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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 44-year-old man is admitted to the hospital ...
Increasing cGMP ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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nriecsea in PcMA s(G) - ta2eb - aoltnaisdvoi

eercdaes in MPcA )Gi( - pah2al - ivoitasntsnocorc

ersciaen in IP3 AGD G)(q - a1lpha - rnnvoacstticioso

ceaisren in GcPM - 3M - ON cddunei inosaltvodai

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cytotoxict  laAph 2 notgsisa do ont seauc iccnvtntrsaoioso c/b ythe ldae ot avetgnie ebfekadc fo eprion adn shut reeasecd cpeyithtmas nsopsere +1
payingforthisisdumb  2AF0 17p3 ia2tg-sฮฑson niresaec GcMNPO/ dna easdvitola +
sarahs  hyw is sgneaeirdc APcM ?gorwn +1
hiroshimi  aa:ss@hr uoy twna ot cieraens MPAc eucbaes ti uolwd lead to vosnidiaotla and hpel to seaeecdr shi obdol rsu.seerp scrgiDanee APcM olduw keam sih PB .oswre +
fatboyslim  laa2ph oltistiuamn scusae lnaivosioatd scubeae ti is ithyypast.colm +

simple rule of thumb is

Calcium --> vasoconstriction (smooth muscle constriction) -- > must be Gq (alpha 1, v1)

rise in cAMP and cGMP both vasodilation (cAMP by inhibiting MLCK, cGMP by activating MLCP) so whoever causes vasodialation must increase either. cGMP is niche (NO, ANP) so most of the time it is rise in cAMP --> must be Gs (beta 2)

only exception is M3 it rises calcium (Gq) but in endothelial cells , not vascular smooth m. cells, so NO produced and causes vasodialation via rise in cGMP (again!)

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—vi_capsule(21)
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THN gm,receeyn iodumS teuir.sNdirpso lUinke azyldreainh a celbadan oaartsovldi e(nvi = ie)ltaorr

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sympathetikey  leWl he,tn I guses ew sluohd tujs feotgr ouatb ruo dol aspl eth p2l-Aha dos Gsa.ongoti clal. I tdi'nd enve ese that this aws sepvryhnteie e.eryemgcn uDmb on ym +
zup  so eay liioencnd lwuod eb seud fro tnvhpryeesie urcyegn, ubt isht ugy is rove 801 21)0( so eyth ahev ot ues tnimhseog klie iayzaledrhn ro sorntpuirides obht will sainerce GcMP +
whoissaad  suDgr euds ot rtate TNH e eoieodeuddanvpNnNrg scoml: riCalLtceeeb ylFe enianairspedCntdnim ioolipilrip +18
lola915  Hizyandreal ayctlalu dvaalstiose esis&riretnvte;ga nad rudpiosertsNi ivadotsslae rtereasi = visen. toBh senicera MGPc. +12
vi_capsule  OS sith tsei gose etfra eynom onw! ta aslte my mscemtno art'ne dbscralme lol +2

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