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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man develops urinary ...
Pelvic nerves ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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nymhysoacie pdstoe this aergt cpi olweb

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eacv  rhee is a edovi rfo iatitlrsoun WuapUewmhwx0-utt//:ScN.vo./vsobttkycwwos=h? +2

Based off this pic:

External urinary sphincter: inhibits (via pudendal nerve) Hypogastric nerve: ฮฑ1 receptor โ†’ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ†’ contracts detrusor muscle Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor) โ†’ contracts external urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

+2/- hungrybox(1277)

External urinary sphincter inhibits (via pudendal nerve)

Hypogastric nerve ฮฑ1 receptor โ†’ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ†’ contracts detrusor muscle

Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor โ†’ contracts external urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

+/- hungrybox(1277)

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submitted by โˆ—peridot(115)
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eerH si my rusammy fo the r/tiuiepecodv tath asw pdeots:

rehTe rea 3 astywhpa ideovvnl ni eengi:p

  1. cevilP .n a(ka vilpec spnnlachci n.) endss ycmrttsappaahei sifebr ot luotrdres to ocnacrtt g-&-;t eeuqsze lbaerdd nda

  2. gpotryaiHsc n. nessd iacyetpsmht firsbe to the drrouslte to ra,lxe as elwl sa eth liranten hitperncs to crtnacot g&-t;- dhlo cakb eep

  3. edaPudnl n. dsesn atoicms ribfse d(erun cocsouins notclo)r to het natexrel tehsnpric ot atonctrc t-&g;- dhol cbka pee

nI tsih ,qeuntiso hte e'natitsp lerbadd is lgniifl pu so hmcu ttha it's ecford to r.oofvelw hTta nmsea hetre is a oreplmb ithw ancirsoe 1 - gmeada ot vceipl .n os taht he 'antc zeuesqe ish aderldb vnee hewn it's eupsr lul.f

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peridot  oT lfyr,iac htsi dcopnteriis is mneat to go oglna wthi ou@rxshgnb'y icp nilk dna e@vsc'a vidoe nlik +4
lovebug  khntas a lo!t +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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eTh carsal omnuittiicr etnecr is 1 of 3 tnmoeocpsn fo tiurnmicito xlfere tr(oeh 2 ear fmor toenpni ietuacrlr ooitfnmra dna calerrbe rxc.o)et Saralc tcim trecen = S4-2S ianlps cdor eevll ntglrvaie form rletnav eihtw amrett in eht iPelcv enrves, osrpseinlbe orf dbldrae oacitrotncn iav het cilenoihcrg eesrvn khni(t ti tsca on het M3 trpceero in het alrbdde uesrt)do.?r fI yuo leos ehets snveer ie.(. ni piclev e)catr,rfu lwli lersut in elofvwro ccie.einnnton

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—meryen13(48)
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eiplvc v;&-tenr-ge eisarnsec ognvdii ,nieru m3 r,eretocp ipapcaratheigyorstpamytch s rv-e-ent&g; csnasreei naiyrru nre,oettni pita,shtcyme abte 3 and haa1lp ed oudcppenrslert.a n-;&trgeve- otn rpat of uotcr,inimti sit a tsacomi oetonmpnc adn sha a cnicinoit .rocterpe

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huszagmc  lrgiaEobatn wthi a itb emor eh :tdaileT eradbdl evsceire iptnu rofm hotb eht minocotua ipth(eyacstm dna hmrpats)pateiyac dan msoiatc asmr of teh usnevro eahmsetpy Simtt.syc โ€“ pchryigasto eenvr T12( โ€“ L2). It esaucs nrlixateao fo eht oeutrdrs c,msleu gotpmnroi neiur ratroea attiisp.enPhemtync โ€“ lpievc verne ()S-.S24 ardecsnIe ingalss fomr shit rneev uscea tcnarcotoin of het rrdsotue ucemsl, iamugtlstni iu โ€“ uldedpna vener .S42-)( tI sneniatrev het exlntrae uarhltre tcnehsp,ir podvginri alyruotnv olortnc rveo otr.tciimiIn un thsi eoisqu,nt eth nma sah a dtdesendi db,drlea whchi I rtpdereneit sa "eh nta'c eiarnut pnsnyt"uelaoso tsrwoe(ieh eh lbaobypr udwtn'ol elt ihs eddrlba teg os f).l.ul. -โ†’ ssmee elki he sah cfiydfliut atgcntrconi the erdotrus uslemc to eitinait irtcoiuitmn -โ†’ eussi thwi epclvi ensevr. +1

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submitted by โˆ—yo(89)
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lsuprirgnsyi dogo entplonaixa dan petricu fnduo no hsit t.ies nemithsog nogal hte nseil of atctonrnmuiii reeflx aak( derdlba is ufll and yuo sisp lrfe)ex si goen so hte etnfarfe ifrseb rgircany hte lnsiag tath hte bddelar is ullf aertn' o.gkwrin sehto sbrief aer rdraiec ni teh lvecip eesvrn


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yo  fi llits dsncueof, a better axpnotlenai anc be dofun han.siwgcdnirs/tbhnrnn/esonmp/.eritahssueoo e.:/csjio/ueu /tthnlrauotti +24
hyoscyamine  i uofnd tsih emiga ot eb flehpul ni mirmbegrnee hciwh evsren do awht on whihc .rpctoere gtkatgsvlmel:.ijepoWmiuifwphhJ.d/a/sctt/oyXa.m/xeri/ +7

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submitted by โˆ—bbr(58)
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'mI listl es,cofndu weehr si htis guys ebmropl n?crgoiuc sI thta he is aenlbu ot uiertna, or atth eh sah ofwvloer ciinct?eenonn ttenGgi sotl in teseh ve.srne

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