Increased ICP would present with the cushing reflex (hypertension, bradycardia, irregular respirations). This occurs because during increased ICP, the brain will compress cerebral arteries causing reduced cerebral perfusion. As we all know, cerebral perfusion pressure = MAP - ICP, and thus the body will force a pressor reflex to raise the MAP to try to keep the brain perfused.
Unfortunately, this causes reflexive bradycardia due to the baroceptor reflex activating. The irregular respirations are because the brainstem is compressed.
Since our patient does NOT have the classic cushing triad, you can rule out increased ICP.
.mmmH lWle ym inmd hsa bownl fof ueacesb hawt hti ym nmid was rnhdityedoa nisec eh wsa in het et.dser As oson as my idnm atesrtd to wnadre utbao all of the roeht nposoit taht coudl emka se..nes. I just dkcceli dna d!mveo
lbdgiene + rsspeeur dwon elp+us pu lueqa hipoemlvyco sohck
I ufond sthi tbaou derias PI:C rn"Pietsoneta of iadser acitlaninrar spurseer = dheaecah, eipmlep,dala igovnua,me/atisn wesor in het ignmnro sa CIP iesars ndirgu hte gthni sa a eqnonecesuc of eccbmneo,yr a eirs ni 2COP rugind eples daseuc by tyoprraseri rsnedispoe, and bbaopryl a recesdae in FSC oont,bpsrai lrypipalu lta,ioidn ospti,s irepimda ,egaz raiyerptsor ir,teiyraglur ,SAM dna aehncsg in ,BP ,RH nda riertpsoray nttepar era lyuulsa tlea ssngi fo rsiaed ICP nad aeldert ot imabtsner tioodtsnri or a.mhie"csi
'tWsha hte ycomesehs sspoepud to eb a elcu auobt? osDe hist ttanipe heva D?IC esoD CID swalay suace hvomiypolce cksho?
Disseminated intravascular coagulation. A disorder characterized by procoagulant substances entering the general circulation causing a systemic thrombotic process. The activation of the clotting mechanism may arise from any of a number of disorders. A majority of the patients manifest skin lesions, sometimes leading to PURPURA FULMINANS
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daM ta lyfems rof hgnagnic ym na.wres
tlFayu ciolg maed em onerdw if gtitihn oyur dhea udolw udceas siaeedrcn CPI ,os leik a uchnsig ,eurcl yuo udlwo tge dncreaesi Vsagu rneve vtitcyia and myaeb radraicydab + nhein.posyot utB I seugs teh RAAS tysmse wdulo aevh atecruocdetn ahtt and asedcu vcsaoncorotinits roev 42 uohsr, so viloymecoHp ocksh is lndeifitey eth etsb h.oeicc
wasyAl dlhous go ihwt het voisbou aernws ):