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Retired NBME 15 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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Here si ym t:eak a trelrcauvni eslatp deetfc in ncnifay lwlaos ofr flte to thrig ihutnngs fo odobl ni eht tles.nievrc Tish scause na icrnsedea sreurspe in eht hgtir eivtcnrel e(ud ot more lbdoo inbge udhpse onti t)i nad a dceraesed rsspeeru in eth ftel nit.elcrev sBcuaee ether is more olodb in the myapruonl tnarioccuil rfom eht ,htusn I khnit teh lfte atliar russerpe oldwu losa be nrasceied in an yalre SD.V

OS newh uoy aiperr hte D,VS teh tefl tecvenrli srurpsee wlli be acsedinre cdpeaorm to hnwe teh hustn asw trspene t(i is on olgren soinlg )odo,lb eth grhit rvceneitl spusrree wlil eb edasederc (it si on nolreg geigtnt doobl morf het unht,)s nad the left lirata rspsueer lwli eb rdecaedse t(eehr is no nrgelo orvaloed fo hte yaluprnmo mtesys igrunrent to the flte u)tiarm.

2F2A00 982p

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epiglotitties  yli dagascsw +12
i_hate_it_here  iotgepsiiettl ๐Ÿ˜‚ +

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there would never be a situation where there would be no change to a chamber pressure after repairing a congenital heart defect. can immediately eliminate those choices.

+4/- dentist(94)

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