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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old woman comes to the emergency ...
Alendronate ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm

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submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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""etordans rea iasnoetshpps,hBo omclymno udse to pnrteerett/va to.osoeoisprs tosM mcmoon reasdve fecfets rae tgpaihsiosE (nitsapte hsluod aekt iwth atrew nda eb grihput fro ta ealst ntme,3i)su0 rsisnoteocseO fo eht j,wa nda aitlpcya mfreola sestsr .etfrasurc -eatkn gtirh rmof FA 0182 pg 471

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almondbreeze  FA 2109 gp 824 ndiecdlli-pu hpsistgieao : t,esphssphniooba orseufr a,slueft SN,DsIA siotmuaps cedi,olroh inetaecltscyr +3

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submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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rhpma escaus fo uiiedpd-llcn tposhsaiieg = oashbtsseopphin, erclitaynce,ts NI,AsDS inor, oupmstisa olcehrdi

shbaoptneoiphss OAM = indb yoearhxatdpit to deuecr lsettocaso ayitvcit su(de ni sesoro,itopso tgPea ediaess fo eon,b geeoeitsnsso pteifa,mecr ychcaeireampl adn emts to b)eno

tosrsspoeooi hmarp

  1. Vta2+Ci/ D nutemoltepianps rppilhy(sx)oa

  2. otshpsisbephaon - MAEsD = ateoss,ighpi JN,O itcyalpa lfaoemr ssrtse uftaecrrs

  3. ptlualesi HTP aonalsg tra)ieia(drtep = oyln eno tath nirc nebo rogtwh semutlat(si lettosoas)sb &t;g-- ernttnias aemylrc,hepcia olas nicr rksi fo otormscosaea ot(dn evig to pegat zd fo nebo or yan encrac )pt

  4. SEMR ixlf(eoaern = gtsainanot ta rbtaess adn ,tesuru AGONSTI ta nboe = on crni irsk fo itmreanoled euphs.i.apbyla.rt sitll ncir kirs fo bmmeol)omrsiboth

  5. uamoebnds abm( asgatni ALNKR .ei. imcmis GOP)

  6. reryla iatcliconn

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sunshinesweetheart  EIGNRO LLALLL YM HRTEO POSTS llo I sutj lrneade ttxe xb.oes rbb wlli etiuncon ligehpn on nejp/iugnmo otu a dwwino +2

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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rpmha ucsesa of pcineui-lddl ihiespogtsa = ,behtssapoisohnp l,rtyciseencat ISDANs, on,ir sipoamuts edhciorl

ohsbsnhipaetpos OAM = dibn dyaxetratoiph ot crdeue oasolttsce ctyviiat s(ued in sop,otsoioers Pgeat ssaeied fo obne, sengtsoioees eipm,cefatr lacyeahreimpc dan tsem to be)no

otosopssorei pm -hra iCa2+/Vt D ntlausonmtieepp sp(yloaphrxi-) hsiebstnah-op pso aptuielsl HPT glanaso traiderpit)(ae = lony eon htat crni bone otwrgh iss(ealutmt losatoess)bt &;--gt esnaitntr cpyierm,aelach olas cnir kris of aosscoamotre (tndo vgei to peatg dz fo noeb ro yna ecnacr p)-t MRES oe(nlaxfrie = ngtonaiats at trbaess dna ue,rsut AOGISTN ta oenb = on rnic kisr of aidentrlmeo tsieup.b.aa.rlhyp iltls nric skri of lboes ht-o)mmomibr uadbmnoes (bam tgianas KANRL immcsi OP )-G lrreya actnliiocn

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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apmhr euassc fo d-iecudilnpl hteiisgapos = shean,spitbpoosh c,ilteceasnrty D,sNSIA ri,on stapusiom ihldocre

tphssobepansoih OMA = nbid etihptaadorxy to reecdu astcosleot vaitctiy sdeu( in oprsieostoo,s aetgP sideeas of ne,ob soiengssteeo eemcfp,aitr meciacyhlrape nda tmes ot b)one

eioprosossot pamrh

  1. /C+tV2ai D niltpetaousmnep (loiyr)hpasxp

  2. siothapepossnbh - aslleuitp THP nsaloag tatidip)reea(r = yonl eno atht nrci onbe rtwogh tselmsuai(t )tbesalstsoo &;-tg- natietrns meerylca,hiacp aosl cinr kirs of mcseoootaasr (otnd evig ot tgepa zd of enbo ro yan rneacc )tp

  3. ESMR rxolnfiae(e = sntantioga at brasets nad es,urtu NSITOAG ta bneo = on icnr risk fo adnteemroil hiuyla.bspetr.ap. llist rcni sikr fo mslmbomohio)ertb
  4. euonbsmad bm(a sagtain RLANK ei.. scmiim )OPG - rayler tacnnicoli
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sunshinesweetheart  TGO IT NI TSIL FROM ttnioarpsgrian#c +

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submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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parhm aeussc of iduldeilcpn- taiospisghe = os,tnhsihpobapes ,cctenaeritlys IDS,sNA orni, oatsmspiu iolrdhec

etshasobpionphs AMO = ndbi yioedhaptxrat ot ucrede toscletaso iyvciatt eu(ds ni soers,opsioto tagPe sieeasd of nboe, sgootsseeien p,aeimcrtef eiachapmcleyr nad emts ot obne)

osostoesroip h1m.arp 2ia+VtC/ D eppiuonnaeltstm (aihpro2 l).ypxs pshponebsaoshit - suaelilpt TPH lasanog erpadtitai)er( = oyln eno ttah nric nboe roghwt isml(stetua soat)toblsse -t&;g- atnerinst mre,clciyeapah sola rnci iskr fo acsooemtrsao tno(d egiv ot getpa zd of beno ro yan acnrce )3t .p RSEM nexor(efila = ntatgnioas at absters dna ,suurte TGSNOAI at eonb = on rnic kirs of dtemiroaenl biysut.rh.p.aaelp llsit cnir irsk fo mbroooslmmbe.i4h)t ndauebosm amb( aisatng KALNR .ie. mimics )OPG - yarelr otcaicnlni

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sunshinesweetheart  ha I ma dab at ugins tsiewsbe dna antc' mkae sith a stli taht dntoe's sforratnm oint a apaphgrra :( osyrr +

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