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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man develops urinary ...
Pelvic nerves ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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amnyhsyeioc stpdeo tshi eagtr pci eblow

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eacv  eerh si a vdieo ofr riouanitstl oSwu/mvNweto0=?hasxbUto/-twhwcpc:tk.sWvu./y +2

Based off this pic:

External urinary sphincter: inhibits (via pudendal nerve) Hypogastric nerve: ฮฑ1 receptor โ†’ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ†’ contracts detrusor muscle Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor) โ†’ contracts external urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

+2/- hungrybox(1277)

External urinary sphincter inhibits (via pudendal nerve)

Hypogastric nerve ฮฑ1 receptor โ†’ contracts internal urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

Pelvic nerves Correct! M3 receptor โ†’ contracts detrusor muscle

Pudendal nerve: inhibits (Nictonic receptor โ†’ contracts external urethral sphincter โ†’ inhibits

+/- hungrybox(1277)

 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—peridot(115)
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eerH is my usrymma of teh eicdveiurot/p atht swa :doptse

hereT ear 3 yspawhat ildvnevo ni :neegip

  1. cvePil .n (aak ceivpl scahncplni ).n ssnde tsytahariapmecp bsrfei to esutrlrdo to ocrttnca g-&;t- eqeusez ddleabr nad

  2. yHpoiartgcs n. sedns hctsiytmape frisbe ot teh lerruosdt to ealrx, sa llew as het anelitrn rscnpehti to aoctntcr &-;t-g dhlo akcb epe

  3. landPude n. ndsse oicsamt iresbf eu(ndr unocosics conol)tr to teh enetxalr snrihptce ot nroactct -tg;-& dlho bcak epe

nI ihts tus,noiqe het s'ntpatie erabddl si nlgilif up so cuhm atht ti's rcodef to lforeo.vw haTt amens hreet is a mlpober wtih sarocnei 1 - madgea to vpicel .n so htat he nact' eeuezsq ish eldrbda nvee henw ti's ruesp uf.ll

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peridot  To aciry,fl isht tcrinpisedo is anetm ot og naolg htiw hruo'bsyxgn@ icp inlk dna cs@ea'v edoiv inlk +4
lovebug  nkahts a tlo! +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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heT aaslcr toiunimirtc retenc si 1 of 3 oenompncts fo tnicoimturi xfrele (orteh 2 era orfm iotnpne ricrlueat ftimaoron dna brecearl xro)c.te cSlaar imct ecnrte = 2S-4S linpas docr vllee reiagvlnt omfr evtnrla ehwti ermtta in teh Pelvic nersev, iopsbeenslr orf laeddrb oconincttar iav hte hoeccngliri evensr ti(nhk ti atsc no eht M3 eerptcro in het rldebad )rerd? fI uoy eols htese esevnr (e.i. in epvicl rtrca,f)ue lliw elrust in lofrewvo ccnnienoe.nti

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—meryen13(48)
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ivpcle v--ee;tngr& easinscre ivdinog e,irnu 3m ,eoprectr chptiapristaaeo yspcgharmty t&-gvren-e; risecsena rinayru irn,etetno ,aschmetiypt eatb 3 nda h1alpa ndtpepdorlr cseau.e ;-ntg-ever& not tpar of c,tiiiuntmro tis a tocsiam emotnponc and has a niicncoti eerrtoc.p

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huszagmc  Etnglaroabi hwit a tib remo te:daT lhie drldbea vcsieere itunp rmof otbh the ocuntamoi ttasy(phmcie adn trahesaptpcmi)ay nad tmsocia srma fo teh evuosnr hSmtptsaemce โ€“ pthriascogy vnree 2T(1 โ€“ 2).L It caseus nelroxitaa fo het erorstud emcu,ls tmoornpig nueir niateya totenaPrcitp.ermhs โ€“ iclpve vener -S2)(S.4 scIdrnaee sigsnla ormf this reevn sueca onottrcacin fo eth odstruer ulc,mse itguanslmti .immittooaSicit rucn โ€“ dluepnda evenr (S24-). It nrtseaveni eth xrtaeeln ltehuarr ierch,snpt ngvoriipd rutnovyla nlrtooc vore tumiorIti. innc shti iqesuot,n eth nma ash a nstdieded ,abrddel hchiw I edreetpntri sa eh" 'tcan autiner snolsypn"oetua wo(resihet eh bbryopal twulo'dn etl hsi rbdeald tge os .l)f.l.u -โ†’ essme ilke eh has cftudiliyf oncctgtinra teh suordtre scluem to nieattii moniittcrui -โ†’ isuse itwh civepl s.erenv +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yo(89)
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uirsgiypsnrl oogd taaoxeipnnl dna uiectpr odnuf no htsi ties. mgiesthno goaln hte lnies fo tmuncinoriait erxlef aak( deldabr is flul nda you sips r)efexl si gnoe os the ernftaef firbes rrgycnai teh sngila hatt eht dearldb is ullf rane't orgkniw. hseot sfbrei rae redicar ni eth iepclv envsre


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yo  if illst soefudn,c a betert ieoanxnaltp acn eb ufnod ru/ ra/prnui:ouh/hsst terhoseaiintbl/gceou/ihiwnjatsndnsetn../e.omcsnto +24
hyoscyamine  i dnufo htis mieag to eb huflple ni neirergmbem hicwh vsener od awth no chiwh pecro.ter /f/sskg.xmr/ejpil:Wm/httegda.uaevihict/imwo.lXypoaJt +7

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bbr(58)
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Im' itlls cn,ofdues ehrew is ihst yugs rblpemo gro?ncuic Is thta eh si eunlab ot rneiua,t ro taht eh has flowrove ?etnncnceioni Gettnig stol ni eseth nvsree.

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