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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#44 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man comes to the office for ...
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submitted by thepacksurvives(21)
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I iktnh shit neo has to do ihwt "atel iumdngp "ed-msyn-ro sy,iaacllb srahytc fsdoo suace cyhilyrgeeamp ;--gt& lraesee of niilsun tg-&;- ohamatlcneeic ursge g;-&t- ahairr,de tce.

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merpaperple  'tsI tno einyrealssc ltae dnmiugp e,nmdsoyr isht is teh teyirad eindleiug ofr arley idpgnmu ndyeomrs oo.t saBde no toaeDUTp nda eDnSictececri sthi si how ti t sosAbkw:rne or fntaldynuicos lprcoiy cpehitnrs ;-> doof is yadrilp deetimp mfro hte satohmc onti teh malsl e&-g;b ltwo itohyenprc otsliuon ofmrs in eth tuj; egu&-jmn ipdar ulfdi ifhtss rfom teh plamas tino eht -g; eowlbt& hnoiyponets dna NSS senrepso ge(. ilccoyk ndimboaal a,npi a,earrihd suaaen, ticreayiacpam d)lhS rcdyahtaebros aer mero hi,pcotrney I tnhki.-nrs:-ncp.cdy-s.ttdoenie/nnepcm/ohrsdosid/iwrd/mdictimpawtsieteyngwemite/cuc +5
j44n  tasrches rea lopcmex rb=sca remo anht -23 ugras lcmuee,los fi ethy hvea ugimpnd semyrnod hyet hvae eersdaecd gitsrac nisrtta t=emi omre engdeutsid sarbc aer eddivleer ot het esnistinte and ttah sevig uoy orem barsc for eicrbaat ot rbkae dnwo claf(enltue and mticsoo a)idaerhr +

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submitted by beeip(141)
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ugTtohh thsi lwduo be eosmhgtni dggierarn icabrat"ri "uyr,regs but oep,n sjtu on" ahcytsr ood,sf eubseca u'reyo cered"ai.itb-p

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hello  e,pY seesm tath bucease het iptaent sah eb,ptrsadeie he sludho oivad nieagt cessvxiee srhayct fdoo.s +
yotsubato  usch a SB ensoiuqt OMI +7
yotsubato  suhc a SB usoqetin MIO +
breis  I upt sntu tnighkni of ""astf dan htta wtih a arrbatcii ersyrgu yhet mya evha resbplom wiht .rotin.spoab +6
teetime  sihT s'tni gihrt asbceeu het iarctbria rsyrgue iwll creu eth eeadprsieb.t sI't du.mnpgi +2
dr_jan_itor  Wyh shuodl eh oadiv tinage xieessvec sahtcry oo?dfs To ovida gniiagn wehg?it It t'nosed atetmr wtah inurecntotmsar he aest fi tyeh are ecrioal eonllcrod.t +2
dhkahat  hyea ubt 'hes ti.rcaibpede ouy tanw mneoeso klie atht to oesvh a ubnhc fo actshr ondw all the tm?ei +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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I dha put rassht"ec" /cb tps tath eogunrd ritbicara yrursge rea noyl speopdsu ot eta coepmlx cbars )et/(starvbufesleig adn advoi meslip crbas (..ei etksfbara bkclee/aedra sdo)go

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brise  S"taercsh uhsc sa fride aeoottp,s ierc dna satap yma keam oyu elef doabelt ro sasyg nda may ont be ellw etotdae"rl. +

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submitted by topgunber(68)
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madn, i aws ayw i tup geern alfye aeegblstev igthnkni het casdereni ftaleo ntnoect anc saeuc aaelrbtci ehtvgwroo.r etrpty esur i ahd a wodlur esnoiutq htta dasi otgmehsni leki tha.t

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bgreen27  I asw knhtgini het same h tiIg!n was ingknhit eht msea hgY!GiRtn B (a tyep fo gacisrt sbys)pa nac ceusa llmsa tltnieaisn labtcaire ewvrhootrg (SBO)I nersacied wohtgr ni eth lidnb opcuh en mseg.t ISBO srelstu in cdificyeen of otms aivstnim ,(1B2 ,A ,D nda E) dan roin, UBT aeciernds tucdniorop of oflci diac nad vtimnia .K lwUdor- +1
bfinard1  nAy aedi hyw htsi itsn hte ?esac +

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submitted by garima(21)
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aBucese fo teh thcsyra urante of abed,r ri,ec nad atsp,a artfe yuor errys,ug heyt can mrof a aespt ni ruoy hrtoat htta si rahd ot asowwll oiuthwt i.idqul nI soem cssae, hety nca boclk het mato,s the ohle ot the opchu that is yoru new tcmohsa. uoY ’tndo vhea to letmylpoec jreetc teshe gh-ihatshcr fsodo, but it’s sebt to vdoai htem ni hte gnieb.ngni neWh oyu do ate ,tmhe yrt ot vhea yvre mllsa ootrpins adn mkea reus ttha uoy loyn tae asmll btesi of .ceah

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submitted by humble_station(85)
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I ihtnk it ash ot od ithw hte .grrsuey Gtngeti a gicrsat ysspba ro bcraitrai eyurrgs nsmae uyo no gnorle iwolagnl soetntcn to apss hgourht het udd.enomu oS tath dwolu amne fi oyu dah a ayhsctr aeml you uwdlo not eb blae to asleere teh oaeprtrpiap mseneyz rfom the aernpasc ot olawl ofr tn.siigdeo

sPalee otecrrc em fi 'mI rgwno!

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