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NBME 20 Answers

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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nI rdeor for a durg ot be erceald by het iyn,edk ti mtus srfit eb erlfetdi ni hte ge.lroilmu usgrD hwti a gihh VD hvae mreo fo the dgru ni hte isstue atht era ont abellavai ot edfilrte yb eth edink.y ugDsr hitw hihg rinteop bgidnni 'twno be fitreeld eih.rte oS oyu want a udgr ihwt olw Vd nad olw dgbinin fi uyo tnaw ti dcrleae iva het neksdyi dna eni.ur

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zevvyt  But a owl VD sdrrseoocnp to ghih mlaaPs gniinBd aeonAirnott(nCcF 33,2 ).2019 'thTas ym inam oinfuosnc with hsit nto.ueiqs +3
kevin  fI ts'i hihg apamsl ,nndbigi nhet si't olw d.V utB, lwo DV e'dsont ylenacreiss rieureq ghhi mslapa bnigdn.i owL dV nac imlsyp be ude ot ti giebn a lgear opalr elcmeuol +3
topgunber  So you eth nsnocifuo is taht DV fo 1 samne it ytsas in teh ncuotiracil/ sulrtniacarva t.pmenratmco sThi udlow eamk ouy nkiht that it duwol ibnd yhilgh to poinrte ni seuaceb fo hte owl VD. tBu mi mussaing fi it obdun rnietspo ti duowl ont be deerlac yb eht ,iyendsk so if sith hda a low VD ac(n eb lcdeera ta )rgolueulsm adn if ti budon saplma seirntop yeakwl s(waoll hte nkyeid to letifr teh cstbn)uesa neht it can eb reltdife noit eth rlbautu nemlu. Nwo het apk. saBse henw attopndoer ph( deurn htire pk)a beocem gradch,e hlwie sdaci ta ph erund tiehr kap gte adorotentp rea H,CUAREGDN nmagien in dciica neuri adsci omeceb roem pliploihcil and cna uidsffe tuo fo the tulaubr nlum.e If ew dema the nueri emro ab,sic nthe ew wnat to tteenopoard teh iadc (ph ghrehi ntha kap) os ti wlil eanirm ukcts ni eht ubltura lneum sa an +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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Kap si Hp ta whcih yan urgd is at sit 50% odieniz tts.ea

oNw we ear kal urnie .ei inc Hp. hnwe ppKHgta;& it wlil have owt dfif paht orf icicda gdru ;p&ma csiba g.udr

iiAccd rgud ilwl nci sti iamilnentio cni( ziieodn ,)ofmr ibsca rudg will be mroe bs.srd aoobe we edne to wokn hte rudg si bsica d/ic.aic

wNo if u akl iunre sti miiitnelaon ci.n os ti ahev to eb ai.icdc ro u nac wnok tis a dosi lats of rdug ithw SCN erpproyt e.i otsm ilke anbPloerhitab aWek( di)ac

so fi apK fo rdug si -t6-a- Hp 7 ew lwli astrt negtinailim

but fi pKa is 0 ew ende ot aiser Hp fo nurei at 11 to ttars igmaetialnnti. htat niopt epvr gdur pK(=)a6 woldu be oallytt otu of messty.

httas hwy A si the tgirh asn aKp( = 6)

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charcot_bouchard  nCrcoteiro : Nto .0 i smena fi paK is 10 +3
charcot_bouchard  2nd etpuda : tcno to anlre holsoc aedgr m.ceh if paK t;&g 7 it is e.bsa dan fi Kpa si t;l& 7 it is dc.ia iencS ew elsdishebta hte udrg evah ot eb a wkea aicd aKp cnat be rmeo hnat 7. +
dbg  tnhska, utb aPk dan HP ear nto at lal eht aesm htnig +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by monoloco(155)
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If uyo tawn ot lecra a ,dgur ti is aybbropl ebst taht it not be ubodn to epnstoir o(s tath it setg t)redlefi dna ti sha a wol mvluoe of nuriidisobtt (os it si'tn ni eth edpe, ahrd ot echar essi.)stu

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kingtime9119  uBt htta 'snodet akme gePa 332 fo tFirs idA 1029 otiedni rlaecly ttessa hatt iebng alamsp rioenpt noubd aersetc het wlesot uelovm fo ,ittuodriibns ebscuea nto biegn dbnuo to eniporst saensierc the ncceha ti lilw cehar deep tnio eht eussits feroeb it eserhca eht de.iknys yracspcinDe itwh strFi i?dA +
haliburton  my sngieaorn asw nipamgcor otw sg,udr hotb wtih Vd of 1, eht rdgu hwti teh ewlor ianmlub nigidnb uodlw be edealcr sfarte @iknge.tim I ot'nd hknti r'ouey dincoengirs htta A dan B avhe lueaq dV. +8
whyisthis42dollars  enigB alpmsa dbnuo yam rteeac the wlstoe ,Vd tub it tden'os maen 'sti gigon to be idftreel yb the dny.kei emaS aneors hyw nrbue-odonpit ulmaicc 'stni direetlf by eth uoerY' iengttg oot nguh up on ,Vd ubt tha'ts lyno neo rpat fo het qenuiota .eehr +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by lispectedwumbologist(122)
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naC eymobosd speael naxplei hwy het Kpa has to be 6 itensad of ?10

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masonkingcobra  neSci an ioendzi rfmo si cghaedr by( ien)fdonii,t ti lilw nto yeilas soscr a orpnaonl pilid aebre.nmm sTu,h it si taomirnpt to orcgnzeei hte loatteipn fo eht ugrd to oiezin ni redro to ptrdice sit uiyibsltol dna the degere to icwhh it acn be o.raesdrebb Teh ederge of ninaizotoi si emdeentird by eth ud’rsg Kap nda teh Hp fo sit omneti.nvner Waek dcsia dna sesba are 50% nieizod dan %05 nnoeidziu wneh eht nnosuduigrr pH aqusle het sgu’dr Kap. At 2 Hp ustin evoba or ewblo eth pKa of eht r,dug nyearl %001 fo teh rgud si zodniie ro znin.dieuo +4
masonkingcobra  lciyaBals wkea aicds are sbte teedcexr in nialkela uinre, ubt ewka esasb are exretecd oemr yaridel ni acdi iren.u +
masonkingcobra  In muym,ars beacseu ihts si a aewk acid ta pKa ,6 nkmgia eht nriue llaeanki wlli utelsr ti tsi nootaziini dan iorxnec.te dnzoeIi antc eovm ghrouth pdlii remnmbeas so a'tcn gte drbrbseeoa dan is pdises .tou +20
yex  iowogFlln no gsonnakobimrac o:aaienn txApl pKa -49 can eb iteher akwe aicd or eWse baka. ciad pKa ;47- gtsorn iadc pKa ka1e3 -W seab paK 7-;9 gstorn ebas Kpa evoab fife9snt eDr p:Hs cha:tmso 1-2 :dmundeuo 5-3 yelar ujujnm:e -57 ealt njuej:um 9-7 miu:el ;g&t9 ienru: k.e54a W-8 sadic a(pK) stge saebobdr in cidaic (pH) rnmvstneoine dna eelrdca in b.csai kaeW sseab sget aeodsbbr ni sacib nevronimetns nad elraecd in .acidci TSIH ODES NTO PLPYA TO SROGTN ESBAS OR DC!A!T eh!!IS tsbe aninpeaxtlo rof iths si a hiemocB lruteec fmor sPas oraPrgm dan it si ielbaaval no eoYu,Tub sit gnlo tub it is ofr usre ortwh !it! koLo orf 91 imBhoiytcesr 1 orfm asPs Pargmro no bu.YoTeu +3

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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grhialt etls do htis. soem fo eth tecomsmn eerw aleyrl lwle pilda,nxee veeowrh im oingg ot rty natoreh o.true ltse dlae itwh aKp cnsie the erhot omtsemcn lixedaaenp Vd wlle ehg.nuo sdouk f.sle/aesflllo

rifst tgihn si yuo veha ot edteiemnr fi its na daic ro b.sae 09% of teh imte ist ngoig to be a aewk a,cdi we mlsiep notd ueftalmor mhuc tiemidoncsa sa sseab in erln.age olsa ist uiodsm aslt nad CSN so uoy knwo it hsa ot eb eoaatihbl.rbpn spte 1() owl Kpa esman icda (.)74- you smut ownk .hsti (2) you msut wnok taht lal cdisa atstr fof lutaenr adn etnh eslo an oni g-;t&- obnecimg dna lla saebs rastt off hraegdc adn etnh soel an oin ot ebcemo ulrtaen ih(ts is hyw we dnto sue iabcs gsdru ceuebsa itsh rualnet chareg ash a hihg vd adn ssptdoei in ssuetis = dab ni eydrell). yuo tnaw acrhedg cb thsta hwta is pidcrlhioyh aak pee ti u.ot )(3 exnt esu wath i sujjt asid and lapyp ti to hist r:hact

+2 = %99

1+ = %09

1- = %10

2- = 1%

het tisfr bmerun errsntepes hte fefeciednr weenebt pH nad Kap Kap( si iegnv yb the uesiontq )wys,ala pH is hawt uyo dncageh ehnw uoy dalalezkin teh .nuire so orf iths quieonts it luowd e:b paKHp- = hgih siacb luaev t;(g7&) msniu pak ( kawe daic ).-74

now het nscedo eenacgpter epersrnets eth cgeetaeprn of iisocdedast tponr.o os rof an ,iacd hyet lwil ecboem dh,gearc thsi neams atht fi het cdfeenerfi bentwee the hp and paK si vero +1 enht 90% fo the icad liwl og fmro aurtenl ot hacerg.d fi teh hp si 2+ rgaetre nhat pKA hnet 99% of teh cida ilwl evha lots sit nptoro nad ceomeb dgerach

selt erzsiumma hist: wree dtlo ist a awke iacd = kaa apK etenebw 4-.7 we tnaw to egt ot teka eth keaw daci mrfo sit utnealr rofm into a dcgahre mrfo to etg ird of i.t so we leilanzkaa the nuier, usaceeb sseba aer gerihh pH ouy llwi teg a reom + nbumre thus the wake dcia liwl go omfr unltaer to crhdgea adn be teexrec.d

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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I saw wnderiong if ti was ot lolwa for alpatir NCS enettnraiop nsiec het grdu is soedulpsyp uepdsosp ot aveh NCS ecetff

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by sha2507(0)
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rfo eakw pHk=aasi cpd + ogl AAH(/()-) kaa esnherdno blsschaaeh qe iioufant uoy oslev ,isth ly'oul gte ttah Hp - kpa = ()aA(olgH)n/dA - enth ignaa oyu wlil teg 01 ot owper hp - akp = HA.A-/ eR[fre ot lnki in mw]on omtsnce ironcdegsin ttah teh hp fo uor dybo si 37. h wmee,sngito acn selov rof akp 10 nda akp 6 nisgu sith fulTa thorm.a si ofr pka 6 adn dybo ph ,3.7 it liwl eb 01 ot eht prwoe of 1.,3 lowdu neam that HA/A otiar si a ivpotsie brmne,u plinigym ttha -A &;gt .HA aehwres for wnhe akp si ,10 hte /AH-A iortan is 10 to oewrp fo 27-., gnnmeia atht &g.A;t-HA

dnA as dlayrea oedntnmie ni the aobev ontmsem,c ew nede na cinoic f,mro ot tmnaiiele eht r,gud it lduow eb ferrrpeed if the pka si 6 as in atth ae,cs A)iico(-n olwud eb ni erom octeton.raninc

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sha2507  .ksmvoqr/b/sefl--rhhbtw-eseoswkytrloicd-auioi/gfrliha-bifuitdreeas-hacpaip/ed-n/ucou/bswnnef/symiietsa:cchfrrnapmua/-.npeterr fe ot itsh vedi,o to usterddnna ti a titell rbetet, and ofr eth raloumf tihw teh bel,at pski to 7:62 +

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submitted by kingtime9119(0)
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t[mnecmo dmveo to emtcsombn]u

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submitted by sway(0)
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so htwa if iths wsa dneiesvr ewrhe het dugr ni sqoneiut aws a bsae dan atht ireun swa eiiad.iifdc nowk het paK wuodl eend ot be t;7g& utb wtha tuaob hte pH

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submitted by haliburton(225)
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coentm[m vemdo to mtecbmon]su

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