hhgTuto isth ldouw eb tgmeohsin egnaridrg ri"ctraaib ,ugryes"r tbu n,oep stuj n"o ycasthr ofsod, beeascu 'yroeu ebrte-diac."pi
I adh utp ts"s"rheca /cb stp ttah dgunreo tarcariib guysrre rea nlyo eusopspd ot tae comxelp ascbr vl)/ee(gsebtaufisrt nda avido peilms bscra ..(ie ebraktfas elrkadb/ceae so)god
danm, i aws ywa ffo. i tpu ernge eylfa eabgelsvte ignkihtn teh cernadesi ftaelo ecnttno nca esuca blietaacr gwrtroev.ho tryetp urse i dah a rdouwl qotuinse ttah dais tmnshieog ilke ta.ht
sBeaeuc of eht sahcrty eanrtu of ,bedra iecr, nad pas,at eratf uoyr ruy,regs yhet nac rmfo a eastp ni yuor ratoht thta si ahrd to owslawl itutwoh idulqi. nI oems sa,sce hety anc blkoc teh ma,sot hte hloe to the hcopu tath si oruy ewn csm.ohat oYu nto’d have ot pceytleoml rjtece thees rschag-hthi ,sfood but ist’ tseb ot aoidv mhet ni hte nnengb.gii hWen you do eat hme,t ytr ot eavh yrve llmsa tnosorip nda amek srue ttha yuo nloy tea salml sibet fo he.ca
I itnhk ti ahs to do ihtw the rserguy. tetgiGn a gtisarc apssyb ro aicrartib ruyegsr mnsae oyu on nloerg llaogwni oncesntt ot apss ohthugr the unodd.eum oS hatt dwulo nmae fi yuo dha a cshatry aeml uyo dolwu not eb aelb ot eerelsa eht aerppraiotp nyzseme rmof hte aeacsnrp to alolw ofr enogii.tsd
aeePsl ccroret me if 'mI o!gnrw
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I ithnk this neo sah ot do wthi aetl" duginmp s-ry-n"emod b,yailclsa rhtcsya odfos csaue erlmyphiecgay -&;g-t eaesler fo nsiulni g;&-t- ncoicelthemaa egusr &--gt; ,deaahrir t.ec