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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man develops urinary ...
Pelvic nerves ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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moayshenyci dspote iths rgtae icp wlobe

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eacv  hree is a eodvi rof uatltiirsno wtb/h/?uw/wttavkxUoposNymvu-woch=cW0S:.s.te +2

Based off this pic:

External urinary sphincter: inhibits (via pudendal nerve) Hypogastric nerve: ฮฑ1 receptor โ†’ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ†’ contracts detrusor muscle Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor) โ†’ contracts external urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

+2/- hungrybox(1277)

External urinary sphincter inhibits (via pudendal nerve)

Hypogastric nerve ฮฑ1 receptor โ†’ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ†’ contracts detrusor muscle

Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor โ†’ contracts external urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

+/- hungrybox(1277)

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submitted by โˆ—peridot(115)
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eerH is ym ymsmaru of eht cdo/iirteeuvp hatt asw :sedotp

hTree rea 3 shwapyta ovdvilen in eneip:g

  1. vPlice .n (kaa veicpl ncanslhpic .n) sdsne preispcahtatamy rfsebi to reortudsl to tarccnto g;-t-& ezeseuq rdealbd dna e.ep

  2. cpytrgoiaHs .n dnsse spttiyahmec bfisre ot eth lrtsreoud to rxeal, sa wlel sa hte ilannter htecsirnp ot atrcntoc &g-;-t lhdo cakb eep

  3. deuadlPn n. ssdne oiasctm sfrieb ern(du icocsunso oconrl)t to het elxaretn eptirncsh to aotctncr ;--> odhl kcba eep

nI hsti i,sotnequ hte 'inpstaet bdeladr si inglifl up so mchu taht 'sti ceofdr to rw.lvoeof ahTt measn ethre si a ploermb itwh eiorcsna 1 - gmaeda to veclpi n. os thta he 'catn esuqzee shi dadlerb vene hnwe tis' prues ulfl.

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peridot  oT falc,ryi siht tiecsdorpin si mnaet ot og alogn tiwh bnyxush'@rog pci likn nda e'v@acs oievd nilk +4
lovebug  tshnak a otl! +

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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The lrcsaa itcoiunmirt ertcne is 1 of 3 npmesoontc fo rtuimiitonc exrlfe tero(h 2 rae ofrm eonpitn ialcurtre aoimtronf dan rrbaelec cer.xot) aacSlr mcit tnrece = S4-S2 lsnapi rodc eellv itvarlnge romf tlnavre theiw trmtae ni eth vciPle vensre, osirenlebps rfo adrlbed toontniccra via het clcehrnioig snreve h(kitn it acst no the M3 pceretro in the addlrbe st?r)oerdu. fI yuo lsoe teehs sernev ..(ie ni ievplc ,fercut)ra will letsru in owlvefro neit.cnoncien

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—meryen13(48)
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clepvi tv&egner--; aeicressn vgiodin nire,u m3 crrptee,o itic ahgpssrrpmeaptaahoctyy evren-g&;t- cneiassre rryniua orttenein, yhispmt,ecta etba 3 dan 1plhaa ar pnptdse.odreeluc gn;er--&tve otn aptr of citirnuimt,o ist a asitmco eptnonmoc dna hsa a inicnctoi cotreper.

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huszagmc  balErtagoin wiht a ibt rome l etiT:edah rddalbe ecsverei nitup rfom htob eth aimncotou tp(siyhactme dan t)ppamiytrachase dna mtisoca masr fo hte evsorun ictSmeeptsyytmsa h. โ€“ yapthoscigr evnre T(21 โ€“ )2L. tI saucse xiraeantol of eht rdeusrot cu,mles moinoptrg nreui eoinParrncitt mesypehtaa.t โ€“ leivpc vrene (.)4S-2S escradIen slaigsn ormf hsti reevn acseu ttronoccani of teh eurstrdo smle,cu salnttgimui i.omaoicrtu itncmSit โ€“ denuladp evern .(4-S)2 tI nanevstire teh extrnela trhrleua st,hepnirc oinpdivrg ntryuoavl lctoorn reov coimti t.Iruinn hits tneosiq,u hte amn sha a edntdieds be,rdadl hihcw I rneetierdpt sa eh" nac't rntuiea lsnpenaut"osoy iore(shetw eh abrlpbyo odwut'nl elt ish dlredab get so l..)ful. โ†’- sesme ilek eh ash ffiulyitdc ngoitatnccr teh orrusdte eumlsc ot iineitta tnicritmiuo โ†’- euiss iwth ielcvp nrvee.s +1

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submitted by โˆ—yo(89)
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ngpsyilrisru dogo aiploxatenn nad rpiecut dnouf no hist sohmenitg ognla hte nlies of inuitotnmiarc erfxle aak( bddearl is ufll adn oyu ipss erel)fx is ogne os het reanetff resifb ignyarrc the singla htat the eadlbdr si flul tera'n wio.kgrn stheo fseirb rae dicaerr ni het clivep evnsre


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yo  fi sltli cuodn,efs a ettbre leniaxtoanp can be ndouf :p/.ui.ieabejrelonacotwnd/tnai hruussutnee//cornois/imosg thht.trsnn/sh +24
hyoscyamine  i ofund sith gmiea to be pellfuh ni nerebgeimmr whhci sveern od hawt no iwchh re.etporc xmepXket/dm/siapjmW.ue/vtglo.acfagytJ//:owih.htsrlii +7

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submitted by โˆ—bbr(58)
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mI' iltls esfoudnc, erewh si siht gsyu ebpmrol incroc?gu sI thta eh si labeun ot iaen,tur or atth he has fowrlevo noc?nnnteicei etGingt ltos ni eseht vresne.

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