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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is conducting a study of a ...
Basal keratinocyte:suprabasal keratinocyte ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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Aerft oems sarcerhe shti si hyw teh ehrto swesnra are ior:etcrnc

saBla aerktenitocy m;p&a iaamnl ulaidc

  • rctcnIeor bc/ anailm ucldai is a onetocnmp fo hte nbsteaem eambmner ihwhc is foudn etnbeew the tliipheeum dan nlrinudgye cctoeiennv etiuss g.e.(, sdprieemi nda erismd of teh niks.)
  • It is a yougrhl 04 rnaoemtne idew lnuecrel-ctenot ezon tnewebe het lpmsaa aremmnbe fo eht lsaab lcesl and teh c(do)e-lnsnreete ianmla asden fo eth stneebam bae.nmerm I()WIK
  • aslab ertetnayiokc actstaeh ot hte abmneste eeambnrm ugisn hemeoidosmesm

ualarrnG kcynateoietr pa&;m umrtats muoncre

  • ttarmuS muuicdl ssarpatee hseet otw e.aslry
  • three era no soomemsed ttah noccnte htees wto leaysr
  • eIgma fro efeenrerc

inaLam iulcad apm;& amianL ndaes -- lckci orf gamei

  • htob are tpar of eht mnsbaete mearebmn dna ton the idrpeisem

tneayoMecl ;m&ap basla noeetyitckr --- cclik orf mgaie

  • rae tohb onetneccd ot reethoca aiv hdiEeancsr-
  • ti si bblpyroa the damage ot ihst ooncnceitn hatt
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azibird  eTh tamtsur cluudim si nloy psenetr ni the ctikh nisk fo the mp,asl lse,so nda oS teh rsttuam asulgoumrn nad meconru od ctuho ni mots fo the byod. I suegs etyh tjsu ante'r nteccedon by dsoemm.e ossh-yet/iapa-tk-ngao-tp5piyrsetopcoe/xloht/c1mtal/fnsdcanyy-bhnr/ho/.st:eeas +1
peridot  Wow fi I'm esrditdagnunn sthi c,rcetro nailam daucli eatsmeb(n emmabre)n is otn het esam sa ramtstu cumlidu ete(nwbe mrtstua cmeronu nda utsmart nl.usomarg)u tTha edf cfuonesd em otuba hsit seiouqtn cb I souyenalmitusl wsa lkei atwi 'nist htis in het sanbeetm maemrnbe tbu laso llceeadr the tpcreui in FA wiht all hte sea.ryl knhasT so umch for teh rpseu ledeaitd ioxaptlenan fo lla hte erawsn heoc!isc +1
rena13  ohw od i uslcbranem ot ees het le?tpnoinaax +1

 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—fenestrated(32)
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laacylsBi aksgin if oyu kwno uegpmhPis rugaislV. oiSrtaaepn fo arspurlaibas sdeemiirp, tcitan balsa trkcnyesteoia sv oolslBu tp;emp--iidhgog& snceidlu itosnapaer of aslab alrye

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subclaviansteele  Tihs woh I guohhtt of the hoysiogtl ophto fo hte to"bm "tneso wor fo sabal sclel nad eht ldtfie etcskn.ieaoryt +3

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lsmarshall(465)
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"esoemomsD Maal(cu ea)rhdsen - A -elocltecll- ecioctnnno htat vedrpios trlasrctuu sotprup thiw ieetetdrnaim slin,mefta rapyllutcari in issutse atht urendgo ahcemaclin srsets ,ge..( si,kn ctigasr t,eussi raded)lb. ntceCsno oseaerctitkny ni het uttsmar msnusopi fo teh .epsimd"ier - SBSMAO

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sympathetikey  sihT is hwy I wsa lokonig ofr omes srnaew danginiitc raentcsyitkoe in eth mtsurta etyh sjut agve a nuchb fo bs sce.ocih +31
roygbiv  I'm uencdfso uecesba I asol ownk ttah .S aeursu eavelcs desenlimog in eth muatrst ,nrgaouslmu so wyh si ti faeplcscyiil tihs esr?wna +4
duat98  ooseommesds secntonc celsl to mlsme.olees mohciesd csnnecto escll ot tensambe .aremnmbe +4
medguru2295  I tinhk htwa shti si yalerl isnakg is cna ouy llte ismePhpug gslarViu frmo luulsoB uiPpVoihdl gigrseam -is(queont) tcAtak no SOS-MMEOESD tsih rptseasea meso toackereinyts mofr rhetos e(i msoe in blsaa yelra orfm nseo p) eaihoi-.ovPdbgme tatcak on ESS-HMIODMSMEEO siht mensa aosnpartie fo eht krytaocsintee ormf het tmeenasb bme.amner +3

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brethren_md(105)
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dupitS ,tisonque yonshlte jtsu tkea ouyr tbes gessu nda oemv on o.ll

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seagull  โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–โ–‘โ–‘โ–โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–ˆโ– โ–‘ โ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–„ โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–„โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–„ โ–‘โ–โ–€โ–‘โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–„โ–‘โ– โ–‘โ–‘โ–ˆโ–„โ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–„โ–‘โ–ˆโ–‘ โ–‘โ– โ–‘โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–„โ–„โ–‘โ–โ–ˆโ–‘โ–„โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–โ–‘โ–€โ–„ โ–€โ–‘โ–„โ–‘โ– โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–‘โ–ˆโ–โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–‘โ–ˆโ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–ˆโ– โ–‘โ–ˆ โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–ˆโ–‘โ–€โ–โ–โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–ˆโ–€โ–‘โ–โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–€โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–‘โ–€ โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ โ–„โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ– โ–‘โ–โ–‘โ–„โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–‘โ–‘โ–€โ–ˆ HTis โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ eโ–‘nuโ–‘ โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘iโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘Qoโ–‘tโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘sโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ +3

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submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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feArt smoe rhceesra tsih si hyw het hoter swenras rae etorcncri:

  1. asalb itkaeretoync ∓a laimna ldicau
  2. nocrIcret /bc mnaail cduila si a opcmentno fo eht sbenmtae emmbrena ihhwc is ufodn ewbeetn the ehitpleumi and dyrugnenil eetconvnic tesuis (.g.e, pesmediri adn edsrim of teh ikn.s)
  3. It is a rlyghuo 04 nmarenoet dewi cnertotlu-enecl zneo eteebwn teh maaslp eebrnmma fo hte salab eclls and eht leed)(trneos-nce mianla esdan of hte stbmeaen raeenmmb. KI)IW(
  4. bslaa ykatritnceoe tceshaat to hte setbmnea marnebem nuisg mdemsmseooieh

  5. nGaraulr treityacnoek am;&p sruattm ruenocm

  6. rmttaSu cduuilm aeesrspta sethe two ls.yaer
  7. eerth aer on osommdese thta cencnto these otw ysaelr
  8. gaIem for cnfeerere

  9. nmLaai dacliu a;pm& aLnmai sdnea -- cikcl fro amieg

  10. obht are tapr of eht ensmetba mmabeenr adn ont het eispiedmr

  11. aeMenolcty ≈m aalbs irttkcyeneo --- kcicl rof amieg

  12. aer bhot tdeenncoc ot ehroacte avi idaEnc-rseh
  13. it is ybabplor hte maadeg to htis ncnnoteoic ttah htmgi lead ot mlaoeman
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jbrito718  Lsso fo eCrhEn!ia-d! +

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submitted by โˆ—osgoodschlatter10(41)
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osDsmsmeeo yb conuiftn tecectnrnoin oyanesietrkct in hte utmtrsa omuinsps - asuttmr imsuonsp si the uapssablar cduxelE pa):to ion dLuaic is too ghhi ; nto in nitioouanntc twhi aalbs )aer ylc nuCoerm si evne ihrge,h nluGmrsuoa and Cemrnou nraet' n in)oncd auointt Lainam dnse ()BM dan alimna dculia nto ecyttknsoarie dna ton in ntnatoiuicon ietreh)e octyManeel aer in het aaslb lery;a ti si ton a oacrknttiyee

)b is het olny ptnioo tath emsak neess bdeas no yoohlitsg nad soal the ynol otoipn hatt spksea obtua tatecyii-rtornknee eagnilk

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submitted by โˆ—misterdoctor69(70)
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wHo mcoe aaylabne:mcsltseo taketyonirecs nodt' aosl vhea a osmdemsalo neonotccni i(n iiodantd ot ihret a-dneEihcr )?kiln

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vivijujubebe  eoencmyalt is nto artp of the praeldime tur.uectsr te'reyh ta hte elelarr-ipdmmade nontjicu nad thye ceoprdu meianln wihhc is tadersrpnot ot hte pimedearl +1

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submitted by โˆ—osgoodschlatter10(41)
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Dsomsoeesm yb unoncfti rntectcnnieo ttsyenaickeor in teh mtarust npsoimus - rtmutsa posniusm is the lsurabaasp y.lare Ecuedlx n oa)ip:ot Lidacu is oto hghi ; otn in itinuntncaoo ihtw sbala c lae)ry eCnroum is enve g,ehirh unoGaumrsl and uCnmoer ant'er n nitcti)noaoud n nLamia ndse (MB) dan aalnmi dlauic tno tcyisnkeetoar and tno in anioonntituc ihe tr)ee etclnMaeyo are in eht asbla r;yeal ti is ont a tncykoeearit

)b is hte nloy opiton ttha aeskm seesn sdbea no oihslogty nad loas eth oyln noptio htta aepsks tuoba earnentiteki-toryc inlkaeg

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by pygmymarmoset(1)
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So I uththgo otuba hte en"mos"ottb urptcie no 7p20. of hatPmoa ehewr het essomomeds aer .etciefvde eTh elscl ni teh asalb yelra stya tcahteda to het besmaent mmrbneea, utb het lelsc bovae get etci.ddoscnen oS tath made me ithnk fo grebnkia hte ntnonecioc ewbeetn sellc in teh bslaa laery dna sclle oaveb het bslaa larey aslpbuaa.)(rs

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jellyfish923(0)
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m/h.b/ShatArefsohcs8/hanta3-tC7rsumCg_1mdnui/@1ti/04ew0mennu-a:20B6r5t-e4kg9ssni7we/tai-crfiwi/p5nc-ii/a85mn5M/-ngem19-pcfwneri9hS8o.-2i4d--3er:ghott0tilku30na.obtrr2up1rp1cere8uiSr71ts/lo6ioof-5p7-o7esae- meayb isht cputeir acn sohw ewher the seoeomdsm iexts

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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sireliBtng eidsesas scuh sa sphmgeupi uarsilvg P)V( dan gepphsium asiuclefo P()F ear oneammuuti sasesedi in hwcih niaibdtsuea-too egttar g.oimdesnlse

  • PV is ucsade yb anucgiclrit etstobuodnaaii I(Gg) tath rttgea D3sg eiDnlg(meos 3) adn ssomeiemt Ds.1g
  • VP si fnesmdatie by asplasbaru asnsyo,atcihl ro isebsrtl ni eht cuosmu anmeremb nda litssbre in the ds.erpiime
  • FP astpetni hvae otdabeiunsaoit taht ratgte Dgs1 itwh pfiucielsra tlressib on hte siipemedr hitw on suomcu ebmrenam sissue.
  • toBh sesidea eltrus ni a lsos of kineacyeottr ahnsidoe.
  • gsPuempih can aosl be dcusea by a laiaertcb n:tifnoeci blusluo eimpotgi is an eciniotnf duesac by a touccsalpocyhs utcibrema thta slsaeeer a xnoit ahtt veclsea eth 1Dgs ulaxllaecrter oimnda.
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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—madamestep(17)
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heT yek ehre is ot nwko that dmosmoeses ncncote etkyronatsiec ot teroh r.oceyienakstt mmbeeRr e thta in VP oyu get teh ob"estot"mn olok ta het nseaebmt eemrb.mna

I ntdo' tnhik eyth petexc us ot kwno all of sehte cstncooenni her,e sjtu rweeh are oosdesmsem nad hwree era hmseis.mosodmee

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submitted by โˆ—ankistruggles(18)
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hWy is lasba eroncitaykte : laurpassab teoyktrcnaie eth lcel uoitcnnj staโ€™ht somt lileky ot be facdt?fee Is ti bueesac โ€™tis the nylo ensawr ttha ilsst a cuinnojt bneweet wto teyoiect?nkars

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sattanki  tNo oto esur on tsih ,eno tub I dnieerttrep hte lsaba tabrsyekulaaisr:tnepaoc ntiartyeokec as the trumsat sonmpuis eoigrn, hhciw si nowkn ot hvea hte tsom sm.edseomso +

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