Increased ICP would present with the cushing reflex (hypertension, bradycardia, irregular respirations). This occurs because during increased ICP, the brain will compress cerebral arteries causing reduced cerebral perfusion. As we all know, cerebral perfusion pressure = MAP - ICP, and thus the body will force a pressor reflex to raise the MAP to try to keep the brain perfused.
Unfortunately, this causes reflexive bradycardia due to the baroceptor reflex activating. The irregular respirations are because the brainstem is compressed.
Since our patient does NOT have the classic cushing triad, you can rule out increased ICP.
mHmm. Wlel ym midn ash wolbn ffo scubaee whta tih my nmid asw hedtryaniod niesc he wsa in eht st.rede As oons as ym mind aettdsr ot wrande btuoa all of eht etorh piotons hatt duclo emak I juts iclkdec dan veo!md
ieegdnbl + rpsserue wdno +peusl pu luqea opcoimvhley ksohc
I unfdo tihs ubota sidera CPI: inP"naoetsret fo rdieas iairntcralan uesprres = aehachd,e pplamdila,ee /imiat,ognusvane eowsr ni eth gmnnroi as CIP asisre indrug teh ihgtn sa a ecncosnquee fo yr,necmecbo a iesr in PCO2 rungid eepsl scedau by iapsrtyerro sredpe,osin adn ybrblopa a esrdeeac ni CFS ibtrsaonp,o ralulppiy ,tadniilo sipo,st deaipimr zaeg, irtrasropye giiurl,earytr ,MAS dna csneagh in P,B HR, and rpirysoaetr ptrnate era lusuyla leta snsig of iadser PIC adn redalte ot bmienasrt tdinosrtoi or i"sei.mcah
'tshaW eht eosmeycsh edpsospu ot be a lcue b?outa sDeo itsh ptaneti veah C?ID soeD ICD wlasay caues hopmoycliev o?hskc
Disseminated intravascular coagulation. A disorder characterized by procoagulant substances entering the general circulation causing a systemic thrombotic process. The activation of the clotting mechanism may arise from any of a number of disorders. A majority of the patients manifest skin lesions, sometimes leading to PURPURA FULMINANS
submitted by ∗sympathetikey(1600)
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aMd ta syfmle ofr gancghin ym s.ranew
taulyF lgioc dmae me oerwnd if itthgni your ehad owldu cduaes deeracnis ICP o,s ilke a ugischn lc,uer oyu wuodl egt eerciasdn gsuaV veern tayciivt adn ymabe dybdcaraair + pienontshyo. tuB I gsuse hte AARS symset uoldw aveh atectneoudcr ttah dan esdcau scntortioascnvoi ovre 42 uhors, so ycliemHpvoo cohsk si ndiyeftlei het bste h.eoicc
syawAl uohlds go thiw teh obiovus rwnase :)