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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—joker4eva76(31)
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ehT ntqeusio mste is esicnbdgri a omoahtdncrili i,esaeds hihcw oonmlmcy rsptnee ithw clicat isc.osdia eTerh is an eeincsra in caneabori orsmf of eerygn docupnoirt so(icyslgly.) hTe omcontihidar aer t,aylfu so eyht cntโ€™a esu the dne upctdro fo ioscsygyll uyp(t)aevr in TC.A dneastI tyureapv is thsnued revo nda si used yb LHD acaett(l goeeh)rdnydeas ot tereagen rvaeyup.t

iA:des aRlecl ttha HDL suse DHAN nda neatgrsee +D.AN iefDieycnc of DLH nca adel ot lsso of eeetoinganrr of +DAN nda sibhniit yiocsly.slg

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drdoom  ... rvtpaeuy si utdshne eorv dan si dues by LHD a(ectlta )neoeddgarhyes ot treaeegn a.ta*tcle +4
chris07  'Its hdeint ni eht ,esrnaw tub I odlwu keil to l:faycir xma 2O tcponniomus si desdeaerc cseabue O2 si edncmsuo ni hte nErotlec sapTtorrn ah,iCn wchih surocc in hte choir.ndtmiao Whit the imhrcatdoion ont wgon,kri hte TEC atconn ow,kr dna tuhs teerh is sels adnemd ofr nyxe.Og +21
masonkingcobra  hoicnMrdtoia aer eth rwhspeoeou of eht clle +63
uslme123  aeAynptplr reaggd erd rseifb ear eth tesulr of asrcoe salsublacmemro or ioblmfyrrralntiie iondcraihotlm n.ulco.maucsita tidseharcoilmocc-.wmhm opsoce/gaoco-yciy/:ytpnomenbtlednr.isndl-ucpcttirm /twawhto-/ctehis-iiee/ysrgaoibl +4
mnemonicsfordayz  As 0shc@7ir di,as sesl O2 is gbeni onucsdem in teh .CTE.. btu I loas swa inthnkgi that eht amrdgipah is a secmlu adn if the mnahiirootcd in ehr iahmrgdap aer saol ont g,fnctnuioin then 'hsse otn ngarbtihe opelrpry dan lses O2 si eigbn hndieal dan froeerhet gsneradcei rhe yneogx ntmooupicn.s Is ttah llyotta ffo eabs ro am I sjut arpginsg ta sarwst ehre? +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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oS hits uqseiotn wsa nestmghoi I yalrle gsedultrg ihwt. I didnt' rnezegico htat teh netotsnrapei swa of ERRFM as onemeos tsaetd ,bwole and I wnko uyo 'todn ened ot nkwo thta to anwesr het onqieust, tub it wuldo veah bnee feplhul. yM itgbsge ftnautsorir saw eth gndiwor fo the psiyob ulrsset aalmrnbo" nactilcmuuosa of cimihtd".raono hsiT naedyon me abueesc eht eodtfnniii fo gderag red efibsr ihwc(h I'm naumssgi swa hteri )nnitienot si snaoucalitu"cm fo blanmora"thmrdnoci esTho era otw rvey eefrnidft emsttantes in ym dni,m ol.l The r,ifts ot ,em tujs aemsn ers'eht oot hmuc cntia,hmrdioo utb het cnsdeo asenm s'erhet oot chum DAN they trna'e itnnncigofu pop.rylre st'I slao sujt teh fact of greemimnrbe lal of eht mstre fro TCE at teh item fo iegrdna hte noiqsteu .ei.( I itndd' hinkt obuat eht tcaf that TCE is aosl ldlaec eralcull irrtsnpaoe or sujt .srenria)opit

I oals nt'idd rlylea ddnsuetrna fyull tawh xmVa2O si = VO2" ,axm olsa owknn as amiaxlm enyxgo t,epauk is teh ueemrtanesm of eth imaxumm onuatm fo xnegoy a psnreo can ztuieil dngiur istenen er..sicex.e dna si dbeas on eth iersmpe atht hte eorm neoxyg osecdmun nirudg re,esiexc eth emro hte byod lliw geenrtea sdiaeonne eoihtsphtarp (A)TP neygre in c..l.esl VO2 mxa is eahedcr hewn uyro gexony mnonoicutsp resnima at a asyted astte pesdeti na ecernias in hte rkodw.oal tI si ta isth talupea ahtt eht u]slm[ec svemo rmfo ebcaroi tleimmbsoa ot rcinabeoa soblm"aetim r9wyhp-0ismt72t2-:w-vs3w0.t-1t/iva.eemcwa/flw/oxohl.

sdeaB euyplr no stih ,tnioiinefd hewre mO2xaV = aeinetlslys the meti ta hwich reciaob wiehtssc ot nracobiae p,oiairtsnre ym oinaepirttertn fo oot mhuc hitricnadmoo vs too cumh adn bad omctrhodinira tidd'n m,ertat ecsbaue nvee ewnh the tncoimadohir are inntnuicgfo yprprlo,e ehyt raech a piotn and wcthsi ot oibceara,n tuhs fi hetre wsa oto humc nlmora trnimd,oochai isth doluw roucc tsreaf beecuas eterh dowul be rmeo oelalrv leclrual optaernsrii gcuionrc, gainnem eht doyb uodlw wcstih to nebaaorci dan etizilu sgolcsiily to eattcla for y,regne pots giuzitlni hte ntohrmiadoi,c nda htsu 2mxOaV ldowu resedac.e

.EEWH...RVO acesube isht si a RFRME usqto,ein hte dorer of sevnte si a llitet nf,tdfiree esetpid eth cemootu eignb het sema (at tasel 'tshat how I sdatdrnnue i).t o,S I inhtk the eky ot ayn imocdtonrliah drdiesro si ebenigmrmre hatt eht istautmon are laosmt talceyrni gogin to fefcat na dedneoc tnepior dna thus a neyccdiefi of ttha pinte.or nOe rlietac thta I ufdno asid hatt the NRtA uasttiomn (as ni F)ERMR u:eacs upid"str ihtdlcoimaron rtionpe ,nyseshsti cniadersge the tyiatvci fo xolCmep I dan ot a eselsr eettxn oCmeplx ..VI. hhwci esreaecds rtiopsreian dna loewsr rpnoto gunmpp,i ytalaimrdalc ignceeadrs the raenebmm lpanoiett nad ptoron carltcclioeeemh pnttoaeli rtieagdn cssora hte omlcdnraoihti renni bmm.erean hTe otopnr oecrlmectcaehli anoettipl dnigtera is the diinrvg efcor fro PAT esnytshis nda igascndeer ti aubtisyslnatl rwselo the amlaixm tear fo PAT snet.s"syih /ls-jbaol4eo.9tuniyb.0ehnesilltpf16c67213.1f9yi02/:xo.rw03910601./md.lr4///.i.

edasB no my rdisuntdangne fo doaitievx nhalopyosr,phtio O2 iuoopsmntnc ie.(. giankt the eletronc from mpoexcl IV and unpittg it on /21 O2 ot eeatcr H2O nad H+ iesrdv the noortp regtanid ichwh svierd TAP oipcodunt.r Tsh:u iinftedce rryratoipse xdiatooin .i(e. DmAtN nuistmota fo the ECT e)snymze dslae ot olerdwe O2 socmnntipuo s(o wdloeer OV2 x)ma hiwhc neth adsle to edrwleo ATP ,iudcopnotr nda tsuh edevfteci nhe,T wloerde rlotidoinahmc nuintofc dseal to eeescdrad acbrioe eoirantrips ihgtnsun ATP otpinocrdu ot arbnaiceo a,piirenotsr eirdnv yb l,gscoylsyi adn shtu innascgrei acatetl elles.v

epoH sith !sleph ihsT okot me YWA OOT GOLN to reuigf ,uot l,lo utb epohulfyl I neevr knfirgea troefg ,ti llo.

o,lAs if ouy natw ayn remo ride,nag I lniflay nfodu an ectlria ahtt lyctaual yfllu axenilsp het iicambolhce dan ylsyooipagphoth of dmitloonrciha my:ahoeptsi 2/c323t/a/b3pnearip.cc11i4emda:t/utmaclh//7r/.6ios/42o5

oSrry si't os goln!

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djtallahassee  lol ay.e I oghtuth tehy erew tyngri to asy ether aws an rmlnylboaa rgale oatnum fo odimchinarto spernet cwhhi edma em tge hte tpieospo nrewas /: +1
alexxxx30  on I os eearg. ehT rgmmaar wsa elytlcpemo owgnr (yalelrc whveoer wtore hte ietsounq ensed ot rwko on l.nighs)e hsiT asw evry nitsrrugfta to me esuebac I goezedrinc ahtt it swa gadger erd f,bseri tbu etnh hte wndiogr made me uodbt my nwo edwkgneol (tigikhnn who cdolu the sett eritwr sesm hatt .up)? namrlboa tsaonalcuumci eeihtr names too cumh ro too itte.ll lmnciaoscautu fo ablomnar mtio esmna ehet aotndimcrioh si ayf.ult ertrocC maramrg is tupintg eth divejaect hgitr next to het rwdo it is ebgdcsniri. oS stih asw ldftneeyii gronw dan I srahe yrou emtsn.inte hTis ylreal dfettrrasu !em +1
azibird  elinDitefy a onchdalitirmo atphoyym, but I catllyua 'tond kihtn st'i olncicMoy epelpyis twih a-drrgedge ebsfri .)MFRR(E isTh lnalrmoy lntsaie iconyclMo e,rskj zenaGeilder ,szeiurse elCbrrleea tai,xaa and iDamtnee ccoangir(d to obms)sA. eaybM 'sti CEOP co(richn gvsepeirors rxlaetne moaaholpphitle:g) osrsgepirve xloraatcreu loepmihapahotgl iwth lliraeabt io.tpss oNt rsue ihhwc noe odwul tnauocc rfo rhe poor eeirxces eltona.ecr riteEh awy, iincezggron tis' taimrdoiclnho is +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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tp whti egprrvsoeis lcseum -gk&s-wnet;sea ersp csmusle ton wgonirk ;-t&g- reaedsec nexyog siutonpmonc. on geny=xo no eibaocr mmtlsiobae gt&-;- senaeric vesnuo ltatcea, sloa ouy eekp idong ariecaobn clyoiysgls esinc uoy natc go ot ATC &g--;t necerasi ngerey cnoitrdpou aiv yiscysolgl :)

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—diabetes(31)
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can oseyobmd exialpn owh egyrne orndctpoui by gsilcyoysl dcnes,irea inesc bircaoe lglscoysyi rcdpeuo 32 ten corTPpa,eAm ot 2 net APT gothuhr neocrbaia sylslioygc ?

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diabetes  i hinkt eth estm olhuds be e"eryng nctdpoiour yb na oarnbeiac csyolsygil " +3
blueberrymuffinbabey  yeah 'hatst teh bit atht tdierpp em pu ot.o i tge ahtt ehetr owdlu eb nrdceasei yoslisygcl ni elregan to omanepcets rfo lakc of TAC inuoncft ..thbtue. catf taht it assy yg"nere urtoocpnid yb csslyyog"il is ndik of igsonim/ng.dcfeailnus +2
thotcandy  lhatcey,icln cyyssoilgl si eht etonrica htat panpseh in eht tcoslyo thta esregtnea utyverap and 2 etn T.AP rfaet atht sti' TCA and idOexivta syhioanr,lotopph hhcwi uorcc in eth iohna.tcrmdio yB fdion,ietin gcsoisylly si oabiaenrc - hcihw is wyh ehyt hamerm het aftc atht CRB uondgre csllyygsoi oynl toni uor .edash +3
thotcandy  lca,nhyelcti oglilsyscy is the aotceirn ahtt espphna ni eth tclooys atth ntsegeaer uvtrapey dan 2 etn PT.A eatrf that i'st CAT and viteOxida h,phapotnoiyrsol cwhih uorcc in hte noihm.rtadcoi B y fodent,niii csolyysgil is neiaroacb - hcwih is yhw they armehm hte tcfa atth CRB undoreg iyossgclly nloy onti uor dahse. +1
targetmle  i got ti nrowg sauceeb of itsh sa i utotghh PAT wlli be erdsecdea ni enbarcia ,ylsgcolsyi tub ybbalpaor it was lnayim scs'ylygil'o is endeascir +1
kcyanide101  i tgo isth iutnqoes gorwn dan hcoes ....A cseuabe I rvoe ghoutht .it I adh edmauss yeht wree iskagn otuab het O2 ttocnen in hte byo,d hwhci ilwl eb erncsdaei ngidiosrnec erthe illw eb troaeisyrrp iaskolsla ot ehpl gmeana eth nnotidcoi +

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