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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A 48-year-old man begins furosemide therapy ...
Decreases the luminal permeability to Na+ in the collecting duct ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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liooarpoencSnt and lenpeeoern are pmspsganu-oriiats ecritdsuci htat nitibih het /NKa eATs.aP K/aN TAaPse si no teh arolbtaalse mrbeeamn. Noen of het nwaesr osccehi tif ithw

imerldioA and temrteeanri are olas pnasrp-aiutsgisom iiedrs.utc hTe hncmiemsa si ot lkobc aENC aslcnneh on het uanmlli eenm,mrba tshi is ohicec "."B

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submitted by โˆ—j000(17)
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nlpcnreoooiast nad eeolrepnne aer orlsaeeodtn pcrtoere toaagintsn h(yte bcolk teh ftecfe fo lrnseoaodte yb nklbocig hte alsreltoaba a/NK eTsaAP m),upp tish is nto eth esma nhtig sa lkcoinbg a slratlaaboe K+ lceahnn. yeTh lckbo dan edscaree eth mutspsaoi .ntdoiccoun Teehr is on tlalreaosba K+ acnheln

fi het ()A reew ot ysa r"seeeadc K+ ocnuodctin ni lceotligcn tucd" atht mhigt be cecrrto

os B)( is nmTatieerr dna iamdielro olbkc aN+ ncehnla on lpacai lunlm(ai )dies ,isde eesdecar epaltmiiybre fo +aN

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submitted by biliarytree220(13)
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dohSlu ues a ingapustipora-sms uietcrdi FA( 5).19 Tnrriameeet nad oaiiledrm krow by lgocinkb ECaN hsncanl.e

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submitted by just_1more(1)
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I tog atth it dneede ot eb a outsmapis nrgsiap iuired.ct Is rhtee a aonsre ti cnonta eb na otdlaensoer nit?tasango I hoecs kbcosl esoaltlraba K+ lhcneans as hetes reedseac the orltelbsaaa //T+sKaaNP+eA easubec teh rgdwoin fo het erccrot aesrnw ddi ont keam seens to em -- mansgius ythe wree ggion for an aNCE lbceokr dn(a that eascederd almnuil iyletarpeibm nictsedia atht aN+ lwodu be nirgeniam ni teh le,umn otn geminairn ni hte nacplprii lcle sa I rliaylngio )htgtu.oh

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luckeroo  I kinht eth neoasr sโ€™ti a oug-maitpassrspni rtduieci rthrea ahtn an tleorsnoeda gsatatnnio ahs essl to od iwht hwy eth sareedltono snatatgnoi nconat be esud nad reom ot do hwti eth fact atth a -upsitpmnrogassia iriuedct duolw eb meor fo a โ€ie-fiโ€œsrltn aeinjctuvd eruticid ten.rmeatt +2
luckeroo  sA orf eth wserna ccoei,h iuomstasp psrgnai edtirusic eecvhia hteir rlavole etd-seilontoanar fefcte yb peietcmolvtyi gbihniitin enrotdlosea rcstpeoer no hte tiiilsrntaet eids gesicd(rnea eht e-/aTaPNKAs tceeff fo stngnuhi Na tnio hte lod)ob, beetyrh rendesgaic eht dteiagrn ofr msuiod ot etrne the clel ofrm eht nmuaill catpes, ikgnolbc Ca.EN +10
yotsubato  eeTrh is no csuh nithg sa aae"laosrtlB K eh"nClan ehtre is ylno lrboaatslea uSidmo saoutisPm pmsPu wihhc aer elrdntcloo by nsdr.eaolteo F A pg 357 +11
nwinkelmann  tt@bsuaooy ...L.OL ywh it'ndd I khtin of it atth thw?a! yb( teh y,wa taht OLL si ofr )me. eTh nyol abalesraotl K nncleha is teh orhpnen eadsb( on eth frist aid ip)cuert is in the ikthc diensnacg lmbi fo teh loop of h.nele +1
hello  ecSooonalpnrti dna releonenep rea opsmgsapri-iunsat uidecrsitc tath btihiin eht aKN/ eTAs,aP so Im' otn seur awht l@cuoekro si iegenrrfr .to lnoeapooiSrctn adn neeaprnelo aer tbho LOAD tNtoaia/a TsaPeA is uofdn no teh bertasloaal emn.arbem neoN fo het ewasnr eciochs fti whti tiA.m dihirelso nda eemrrinttea era oals ismurispntasa-ogp u;sriedict reiht anhcmsmei si to ocbkl EaCN sannchle on het linmual mameenbr, isht is cieohc .""B +2
rxfit  rFmo atuKgnz Brdoa wv:iRee "noaScnletropoi and reepnnleoe aer seitrod sitavedevri and atc sa omgahaloccpri saittognasn fo alsdoteenor in teh nlcecoligt ublsut.e By iimcnbnog tiwh and incbolkg het aulelrialtncr dnsateroeol tr,eorecp htsee ugsdr euerdc hte seepnsriox fo nsgee thta cdeo fro teh htiaeliepl uosdim ion nlcaenh ()ENaC dan N+a+K/ a.sATeP olAmdiier dna ittnaeemerr atc by nbilkgoc het aENC duimos clansenh uiFre(g 15)5.โ€“ eTse(h rsdgu od nto clobk NIa ehsnalnc in xlabteeic emre.s)manb loinpertncaSoo nad rnpeeeoenl ehva wsol etsons and ffsteso fo oactin 2โ€“2(74 .)h rlmdiiAeo nad metrtenaire eavh ouardnist of naotci of 212โ€“4 ".h oS hotb grK-nasip bsusptey rea ccnlliehyta cor.cert +1

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submitted by volleyboy119(1)
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tI tonsd'e ttrmae hwich risga-pmauosspnit rueiidct you es.u oYu acn sitll get ot this .wsnare oseoerlndtA rlyamlon eeugstularp a/NK esPTaA ni eth ipancrpli lelsc of eth ,CD careeedsd Na+ larrlynlut,lacei hicwh delsa to ancreesid ENaC .itaicytv tranpSorellneoineocene/po will iibthni hits niorpeltuagu of NCE,a dalgien to ddreeseac pbitieeaylrm ot +Na ni teh DC.

vbO diramelio dan rentereimat lwil lokbc icinrppal lcel Ca.EN s'It lal ni hte aems asslc os yhte iwll lal deal to sthi feeftc ):

FA 9210 pg 753

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submitted by โˆ—usmle11a(102)
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icsonerlnootpa csta as an erolatosnde taignsnota whhci nesma egaendircs +aN bmylepiatrie

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j000  i htkni ter'yeh frnierreg ot mtreneairte nda oiiaed,mrl ont plotsncnaoeior aotolrspneo icn tsdno'e lcaytula cerdseea Na+ yepiibltamer +1
jackie_chan  00j@0 tI nsdeot taermt, sopri dan dtrolraram/eitiemieen ahve a mocmno cetfef fo gnmiess tiwh NsAno.ElCtoe adre tueelupgras ,ENCa sproi oldwu tiiihbn ttah os ni tecffe uodlw eradecse ulmnail epeirytaibml to aN in utdc eud to eefrw CNEa nneah;slc rertetanemi uwdlo clbok het lhenanc ylt,iecrd seam f.fcte ertdua_pidhlr.tob/ +1

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