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Retired NBME 15 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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Here si my ka:te a etnrauirlcv apestl dtcfee in aynnicf lawslo orf tefl to grhit nntguish of ldoob in eht esvt.rnlice shTi scusea na rneidaecs psrueres in the ithrg vrenitlce due( to oerm blodo ibgne dhepsu otin )it nad a raecedsde sreusrpe ni the flte ilt.evecnr Bueseac teher is orem oblod ni het mlruapnyo croitciualn rmof teh ts,unh I tinhk teh tfel iartal eupsrres oldwu losa be iredaescn in na yelra SV.D

OS hnew uyo rpiare het SD,V hte tefl itvenlcre srespeur iwll eb cedrnaeis aerdpocm ot enwh eht nthsu aws tpensre ti( si on nlorge sgolin o,lbd)o hte hrtgi ecnlevrti rrsepuse wlli eb dsreceeda t(i is no ergoln ngtegti bodlo form het s),utnh nda hte felt itaarl sepersru ilwl be rcddeease ehet(r si on nlgroe eodaovlr of teh naoulpmry semyts nngrriute to eht tfle .mtru)ia

0A220F p982

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epiglotitties  ily dgwcsaas +12
i_hate_it_here  eoteigtisplit ๐Ÿ˜‚ +

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there would never be a situation where there would be no change to a chamber pressure after repairing a congenital heart defect. can immediately eliminate those choices.

+4/- dentist(94)

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