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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 7-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Increased blood lead ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—pparalpha(93)
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aedL ycTtixoi :

:uaseCs nirsiudopt of mhee hentssysi iva toiibnhiin of AAL onv(tilamelueian yhdd)arsetae


A: iAmean

B: Blcipioash glptiisnp

C: Ccloi

D: irhDaear

E: pnohlheEapacyt

F: tooF oprd

G: mGu pdsior/tgtwoseh adorti/nreuogtat

H: TNH dan rcahmeupieery

rheOt rsanwes:

cZni dnyicicfee:

saus:Ce wlo ietak,n h'Crnos eesdsia

iind:sngF emmnui ontcsndf,yui eprmaiid wnudo niahleg (ofr hte einderglom psaeh fo woudn gia,heln nczi si eended yb tipoastmersolenela to arebk wdon pety III agl)eln,co shnid,oypmago rdahi,ear iraedi,tmts copail,ae albaonmr atest and sllme

excssE si a..e.rr but can alde ot vdn// dan ibamdlaon apni

gsiumMnae icyfiencde:

s:aCuse g,ocalnetni oypial,ur tranuiloi,ntm xtaaevli usbae

n:diiFngs atty,en pmetruaer vrintraluce ort,ctnncaoi ndeesacir TQ tnerlvai

21B deicfeynic:

sse:auC vngea ,idet uiposnceri ienmaa, ctecniarpa isu,ses stiagcr psbyas uy,esrrg nloarsitboapm rnCho,( )rspe,u rluhmpibohoitlyD wmelu/catmpoart eiftnocni

dsnFg:nii ccitamoycr, tlaaosliebgcm m,neaia orneu mmpos,tys einrdacse yoensteiochm and AMM velels in meusr

nrcesIead iitmnVa D:

s:auesC laounomusrtga esadies rio)cdoaiss(s

Fg:dsinin beon opo,itrerns oto hmcu umi,calc sslo fo ettpipea, usrtop

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lovebug  9012 FA, pg 14.1 +
lovebug  ioirytotpecxhN esstlru fmro ldea rpxosuee aceseub eht kydine is het iman erotu yb hcihw dlae is dlniiee.tma aLed is aserbbdo yb eth rmxlaopi rtalubu llesc of eth elnra utlbe,us ehrew it sbndi ot cciesifp igbanind-dle nito.srpe +3

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—forerofore(71)
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tish paitent ensprest hwti iypomhrcohc m,aanie it ancotn eb pgyheamseoiamn ebsecua ti etosnd csuae ,aaemni catnno eb B21 cbuaese ti douwl eb obeagils,mtacl tncnoa eb navtiim D aeusbec tsi tno eerlatd to ohihmypcroc ie,nmaa nad nczi is odsasieact tiwh rnoi ifeydecnic eiamna, but as a f.ceinycedi ,lsoA adle iponnsgio iiitbhsn frea,caerlhseot it oloks ikel na inro incidfceey aeimna ubt scien ehrset on othre lglioca iponto it ash to be the wrnesa eehr


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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nor16(70)
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nsc eromp,lb ienama )op(hy dna yinkde .brlopem

ylnaliF oynl dale nca aeusc lla of ti

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