h +1

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