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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man with end-stage renal ...
Bicarbonate ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by skraniotis(11)
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aldUniyzed erlna ieufalr ldsae to etacbomil sasoidic, nad sa a lturse cbbrai egts epeddtel as ti estri ot ffuber eht octmicnluaua of nagrico as.cdi

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bubbles  sankhT fro eht !iopnatxnlea oD uoy nwok wyh gM dwulo ont eb a tlpotanie nes?rwa hoPahptes olsa saeccaumutl ni theso itwh alduenidyz ranel ilrae,fu os I swa tihngkin atht eymba uesgimanm as a vlitnade oatcni ldouw cxmeplo twhi 3OP (ni a cemmnhias mirsial to C.a) +
nwinkelmann  mFor eht elittl tbi fo rcehears I usjt idd seeac(ub I idnt'd enalr agtiyhnn tubao saisliyd ta ym admeilc o,l)ocsh DERS can eb asaceodsti itwh ieetrh wlo or hgih Mg esllv,e os hte aitadysle cna cueas trieeh ceedsairn or dreedscea Mg ellvse npdeeindg on teh tpi'atnes mseur ,ecnttno reterhefo I n'tod khnit abdse no stih s,tenioqu duolw ldcuo tdmienere if vameolr fo sasdiily wloud dlae to edvaetle ro sddacreee .smengamiu Teh nde of the srfit terlica meses ot vafor SRDE gindlea to magenmiheares,yp os if 'hstat eth sac,e enht oralmev of ylsiadis olduw uscae gM ot ceanseri as wl.le /.hawwltT/g.rF7wukpi5el/rt5cA4/mote/stl2x:e2rc dan 42hx8iarw/ +1
hyperfukus  yhw is ti thta we are'nt lieagnrn htis ftsfu dan yeht r stju orihgnwt ti no stpe teehr's lraeyb a bulbr ni AF tubao d/dkeskc +1
hyperfukus  oeds ruimae yilltpoaent heav ot od tiwh ?ihst +
medulla  SDRE dan nto gntgtie iialsdsy t-&g; eh is uremic -t;&g tem cdsiiosa g&;t- dec bci +15
angelaq11  ladumel@ isth si eht btse dan eptslsmi toanxaipnle. I gto ti wnorg nda esohc Mg, swhi I ahd made ttah iconencont. +

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submitted by โˆ—medulla(35)
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elnaR ia:ulFre MAD URENGH M et iAsdisoc iyilspad meDi HpU ielkmaeyr reamia c(in BNU )etc N /weatra ineenrtot H,(F nyalmopru emde,a HN)T w tohGr iroandarett dan lomavlepndtee alyed i rEteonipytroh eufailr anai(e)m Rel an prtssyodtoyeoh

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