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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—joker4eva76(31)
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hTe usiqotne tems si igrnicsebd a dmlahiooncirt seseiad, hihwc oclymnmo peesrnt hiwt cactil idsaois.c heTre si an nresceia in acoeiranb rfmos fo egreny udrpcitoon iolglsys().yc heT hmiicartoodn rae y,fltau so yeth nโ€™tca esu het ned cdutorp of slycogsiyl ayuerp)vt( in A.TC ntIsdea trpyvuae si tdsehun roev dan si usde by LDH claa(tte adydrgeosehe)n to eergntea tap.veyur

d:siAe aclRle that LDH sseu NAHD and esretgnae AND.+ ieDeficcyn fo DHL nca laed to slos of nergeioernta fo NA+D nad ihsbitni ssygloc.lyi

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drdoom  ... aprvetuy si steudhn voer dan is udes by DLH aac(ttel hoese)gaydrdne ot gereatne ca*.eattl +4
chris07  'tIs ietndh ni eht r,waens ubt I wdluo ekil to acy:filr amx 2O omtsnnpiuoc si edsredeac eescaub O2 si snecomdu ni eth oenclrtE ratTrosnp Cin,ha hwcih crousc ni het .tdrminohaoic hWti eht anodmocihitr otn r,onikwg teh CET ntcano k,owr dan sthu etrhe si lses demnda orf gOe.nyx +21
masonkingcobra  dtiooaMcrihn rea teh seoouwprhe fo hte lcle +63
uslme123  arnptylpeA gagdre red sefirb are eth rlsteu fo cersoa ublrsalmsaeomc ro rltrrfmebnayiioli driclnmoioath umau.oa.csilcnt -yorycincpmw--d omn:oytotich-mh/ieh/blidoiiaa.ereislpbcyl.etumcrtcctnc gom/teolps/-tiaeooeitnrwsgswscdha/ +4
mnemonicsfordayz  As @ricsh07 s,iad sesl O2 si eignb umoecnds ni the CT..E. tbu I laso was ktginhin ttah the dpgiraham is a cumesl nad fi the aodricimnhot in rhe idagarmhp rea oals tno gni,otuicnfn nhte 'essh not ianebrthg rlyprpoe nad ssel 2O si niegb ndleiha and rofheeetr iceraensgd rhe goeyxn i.monuptscno sI that ytlolat ffo abse or am I tujs aisgngpr at watsrs reh?e +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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oS htsi nuiosqte swa hsmigotne I elylra gsgutdelr .thwi I di'tdn noeceigzr atth het nattersnoiep was of EMFRR sa seonome asetdt eol,bw dna I know you tnd'o ened ot wkon atth to renwsa het uiqote,sn but it olduw avhe nebe l.pfhlue My egtbsgi arttfniruso asw eth igdrnow of the pboyis tssuerl anablor"m atmoaniuclcus of hrc.nitoio"amd Tsih nyondea me becseua teh iiotinnfde of aegrgd erd frseib hi(whc 'Im susimnga wsa heitr )initotenn si csuatlcnuaiom" fo bnarlaom aocrto.h"imndi ehTos rea wot eryv ieftdenfr semnetstat in ym d,nmi ol.l ehT rft,si to m,e jtus easnm 'esthre oot cmhu cia,toidmrnho tub the ocneds anems t'srehe oto mchu DAN ehyt nre'at uonfcnngiit pyo.lrepr Is't aslo usjt eht tfac fo brrnmemegie lal fo hte estmr orf ETC at the imet of einrgad teh nsquteoi .e(.i I n'didt knhti taoub het ctfa taht CTE si laso daecll eclrulla siportnera ro sjut oipin.)treras

I aslo 'idntd eyarll ratdnnedus yflul thwa OxamV2 si = 2O"V mx,a slao oknnw as mxalima oyegxn p,tkeau is eth nmeumraetse fo eht mmamuxi auotnm fo gyonxe a rnseop nac utiilze rniugd tneinse .ixees..rec nda is bdesa on the spimree thta eht omre gyneox encodmsu gndiru eceersxi, hte meor eth oydb lilw ngeterea esniondea aehrstphotpi T()AP ngeyer in V2O xam is cahreed nhwe ruyo goexny npocmnusoti amesnri at a tsdaey estat detseip na aieesnrc ni het oloakrwd. tI si ta htis etalapu atth teh sluem]c[ ovesm fmor aeircob tismoaembl to rbicneaao lammtseoib" hc2fv-a3wwt.-0/t-0woiywpoet9ima.tv7h-l:r//ewls12smx.

Bsade lyeurp on tsih ,nfedtiniio reweh am2xOV = ltianyeslse teh meti at wihhc ricobea eshscwti ot bareioanc aienirtsrpo, my toarinnirtetep fo oto humc rimcitodaonh sv oto cmhu nda bda ntdhcooiarrim n'idtd am,ttre ceesabu vnee wenh teh iomicrotanhd are tfgcnniinou lr,pepoyr thye acher a pitno nad iwtchs ot bao,creain suht if eerht saw oot hucm mralno ,ricmitnhodao ihts lwudo uccro rstaef sceubea treeh odwul eb reom vallero acllurle enairspirto co,grnuci ienngam hte ydbo duwlo istwch to abicoaner adn ilizetu ssgoyliicl ot calteta rof gnere,y stpo tnziugiil eht c,aodhitiormn adn tsuh x2VmaO oudlw

E..VHEOW.R. cueeabs shti si a FMRRE esquion,t eth reord fo svntee si a tetlli fnidtefr,e ieeptds teh motoeuc einbg hte esam at( selta ast'th hwo I ddtsuarnen i.t) S,o I ikhtn het key ot ayn iriolhcdoamnt doriserd si rinmrbmegee that eht itstuoamn era maoslt nltyearci ggion ot eatcff an eoedcdn tionpre dna hsut a yfineccedi of ttah tpeiro.n nOe ciarlet ttha I onfud disa atht the RtAN satmiontu (as in FRRM)E ascu:e utr"dsip dniotlacihrom ioeptnr ysshsein,t argdneeics eht iacttiyv fo pxoCmle I nda ot a rsesle teetxn elmpCox V.I.. hhwci sesrceeda trpeiosinar dna wslero nrootp ngupp,mi aitlrmydaalc eaidrsnceg het mbmeerna lonapttei dna rpnoot ehtcelaieomclcr anittpelo rntieagd ossrac eth ditnrlimcoaho inrne e.ernabmm ehT ropton tamecleeolccrhi tatlnipoe dgrieatn si teh diivnrg orefc fro APT synisehts and edsrcgeian it ytuailsnltasb wsolre the imxalma erat of APT se."stsyihn o12dbe./-lx3/hit7420.0ow/1906.l:.rf./iouea.3/06p4n1bst.c911n9m6/lryelysl.fiij0

Baesd on ym aenidgndtrnsu of xoaeditvi thlor,aiphosnypo O2 mincpootuns ( kntiag the lecontre mofr lomcpxe VI nda ntgupit ti no 21/ 2O ot ratcee 2HO and +H rvdise teh prnoot tednigra ichwh diervs TAP outocn.rdip T:suh cdtenifie oeasrrrtpiy diotoanix ie.(. tmDAN uiontatms fo teh ECT se)zenmy ldsae to owrelde 2O ompuosinnct (os lerdewo OV2 a)xm ihchw etnh aelds to leerowd TPA p,ioorcdtnu and sthu ctfeedvei ncrtoihd.omai e,Thn elodwer inmthiaolcdro intfoncu edsla to esredecad aerbico setrioniarp hgsntiun TAP iocdunprto to noriaaecb iiasentrro,p videnr by syicy,sllog and htus igneancisr ttaacle evlels.

Heop hits !lpehs ihTs tkoo me WYA OOT GLNO ot gerfiu ot,u l,lo but oelpuyflh I enrve rifngkea ogfert t,i llo.

,Aosl if oyu twan nay eorm riand,ge I fliylna fdnuo an lretaci taht ctllyaua lflyu xaepsiln hte hieablomcci dan ppshythoiolgaoy of mildcrniahoot heapistyo:m ma/3alircm1/u42d2/eheati1oo/.//pspnc4.it5:6a273ctr/3bc/

ryroS 'sti so nlog!

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djtallahassee  oll .aey I othghtu etyh ewer yngrit ot ysa rteeh asw na anoaybrllm eglar otmnau fo codtiihanmro trenpse hhcwi maed me get het etpsipoo wraesn :/ +1
alexxxx30  on I os ge.era The gmrmaar aws leclompyte nrgwo (elrylac rwehevo owrte eht eoquistn edesn ot okrw no ne)gl.ihs Tish saw ervy nfuasrirgtt to me causeeb I irocgenzed htat ti saw geagrd erd fbsire, utb enth the wnorgdi daem me obutd ym now dgolkeewn itinnk(hg woh loudc teh stet erwirt sesm htat up.)? rmboaanl saiuuntaolccm eerthi aensm oot uhmc or oot ellt.ti auotmunaicslc fo bmnroaal oimt sname heet odnhmaircoti si utaf.yl rrtecoC aargmrm si ntgutpi het vecijtade ihgrt ntxe ot teh odrw it is c.risbgeind oS isth swa eiliynfedt rnwgo dan I hrsae ryuo ntntim.ese ihsT lyarel artsfrdteu !em +1
azibird  ilintyDfee a nitcdiralmoho apho,yymt but I lylcatau d'otn ihknt ist' lMnooiycc ilpeyeps twih drr-agdege bfiser .MERF()R hTis ylnralom lsnetai Mnooylcic k,jers eGelnezdiar ,suzsiree lareberCle ia,atax nda Dienmeat (icnradocg to mos)sbA. yaeMb ist' CEPO icor(hnc verrsgsopie taenerxl ogpt:hp)eimlolhaa pgivrrosees aoxlturearc elptiaolpmhahog wthi arealitbl osspit. Not ruse hiwch noe ldwou taucocn rof her orop rcxiseee elr.aoentc ehrEti w,ay ngeiornizgc 'sit otolahridnmci si ueno.hg +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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tp thwi oereisrpvgs lesumc t-eg-sws&anke; espr usemcls otn okwring ;&-g-t asedcere eoynxg pn.motnuoisc on egx=ony on irbocae teilmabsom -&t-g; cesinrea eovsun ,ltaceat laos oyu peek iondg abreacion sycgiylsol icesn uoy tnac go ot ACT &--tg; esnceair enyerg ptcoinuord avi ygocslsyil :)

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—diabetes(31)
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can mbseoydo pxnilea how reeyng pnociuotrd by cglyoiysls dia,nercse nceis roacebi lyyolgissc oprcdue 23 ten amAPeoTcpr, ot 2 ten PAT uotrghh aceonibar gosclisyyl ?

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diabetes  i hktni het smte hulsdo eb egrn"ey roopnitucd by na reaocaibn cilgysoysl " +3
blueberrymuffinbabey  yeha ht'tas hte itb htat tdpepir em pu too. i gte thta hteer dwulo eb ascredine lyolycsgis ni lgnaeer to pmeencotsa for kcla fo ACT conutinf .t.h.utbe catf that it assy ee"ryng noidtupcro yb yocgssiyll" si dnki of uis.mialengocsnfgd/in +2
thotcandy  tclliyecan,h ysillgcyos si eht aoitcner ttha pehansp ni eht stoclyo atth eagrntees vrytepua dna 2 nte PTA. fatre that 'sti ATC nda evaitxiOd i,pplnohryhsotoa hhwic orcuc in the yB ftinindeo,i cygilsoyls si ieraoncba - wichh si hyw they aermmh the ftca ttah BRC engurod soslliygyc only noit oru as.hde +3
thotcandy  ailc,ytnhelc oycllgissy is hte rantieco ttah ehpanps ni teh otscylo htat terenegsa eyrautvp and 2 etn T.PA taefr hatt sti' ACT nda Oiextavdi ,pnotoayhohlrsip ichhw ocucr ni hte ch.irontidmao yB ,foditniine gyslylsico si niacorbae - cwhih is yhw tyeh emrhma eht acft ttah CBR uengrdo osslyglciy nlyo tnio oru hd.aes +1
targetmle  i got it wrong auesebc fo hits sa i gthtohu TAP iwll be ddrecseea in aacnribe icyslgosyl, btu polaaybrb ti aws alnymi 'sylgilsyc'o si arsceined +1
kcyanide101  i tog thsi noesutiq nwgro dan eshco A.... uabecse I veor otthhgu it. I hda ssudaem yhte were skanig about eht O2 oettcnn in teh yodb, hihwc illw eb ncraeidse ioisgndecrn erteh lwil eb trpreiyrsoa aslsoakil ot lhpe nmagea teh ndtocnioi +

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