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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 15-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis has a ...
Endoplasmic reticulum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking protein_folding

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submitted by vshummy(184)
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I ktihn erom anl,ereylg tonperi gnlfido ahpesnp ta het ERR dan the mste sasy het iretopn st’odne fldo orlyrepp. llSccif,piyae teh osmt omomcn CF tonaumit si a lddefsomi nipteor dna hte nptrioe si iaertend in teh ERR dan ont ostprdanetr to teh llec raneebmm - AF 0219 pg 6.0

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uroosisyed5  iWhhc eksam esesn if we thkin tbaou hte atyphhspo fo leedtvea C-l dna Na ytrlaiualc.llnre tohB fo tseeh onis og up siiden het sclel ued to eth enntroite of teh lsddeoimf ointsrpe ni eht RR.E +
lilyo  I yutallca grsiedea wtih isth enrgosian. heT ppiohastyolohgy in CTRF si nto edu ot inucolataumc fo eosdmdlfi nipe.rtso tI si ude to ses/bntdeerdacae TPA tedag mnnrsemtaabre erliChod nelhanc. crnoAdicg ot ld,rUwo eth mesdidco rpneoti si deecdtet yb eth ndEomplaisc .elictuRmu heT arlobman printoe si agtretde ofr udntsioertc by the emsaooprte and nveer chsaree eht lcle cs.rfaue heeTr is ON nteenotri fo sfdolidem nptrio,e treeh si aidoadnrgte fo sfldimeod einrpto and eohtefrre csenbea fo edhroicl sannechl no eht m.eenrbam Tsih is wtah esald to epimraid almoerv of last fomr eth sewta sa ellw as ceedaedsr laCN in .uucms I nodt tkinh teh ensarw olduhs be R.E naC enynao tell em if I ma ngsiims gomhisten reeh ttha aeksm the aewrsn RE sa popdeso to oyst?plmca eaBusce eth ywa I ees if is lesfoddim seotrpin og from teh ER inot hte stpylomac ot hecra hte rsoaetpemo nda ehnt be esecd.rdutt rlowUd utqsosnie ID are 85,0 ,208 1,514 and 19.39 +19
drdoom  lyi@lo eTh TRCF is a rsmaanntrbeme enrp.oti eLki lal ioet,spnr sti nntaitrlaos sgbein ni the y;otscol taht ,dsia CFTR ntsaicon an re-muisNnt nglsi“a cesne”equ, chhwi aenms as ti is bigen atealds,trn ti d(an eth omrbeois gkaimn ti)! wlil eb nsaertpdtor to teh pcilosmdaEn touicelRe.ou^tfnomt! sA ti gset sa,lnttdrae sit cpodhryihbo iftosm will mee,rge hihcw eemsdb teh TRFC nrpiteo nwihti the oihpihosppdl iayrble of eht RE tilesf! Taht nemsa eht tpneiro lilw rveen ginaa be fdnou ni“ eth l”otcyos caeubes ti egst rtaheedd uthhgro teh lbaiyre ih(wch ,si in a,tfc woh lal nebatemsarmrn ietsropn ebomce besmneaamrtnr itnpoesr ta het ecll euafsrc -- yhte hvae ot be eadm tino msnrnamteebra itnosrpe in eht RE irtf)!.s +11
drdoom  loyl@i doit)enucn( o,S s,ey eiutllm,yat eehts ofidsmdle tsnepori lwli eb tceedidr dtwroa a eomoteapsr ofr eo,arigeadl/cgrdintcyn utb taht liwl peanhp sa a ilttel ielevcs (ro ;is“pomle)o” teh lfeiddsom rp,tinoe in this acse, is not wtrlueeos-abl ,seicn( yb ,iiineontdf it hsa ybohhocdrpi smiotf hcihw egt e“aedtdrh hr”ugoht a byraeil ot eacter eht mbesaarrentmn t,e)pantr wichh msena you ’otnw fndi ti in het sloyt.oc +6
drdoom  n!tte^oofo : The onmeemtv fo tav*iec sbmroesio mfor het osoyltc ot hte Elmnpocisad uumeRictl is hyw we clla tath eaar fo ER rugho“ pancmiEdsol ucRmiulet RE”r;)( no lnceoret piroom,sccy atth ioncets aws sekecdlepb tihw eltilt sd;ot aetrl, ew unh(ma)s oevsrdeidc atth eehst tosd wree isbmorseo! +1
drdoom  * yB vcetia“ sebiorom”s, I usjt amne emrioboss ni eth ocrseps fo ginrvnoect mRNA ot rnet!opi hWta( we acll at“r”stinnaol ; ) +1
wrongcareer69  oHw myna godmnda aswy rae ythe oiggn ot stet su no C.F 'Im os vroe t!ish +2
furqanka  soal ni A,F udrne hpala 1 niitnrpytsa, sit syas Molse'difd gene utpdrco torpeni ggeaastreg ni llephraoacltue ER". hmigt be eth amse teco.npc +9
joanmanuel26  igcdAcorn ot ;alpnaK llA seroptin tath rae etdhszyesni in het RE tusm ldof rlorcctey ni rrdeo to eb tedostrpnar to the oggli apartsau dna tenh ot rteih nfial itn.eianstsdo If het nutaitmo scaeu a oeslifddm ptno,eri the esltru llwi be het sosl fo het prneito nnoitcfu ,nad ni moes ase,sc onatuiacclmu of het pnierto ni teh R.E +1
drdoom  @yloil iinghknT atbuo hits r.emo You lwil not ndfi the eidslm)fod( ioenrtp in hte The siddeomlf ripento aym be disnei a todampreeo—nas a oamptoeser mya elvi ni hte sly—tbtcouo hte lfeddsomi roeitnp lfties lliw evner eaarpp ni eth sclo.yto heT puocrtds of tis aidagdetron tgihm nettiuocs(nt mnoai sacdi or lalms idppe)ste tub if yuo hda na atdynibo orf het mdeliodfs teirpon dan sdkea ti W“erhe is the dsmleofdi ”eop,ntri? teh tinoybda wlodu :snewra tMos“ of tahw I oducl fidn saparpe to eb ni teh .ER”r +
yesa  ehkcC uto teh cnanlexi l,cyec ysaullu nrtiospe tath rea adme ni eht RRE adn olmifddes egt dgtega dna e''eloddrf nda hten eadcsnn niaag fro roeppr ..dingalndf.o fi yeht laylre 'nact eb feerd,ldo ehty're deedrgad etnh nda !ether So eth lyno ealpc eidsdmlof CRTF lucod atuaccuelm fi odmfdeils ..i.E..s.R.R (iLkn ot lnecainx c:ceyl gBAdH78K/e&s/oat1sp5aooa4st0gLmVmQh=XWEiUsO;&ru/ce&&mfcm241Zl_;px=YpP2lnQmHsVeeyUjcb2RDr9o:n0hrDm9b?;ewAZQesH=p8wpAaDUvg5Aw=h=p=85iri:ig2Bg9phUt&&mhQwxjT+3w1iQIcKqmYIh1O;r8=Cle.a7a0CMIXrFUEej6MKmga8a4wskb+Lh;5up3tab7=vimg;.sI;7oo=&aaamsAcrha#) +
amy  20FA20 :74 " sbnteA ro lndoayfiuntsc PSR s(iganl tecgoirinon ireclapt) urtless ni ualuniamotcc fo tenorpi in eth lyc"soot +
drdoom  @,aym s’atht a odgo toipn ubt ti aseusms teh peroint is hewtioser ar,moln .ie., ont dimodefls or “rlaba”nmo ni some etohr awy +

For a great little summary of the Endoplasmic Reticulum (and many other concepts in molecular biology!), see this from Alberts’ Molecular Biology of the Cell:

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by seagull(1933)
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I hvea na usesi wiht shit qsetoniu cwhhi lsoa stcoifcnl tiwh doWlr.U In order ot be eedgdrda by serotpeoosm het edimlsfdo penriot oudwl ened to eb srtpnee ni het clsotoy rof it.innaouub tI ti malecduutca in eth RER neht how osed it etg at?gdeg ysnH,etol os c.ltonficed..

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sajaqua1  oS ldyrnroaii a dsoedfilm ntiproe deso eogudrn uniinioqiuattb nda sopert.ylois It is atnloebe ahtt TRCF monigfldis 'densto evne wllao it scaeep the R,E os it utcaeumslca ni the RE +9

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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ehT RCFT neptiro si a rentsremnaamb iop.netr eLik lla spin,orte ist natolniatrs ingbes in eth oy;lscto thta dsa,i CRFT stcnnioa na Ntuensmi-r si“nagl ,ecnuesq”e hcwhi esmna sa it si ginbe tnseatrad,l ti dan( hte soremoib mangik ti)! lilw eb tnoetrpsadr ot the nmacslodEpi lRm.ieucut^oo!notetf

As it gtes adnl,aesrtt tsi dhirbycpooh fomits liwl e,meger which sebedm the CTRF epnotir iinhwt het hploiphpsdio bliryae of eht ER etsf!li Ttha emnas eht riepnto ilwl neevr aagin be ufodn ni“ eht c”soolty bueacse it setg tdhedear thrhugo eth yabelri w(cihh is, ni tcfa, woh lal nsambertamrne rnetsiop ebmeoc btesnaermarmn epsrtoni ta teh ecll efacrsu -- hyet vahe ot be amde itno rmtnnaebasrem petsroni in teh RE fts.i)!r

S,o sye, teyatm,ilul ehest sedfdlimo treoinps iwll eb rdtcedei orwatd a meesptoaor rof dceidgetra/rnygo,iclna btu htta llwi neppha sa a leltti icevsle (or p”)o“em;islo hte odldemfsi rpoi,etn in sthi ec,sa is ton olueabwlrste- nsc,ie( by f,eiiidntno it sah bhyriodophc mtofsi ihwhc teg eertdd“ha ”grhhtuo a iyarlbe ot eatcer hte aemrbenamtrsn p,tea)rnt chwhi enmas ouy o’tnw infd ti in teh ltsooyc.

\ nteto!foo \ ehT tgnihich of iectv*a ressioomb to het odpnlEscami tlcuumRie si hyw ew alcl ttha eraa of ER r“uhgo pcEnsmodila ieuRcmult rE);(R” no eroelcnt ,oomccyirps that toncesi aws lbcpeseekd whit ttelli otsd; ,lrate ew usnam(h) socdevderi htta htese osdt erwe !rsmooebsi

\ * \ yB ac“tiev o,beirsmo”s I jsut mane obemisors in the srsecop of nenrcigovt mRAN to !oirptne tW(ah ew allc ats”rialtnno“ );

For a terga tlietl rsuamym fo hte cndlimsEaop lteiRcumu na(d yanm hrote tpscneoc ni aluoremlc yli,!oo)gb ees tshi rmof strbeA’l eoaclulMr oiogylB of eth lCel:

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drdoom  ^ m'I ustj tistn-reag ni eon mnmeotc htaw I trowe in pmuetill mbumsscenot avobe: /2:ebampe4nhems/9s9.r/3b7x3tnewsmn9m1o/#/cat +

A mini-discussion of protein transport within the cell is here:

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by therealslimshady(42)
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Wenh sprtieno neibg dmae in eht RE sf,mdlio they alctumuace ni hte ,RE whcih thne trgseigr ehtm to be sipt uot otin eth ysotocl dna cmeobe agededrd by eo.tomperssa ,hTus het uunaccotmila of the esddlifmo noieprt in the ER is erqrieud for ethm ot etiatullmy be tdaegg by qiunbitui dan eb eeddrgad in sepsatermoo.

Eevn fi uyo aeugr thta tyhe wlli be umautalncgci in eht otslcoy ueacseb osseprteamo aer in the ,olcstoy eth nqtoisue is iskang rehwe are the rsepnito ainuacutmgcl, ont gnebi dderdaeg. So hety tc'na teacuaclum in amstsrep,ooe ebeucas yeth rea ertosddye in

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drdoom  niec cahct iwth eht ctuagmcl”nuia“ ekrrm!a q,q hwen uyo ays sg“rgtrei hemt to be sipt out iton eht l”t,yoosc do yuo vaeh a ureosc orf ?ttha nd'ot rlleac ngalrein thta eywrneah myl.fse x!ht +1
therealslimshady  I nact' rmrbeeem hewer I dera sith but it cukts wtih e,m I hitnk it wsa a ellc obi okbo +

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submitted by mutteringly(33)
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Tsih si rmof msosb:a tauetdM RCFT ngee F(0Δ58 an)utitmo → ilofsddme pientor → ieeefdcvt eornipt si eieandrt ni het urohg clispomenad ilutrceum R(rE) orf neddigtraoa → a-PdAetgT cedlhiro anlechn is basent no het llce efucras fo ltehalpeii lslce tghotruuho hte odby .g.e,( esianitntl nad oitraysperr iehipetal, ewtas dnlga,s xeoicner e,acsrpan xoinrece gldsan fo evteruicorpd sgoa)rn

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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eer.t1h rea mnay atrvsnai fo syitcc sbrisofi os isth neiqtuso is tno utboa pyashhtpy. fo CF

o2nipt. of esqontiu : rewhe osed oepirnt linodgf ruocc ? se)anrw ERR

  1. IN TSIH EYTP OF CF , fi oietnrp isotn dfeodl lepoyprr ni RRE illw ti og tou or illw ti emcacuutal ? sw)arne it lwil mtauulceac in R.ER


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submitted by blah_blah(1)
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fuhl lepg&/sbQf_/nyps.Gyb=I?i=amlmuhiuacetycHt.ovgpttweXowhuajNheaww3oBa;nno/s:cl

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submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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