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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—joker4eva76(31)
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Teh iutqsnoe tesm si rbegciidns a aooitndlcimhr e,esaids iwhhc oomcymln etrpsen whit ciltac c.iossadi Three is na srieanec in oricbeana rsmof fo gneyre ocntiorpud lo)(y.yiclgss Teh mdrcaiohtnoi ear auflyt, os tehy naโ€™ct esu hte dne ptruodc of lsglcoysyi uratpv)y(e in C.AT atndesI uvayetpr is nhdsuet evro nad is udes yb HDL tc(ealat )oahrnedgdyese to aneegrte artvyupe.

ieA:sd cRllea hatt HDL uess ADNH dna gnrseatee DA+.N inDecefciy fo LDH cna eald to sols of rgntreaioene of AD+N dna isintbhi sy.ilglsyoc

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drdoom  ... rtpvuaey is dnsetuh vero dan is desu yb LDH tatlea(c eaodyh)sengdre to aretnege .l*catate +4
chris07  tIs' thendi in eth raswne, ubt I wloud keil ot l:iacryf max O2 inpmstoconu is aredsedec seuceab O2 si ndecsuom ni teh neorEtlc sTnaotprr hi,aCn chihw csucor ni teh oanicmt.ihdor htiW eht rnoictimodah not ,nirwkgo the ECT tcanon ,krow nda tshu hteer is ssel andedm ofr e.Ognyx +21
masonkingcobra  itidocoaMnrh rea hte pehoeowrsu of eth llce +63
uslme123  Arnleayppt garegd erd ebfisr rae eht ueslrt fo oscear mlrabasuesolmc or niealbofyiirrltrm ailciotrnomhd tmcoanl.suaiuc. l--yruceyieldpihhopsbtn/:ewmmedwcyoortitceeswisod/co/c/n/btttohr-gg-oahpta iora-tin .mnemlccosc.mclysaiii +4
mnemonicsfordayz  As ch0rs@7i dasi, less 2O si ebngi dueocnms in teh TC.E.. tbu I sola saw nniikhtg ttha het aihgadpmr is a cmuels nda if eht idchnraiootm in her pdhamrgia ear olsa nto innotigf,nuc htne hs'se ont abhiretgn ryoperpl dan sels 2O si iegnb dhenali nda freteeohr cdseeiargn her xognye itm.pcosounn sI tath oatytll ffo aesb ro am I tsju rginsagp at srastw her?e +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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oS hsit tsnioqeu swa nomgishte I lleyar tgsrelgdu ht.wi I n'iddt ezcgoeirn htat hte etopsnitaenr saw fo ERFRM as smoeoen ttadse ,lboew nad I nokw ouy 'ontd ened to oknw that to wseran eht ein,uqots utb it wudol aevh eebn lfl.heup My tsbgegi iustrnfatro saw eth gwirdno of eht oiybps susrelt rabolan"m tnoulcaamcisu fo rcmoitaihd."no hiTs enndayo me cbeusea eht otiedfnini fo drgage edr fiesbr h(iwhc 'mI mungaiss aws rhtei eto)nintin si laacioums"tcnu of mnrablao ra"c.idnoomhit sheTo are otw vrey rtdefinfe netatmsset in my ,dinm .llo ehT rf,sti ot m,e sutj mnaes 'reesht oot ucmh naoii,tcdhmor utb teh docsne anems ste'her too uhmc DAN yhet 'atnre utngcninofi rpeporly. st'I lsao sujt eht fcta fo gnmreimbeer lla fo eht rmets orf CET ta eth tmie fo girneda teh sqteoinu ei..( I idd'nt hiktn tabou the cfta atht CTE si lsoa elalcd auelclrl ipoerrtasn ro ujst at)r.oeisripn

I slao 'idtdn ralely nusatendrd ylufl tawh Vxa2Om is = O"2V a,xm saol owknn sa xialamm eynxog tupkea, is eht teuemrsanem of hte ixummam muotna of eoynxg a senpro acn ueiiltz uigrdn snentie cs.reeix.e. adn si adbse no eth eeipsrm atth the orme xenoyg eomcduns ndigru ei,xecres hte rome eht odby wlli enearetg isnoeeadn iahsetptphor (T)AP rygnee ni e...clsl OV2 amx is eacrdeh whne uroy goexny msnconitoup aeimrns ta a daetsy ttase ieeptsd na earcnsie in eth a.orodkwl It si ta stih upaalet that eht [usem]cl svoem fomr bicorae isambetlom ot oaecbarni "ibmlamseot x1.9o-awtm/wt2wary/0:-7i0hwcetvsfsht.l3m-v/w-lpi2eo.

Besad preyul on ihts ioitnenidf, eewrh xa2mVO = eatneylsisl the iemt ta chhwi eiorbac ewcstish ot nieaaocrb natsrreopi,i my nerrtnaeopitit fo oot hcum hconaidtorim sv oot hcum adn adb tcaroordmihni ndtid' mertt,a ebuasec veen hnwe hte rtmodnhiocai aer fcunignotin o,prrlype they erach a oipnt adn ictwhs to ocrab,naie thus if theer was too uhcm oanrml itid,cnohorma ihts dlwuo cucor tfares useecab hteer dwulo eb rmeo volrela uleacllr nopetririas rg,ouccni naenmig eth obyd uldwo iwhtsc ot incboreaa dan eituzil lcylgisiso to eltatca orf eegn,ry stpo tziuinlgi teh tohmorcnidai, nda htsu O2xmVa ulwdo .ecederas

W.EV.RH..EO eecsuab ihst is a MERRF osiqne,ut the eordr of svnete si a etltil ,ifeerntdf eeptdis eth meuotoc ebnig het easm (ta stael a'tths how I tdnsedrnua t).i S,o I iktnh het eky ot ayn hmdiilnaotcor erosdird is ngmirbremee atht teh mtausinot era msotal ycetrlina onigg ot faetcf an denedoc prenito and utsh a ciyedeficn of htta ei.optrn neO arltiec tath I ofndu iasd ahtt hte RANt sauottnim s(a ni RRFME) :ucsae srpuit"d mndicoaihlort tirneop yst,isnehs eidgcsnaer the ittiavyc fo oelmxCp I nda to a leress etenxt loeCmxp ...VI iwhch earecssed isniatrrepo nad erolws oorptn gnpi,mpu lailaamyrtdc acegdnseri eth enrbamem otenlatip nda ropton elctherioclaemc liepntaot gdiretan carsos the tnorihcalimdo nrnei eanr.bemm Teh noprot ioemehccllcrate etiloptna deatigrn si teh ivdring ferco fro APT setshnsyi nda sdgricaene ti lltiuanayssbt rewlso the lammaxi reta of PTA" 1/3.-l2b9injp6id..60s/l/f/n1ma.e.yo7yx0le.0r9.t9/ri24i1lhuolfc1o0.13s640/tweb:

Bdsae on ym ngdntesradinu fo tievoixda taohl,psoripyonh O2 onmousctinp e.i.( itnakg het entlreco fmor xocmlep IV nda gptntiu ti no 12/ 2O ot retcae 2OH dan H+ srvied the tponor igtednar iwhhc sdriev ATP .pcnrioutod T:shu ectnidief spraieytror otaioxind .ei.( DANmt onsattuim of teh ECT yze)senm dsale ot ldeeorw 2O opmtnisnouc o(s elwrdoe V2O )max wcihh etnh lsdae to eoldewr ATP n,oroucpitd dan stuh cieetvefd actoi.ohirmdn Thn,e leerdwo dmitrnclahoio ontnfuci edasl to sedeeadcr oriaceb irrepitaosn utnshngi TPA rdtopunoic to aecaoribn oianrertips, nvdrie yb sclgiosl,yy dna usth aiinsngerc lttacae veesll.

poeH iths seh!pl shiT otok me WYA TOO LOGN to fireug ,tou lol, tub leufohylp I rvnee eargnfki tfgeor ,it .lol

lA,so fi you natw nya rmeo indeag,r I lfianyl fundo an lertaci taht lualycta yfllu inapelxs teh ilcaheocbmi nad hpsogyloipyhato of crltoiomadnih ayspit:hmeo b3m/i6rpt/dim3:1t/aaua/eic/o/315h4ccaet7p/s.4l/nr22co2.

rySro it's os nlog!

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djtallahassee  llo .yae I tthugoh yeth erew trgyni ot yas rthee aws an rlnoymaabl glera aunomt fo aimcdootihrn rneetps wihhc amed em egt hte poiopset snearw /: +1
alexxxx30  on I so .eagre hTe mgrmraa swa pelyeolmct norgw (ycrlela verewho wetor teh euoitqns desen to okwr no s.engl)hi hisT asw yrve atsntfrgrui to em ubeeacs I nieogrzdce atht ti was gadreg rde fsrbie, utb neth the iogrwdn edam em dotub my won eeonkwldg i(nikhntg owh ouldc hte stet ierrtw mses thta p)u?. onrlmaab csuilaumaontc tihree nsema oto chum or too lt.tile ntlcaaumiucos fo nramloba itmo nsema ehte onihctamoird is Ccerrot armmgra is tipgutn teh eaiejcvtd irtgh xtne to het odrw it si nrsbedigc.i oS hsti swa nldtfieiey nrowg nad I eshar oryu t.mteniens ihsT alrley rdarttuefs !me +1
azibird  etfyliieDn a thcoioldmnair tahyyop,m tbu I ctlylaau d'tno kthni si't oiMccloyn yplipese hwti ggdera-der eifrbs F(EMR.R) hisT nmaolrly alsinet incoMlcyo rjsk,e aelidnezerG i,ueessrz rCaleelebr tiaa,ax nda mteiaenD giorc(dcan to ).bmAsos beaMy ti's POCE n(cchroi rvsgeosrpie ltenarex giolamh:apohte)lp eirgrsvsope oxtalurrcae elapaohohplimgt ihwt eiatbrlal stospi. otN usre ihwhc one wuodl acncuot rof ehr proo ecesxrei ocnel.tera iEetrh y,aw gzinnriogce i'st tcimolnhdroai is eu.ghon +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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tp ihtw eperosisvrg mseclu -ee&nk-ast;gsw rpse lceusms ton owirgkn t&--g; aceeersd yoegxn otncniom.usp on xnge=oy no abiocer sltmiambeo -t;&g- ecrnaise unevso atcale,t loas you pkee gdino naocebrai csyilygols nsice ouy cant go to TCA &t-g-; sraeniec egyrne tdopirnocu iav olsclsyiyg :)

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—diabetes(31)
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nac somdoeyb axiplne how rngyee ncpriduoto by ioycsyglls asrn,dicee necsi cibaeor sycloylgsi pcuoedr 32 ten e,PmToapAcr to 2 ten PAT houhtgr raoncibea ycllsyoigs ?

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diabetes  i kthin the stem osuhld eb n"gyeer dcprountio yb an neacaiobr cliyyolgss " +3
blueberrymuffinbabey  haey sthta' hte bti htta retpipd me up o.ot i egt thta heetr dwlou be dcesiarne cgoyslsiyl in egernla to tsacpeemno for clka fo TAC nouicntf bt..h.teu fcta ttah ti yssa eeyngr" ptodoucnri by lyocsgyl"is is ndki of genaosiifc/gmni.sndul +2
thotcandy  cyeh,cnialtl ygicolslsy si hte iraetcon hatt phnpesa in the ocyltso htta aenrsgtee rpvuyeta adn 2 net AP.T etraf ttha 'sit ACT dan xdiOviate oohyplp,rshoatni ichhw rcuoc in teh nomictr.hiado y B ,nniotdifei giyossllcy si bnoaceria - whhic si yhw ehty hramme hte tacf ahtt RCB duonger solscgylyi oyln onti rou asehd. +3
thotcandy  ihael,clytnc ycoslyglsi si teh oetarnic ttah hepapns ni hte ctlyoso atth etanesger yvrtapeu dan 2 tne A.TP afert taht si't ACT dan Oitdxiaev o,onppyrhlhaiost hwcih uccro in teh adiitom.rncoh yB nid,iefntio clsoyslyig is noaearicb - ichwh is ywh htey maerhm het fcat ttha CRB neourdg golssliycy lyon iont uro ahe.ds +1
targetmle  i tog ti gnrow uaebcse of shti as i ugthhto PTA liwl be cdarsedee ni cnraeabi ylscly,sogi ubt rbapbyalo ti asw aynlmi gsyisy''ocll si eensaidrc +1
kcyanide101  i gto isth qoiuntse owrng nad ohcse ....A bsaeuce I eovr gthuoth it. I ahd easmusd htye weer nkgsia ubtoa hte O2 noetcnt in eth ,oydb hhicw llwi eb enasecidr nriiosecngd ehret wlli be ryreatoisrp ksaollisa ot eplh agnmae het oncoindit +

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