Based off this pic:
External urinary sphincter: inhibits (via pudendal nerve) Hypogastric nerve: ฮฑ1 receptor โ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ inhibits Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ contracts detrusor muscle Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor) โ contracts external urethral sphincter โ inhibits
External urinary sphincter inhibits (via pudendal nerve)
Hypogastric nerve ฮฑ1 receptor โ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ inhibits
Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ contracts detrusor muscle
Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor โ contracts external urethral sphincter โ inhibits
eeHr is ym ramsymu of the idcviptu/oree hatt asw osted:p
eTerh aer 3 saywahtp vienvold ni gni:pee
vlPeic .n (aka elpivc lpnihccsna .)n edssn ethasamptrpiacy befisr to dleorruts to tonrcact tg&--; quzeese abredld dan e.ep
yaiocprsHgt .n enssd mapttsiyhce rbsfie ot the rulsedtor ot alr,ex sa llew sa het tlnrnaei rnpeitsch ot aoctrctn g&;t-- hold kacb eep
ddaPulen .n sensd tsmoiac irefbs ner(ud ucnoioscs noclo)rt ot eth nxlrteea crteinshp ot nrtcaoct ;g-&-t lodh back pee
nI sith ,isontequ het tinsetp'a erladbd is nlfilig pu so mchu tath 'sti ofcdre ot hTta enmas ethre is a erbpoml hiwt oseciran 1 - gemaad ot veplic .n so ahtt eh 'antc qesezeu hsi rbdlead even nhew its' upers ull.f
eTh slarac ouiinmitcrt tnreec is 1 of 3 sctnmonepo fo ruocmtiiitn elfexr tohre( 2 are omrf poietnn lrueatirc mrfoatoin dan breacrle t) aalSrc cmit treecn = -SS42 alpnsi dcro lelve getlnravi ofmr rtvlane tihwe emtatr in eht ePlcvi evesnr, orbnieselsp rof badlred aircocnntto aiv het cirinceglho seernv kn(thi it ctsa on eht 3M trorepce in eht debalrd dr?oue.)rts If uyo lseo ehest eesvrn .i.(e in evlipc rce)u,ftar will urlste ni oevowrlf
eiclvp &e--;tnrvge scernesai vingoid r,neiu 3m ,pecrtore ircytrpisahcoaa geastppytmh n-te-;erv&g csieenrsa iruyran eterit,onn phittm,esacy aetb 3 and a1lhap clnpapesoru.d reted neegtr-v;&- nto arpt of iitructoinm, sit a ctomisa oteponncm nda sah a tnoiiincc crpr.eteo
iypurnlsrgis gdoo ioaxnpnaetl nad cuprtie uofdn on itsh t.ies soenitghm nlaog het liens of nrumtiiacnoti lexfer k(aa barddel si llfu dan yuo sisp )xerlef si egno os eth efnfater sifreb gynrcira hte giasnl ttha teh drabled si fllu tr'ane w.gkroni those sfebir ear acedirr in het epicvl evnres
'mI stlli ncdfeo,su werhe is ihts gusy mlebrop ciugro?cn Is htat eh is nbaelu ot an,eitru ro tath eh sah eooflwrv nncecoten?nii gitnetG oslt ni hetse .eevrsn
submitted by โhungrybox(1277)
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eamoycshiyn tpseod htsi aregt cpi lbeow