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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 44-year-old man is admitted to the hospital ...
Increasing cGMP ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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caesiern ni cMPA Gs)( - eb2at - aisivdnlotoa

asredcee ni McPA Gi() - hap2la - orvansiiocntocts

iacrenes ni I3P DAG (q)G - a1plah - scnsocoaivtroitn

nsareice ni GcPM - 3M - ON edudinc savdlooiniat

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cytotoxict  lhApa 2 gantssoi od otn useac otrcnioasstniocv bc/ ethy dlae ot gvetneai ekdabcfe fo eoipnr dan tshu srcedeea mphtaysciet reonseps +1
payingforthisisdumb  A2F0 3p71 tiฮฑsn2sa-og caneirse cGNPMO/ dan taeilsovad +
sarahs  yhw si aesrdgniec MAPc o?wngr +1
hiroshimi  s@aah:sr you atnw ot iesrecan McAP caeesub ti uolwd laed ot soatlidnavio adn hlpe to eraeesdc shi obdlo .rusrespe csearDigen cAMP owdlu make hsi BP eor.sw +
fatboyslim  palah2 aoiuttlimsn susace liitoodvasna uasebce ti si thyyliosp.mcta +

simple rule of thumb is

Calcium --> vasoconstriction (smooth muscle constriction) -- > must be Gq (alpha 1, v1)

rise in cAMP and cGMP both vasodilation (cAMP by inhibiting MLCK, cGMP by activating MLCP) so whoever causes vasodialation must increase either. cGMP is niche (NO, ANP) so most of the time it is rise in cAMP --> must be Gs (beta 2)

only exception is M3 it rises calcium (Gq) but in endothelial cells , not vascular smooth m. cells, so NO produced and causes vasodialation via rise in cGMP (again!)

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—vi_capsule(21)
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HNT ng,emcryee dmiuoS rsiteprusiodN. nlkeiU lyzadnrehia a nbcdaael aioorstvald vn(ie = ratole)ri

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sympathetikey  lleW tn,he I gsesu we oslhdu juts geofrt obtau ruo odl slpa hte p2-lAah aonisodg.os tG I d'itdn neev ese htta stih aws vryhesetipen ece.egyrmn muDb no my trpa. +
zup  so eay nidlnieoc would eb dues rof vrsieehtpney ruyg,nec but tish uyg is evro 108 12()0 os etyh vahe to ues ntosehimg kile dhnzrayeail ro siiontprsduer hotb ilwl censiear GcMP +
whoissaad  sgrDu edus to reatt HNT lie: eapabNeit lllnaLcpneCniidys ee mpoiii unCa rredrsprdionomieevdogtceloFnNd +18
lola915  anlydizrHea acyutlla tasaioevdsl a;tissvientgerr&e adn tisdriNeupsro etsvaoildsa teirsaer = niesv. Both ancsieer .PGcM +12
vi_capsule  SO siht seti sgoe atrfe nmeoy !nwo ta seatl ym tcsenmom ert'an damrlsceb lol +2

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