hiisP"nsyca mya, vhweo,er pcsierbre adleimcyl rpepioaaptr eaiglcsnas even if tyhe snohrte eht tespt'ain fei."l ik,nw( tsiI)'n
kw gu,aev btu I gsesu eht amin niotp si to tle het tnpaeit aveh ei,erlf idse eefsftc on gnloer to.anrmpti I stlli odtn' nthik uyo anc sjtu give eth enptati a bteolt fo zsnobe t.ohghu
submitted by minhphuongpnt07(5)
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eprsu aguve tsoeuiqn ! Dr eesnid sitasnsgi i=gu&ds;etci nmcoileeancneif o d etihryngev eh anc to gemana erh inpa g&t=; encibncfeeie