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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#44 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man comes to the office for ...
Starchy foods 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by thepacksurvives(21)
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I ithnk this neo sah ot do wthi aetl" duginmp s-ry-n"emod b,yailclsa rhtcsya odfos csaue erlmyphiecgay -&;g-t eaesler fo nsiulni g;&-t- ncoicelthemaa egusr &--gt; ,deaahrir

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merpaperple  Is't ont reysacelnsi ltae niumdpg ,nsrmodye itsh is hte dreyiat leieidngu rof larye dimupgn emdyosrn ot.o saBde no ToDeUtpa and eertcinceiDcS shit si who it sbwe sk:Anrto ro citloydnnsfau ypirloc cneithpsr ;&t-g food is idylpar iepemtd frmo eth ohtcsma otni eht amsll ;g-lt&webo nprhyectio nslouito msofr in the tnmju g;&je-u pdria lufdi tisfhs ormf het salmap iotn hte ;lgbo&wet - ytieohnpnso nad NSS rsepenos .g(e clcikoy diaboanml pia,n riare,dah naesua, iadaSailch ep)rmytc oycbrasaetdhr rae mreo ho,tnreyipc I nkht i.dic:tcp-nc.w/r.c/tdoshpmnd/maweimrnidnwicinoou-dpgitce/t-rsysteey/sstediemne +5
j44n  etarcshs ear pexlomc bacsr= oerm anth -32 gusra eluols,mce fi htey aevh mdnugip mroyedns yhet vaeh crdeaedes cgraist nitatrs =mtei omer uietengsdd rbacs are eldidrvee to eth tsitnenise and ttah segiv ouy mero sbcra ofr eaabirtc ot rbeka dnwo alfnltueec( adn comoist d)hairera +

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by beeip(141)
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hhgTuto isth ldouw eb tgmeohsin egnaridrg ri"ctraaib ,ugryes"r tbu n,oep stuj n"o ycasthr ofsod, beeascu 'yroeu ebrte-diac."pi

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hello  peY, eessm atht aeecusb the tnpieta ash r,easibteepd he hsolud oaivd anteig esescexvi tshaycr .sodfo +
yotsubato  shuc a BS uiotesnq IOM +7
yotsubato  hcus a SB sqteiuno IMO +
breis  I put nust tihknign fo "tsaf" nad that hwti a abctairir ysrgrue yhet aym aevh lsperomb iwth b.ta.ionposr +6
teetime  hisT tisn' rhtig euscabe eth racirtbia yeusrgr lilw uerc the seap.itdbree It's +2
dr_jan_itor  Wyh dshoul eh avido ngatie exevsisec ahrysct do?fso To aovdi niggnai iwhg?te tI s'ednot etmatr ahwt arittcnnromsue he etsa if etyh are acierlo entdlc.rolo +2
dhkahat  heya but eh's careid.etipb uyo wtan osmoeen lkie ttha to esovh a cubnh of sctrah onwd lla hte ite?m +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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I adh utp ts"s"rheca /cb stp ttah dgunreo tarcariib guysrre rea nlyo eusopspd ot tae comxelp ascbr vl)/ee(gsebtaufisrt nda avido peilms bscra ..(ie ebraktfas elrkadb/ceae so)god

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brise  "tsaSrech chus as edrfi a,etopost icre dan stapa amy meka ouy elfe odbeatl or sygas adn yma not be llwe a."eodrtlet +

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(68)
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danm, i aws ywa ffo. i tpu ernge eylfa eabgelsvte ignkihtn teh cernadesi ftaelo ecnttno nca esuca blietaacr gwrtroev.ho tryetp urse i dah a rdouwl qotuinse ttah dais tmnshieog ilke

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bgreen27  I aws tniknhig eht amse gnhti!I saw tnigkhni hte asem t!gYhnGi RB (a teyp of rcastig sbsya)p anc secau slmla lntisiaent bcirtlaea vrwroohegt SIB)(O rsedieanc ghrtwo in hte lbdin ucpho .n meetsg OIBS tlrsesu ni cyencefidi fo somt atmviins 2,1B( A, D, nda )E adn rnio, BTU driseacen udioncprot fo ficol dcia and naitvmi K. r-lwUod +1
bfinard1  ynA edai ywh ihts snti teh csea? +

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submitted by garima(21)
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sBeaeuc of eht sahcrty eanrtu of ,bedra iecr, nad pas,at eratf uoyr ruy,regs yhet nac rmfo a eastp ni yuor ratoht thta si ahrd to owslawl itutwoh idulqi. nI oems sa,sce hety anc blkoc teh ma,sot hte hloe to the hcopu tath si oruy ewn csm.ohat oYu nto’d have ot pceytleoml rjtece thees rschag-hthi ,sfood but ist’ tseb ot aoidv mhet ni hte nnengb.gii hWen you do eat hme,t ytr ot eavh yrve llmsa tnosorip nda amek srue ttha yuo nloy tea salml sibet fo

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submitted by humble_station(85)
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I itnhk ti ahs to do ihtw the rserguy. tetgiGn a gtisarc apssyb ro aicrartib ruyegsr mnsae oyu on nloerg llaogwni oncesntt ot apss ohthugr the unodd.eum oS hatt dwulo nmae fi yuo dha a cshatry aeml uyo dolwu not eb aelb ot eerelsa eht aerppraiotp nyzseme rmof hte aeacsnrp to alolw ofr enogii.tsd

aeePsl ccroret me if 'mI o!gnrw

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