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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#10 (reveal difficulty score)
An 81-year-old man comes to the physician for ...
Atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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orF sehto atht dtni'd qeuti teg awht teh mtes saw ,anyisg llaicsyba rO'ssel gnsi si henw ore'yu niezqseug hte bodol psueesrr ffuc nad keep going eihrgh and hreihg escbeau the sreiraet onw't saloeplc as ayleis eud( ot urtnaal fgnitinesf fo eht esrertai hiwt e).ag Teh lakc fo acosllpe onpu eqszengiu si yhw uoy acn iltsl eefl the ardlia retray in eth .tmse oS vene ughtoh hte sspuerre idsein het rsreiaet higmt eb namr,lo ruye'o gonan aerusme ti as hgih deosey(.rpoehisnp)ntu rpeAnpalty tis' a moomnc giifnnd in eht d.leeylr

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submitted by keycompany(351)
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lOser Sign is a se,owtyi-nlsviit ltipsyowcifce- dfngnii fo eoMrgbcken ctlorierossoiAsrle AM() dahreaccrizte by a" aelbalpp latghouh slu,spelse alirad yetarr lweih het BP uffc si fnleadit voeab ltssoiyc "

It is spisbleo atht ehta ):ire eTh pil-ceiioftcswy of ihts etst saemn ti is laso pblcpaelia ot rresacetshiloso tno( jtus Ab)M) Teh MENB tlriyercnco iesipml that AM is lnbatheicnaegr thiw oiasesohrscert.l

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bubbles  sTih saw my ri,annseog to.o I otghtuh hsit wsa Mgrbeonekc ofr resu +
hello  I t'odn nthik intkh i'ts a pyte. codcAirng to 2 tohre Io" mntss'tecm: ohreotcseilasrs eesubca ti sida laaid“r ateryr si lOaNspl-ueNti TBU ERMNIAS BAPLPALE enve sa teh cfuf is ”&-a-ltg;ifentd oln,rymla uoy ’antc efle teh rerayt hwne eht cfuf si frdetnealiov b/c aoivdelitnron lcsueodc odobl owfl nad rirteesa rae qsyshiu amo(pincl)t; BTU if oyu dah eseoacslstio,hrr whcih si lyartllie ihnrga,edn uyo duwol nto eb ebal to cromssep teh tarry,e nda nehitre lowud uoy eepxct teh romanl adaril ow(dau)rt eaixpsnno fo an eratyr rignud ssetl.yo tth(a is, het "lsI)ps :uef! if ieosghmtn erwe to not eb appalleb nhet ti luowd evah to ollpesac -- steerrhcosilao steenprv hits sevels eo.l"apcsl +22
arcanumm  I reae,g I ujts ndsaeero that easrhocloetirss luodw nto eb rkeitch nwhe hte nlemu si I o'ntd nkthi eyht rewe gonig rfo reeogMcnbk ta all. +
arcanumm  uowld be ketihrc +
drzed  ecsothoisrrAlse 'ntsi mocmon in eth rdaila rerayt .ogh.tuh. 'its ncomom in het dbonaalmi orata + ,norcaory epal,otilp and caritod ate.sirre I ma ont gigno to sseaum a ygu has laardi reaytr lssoiroecrhsaet nwhe he is ni ish s08 owtthui a pisilymdieda rosmendy oerv mbnregkeco ofliiccia!ntca +1
mdmikek89  Tshi pnoaieanxtl si poetcleylm rnteroci.c Werveoh oveptud thsi is dmu.nprbho.oeeisuynsdPe t nnyo,htePdrousepesi sloa owknn sa edrnsioeupehyptnos in teh ,elelydr bsnciryostnepmloii ryarte rymsoen,d nad rOss'le nisg of sshoiruppdneeynote si a fellsya tleeevda dobol sruseerp aenigrd bdeioatn tghohur phoyoymgrasntemm due to ciaacconfilti of boold svseesl cwhhi otcnna eb sdmp.soeecr +1
mdmikek89  ihsT si a siudffe rnkcoMgnebe is kile PAD wthi Ciluacm. moSe lpecsa evha it osem epscla n.dto eTh caechn ahtt eerht si a aqleup at eht asem oitpn as eth orodct si egiflne rfo otlinpaap .wol losA rocgkeenMbn is a nioociltcpma fo DM pTey I.I tNo in iths +
haydenelise  vdoeWlu' ahtnkde you fro your tnenolpiaxa kdmi@em fi ti ah'ntd ciudndel teh heov"erw eotudpv sthi is mubd" c.onmetm Waht a udrt oll +8

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by yb_26(315)
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AF ,2910 pgae 992: yetps fo rresAloricstieso: tsslsciaeoilorrreo adn bnroeekgcM le.sricoss

htne no apge 03:0 erAsoersihcoslt - form fo tcrlsieirsosroae cseuda by dbpiluu of oetlcloehrs .leuqspa

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by catacholamine16(14)
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twha is apgiphnen ni hsit ?emts benalu ot occdelu the ldiara rryaet ? Can emeonos eepals xlpen?ai

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lilamk  I seohc lsrhsoraitsoece eebuacs yhte siad lar“ida raeryt si lnsuol-tniape ubt aemrisn pblpaela even as teh ffcu si a-”ilt>n-efd my snaoriegn wsa that omlralyn uyo a’cnt flee hte arerty ryaneom once uoy vtfleeaor the ufcf bc shti doueccls obold lfwo dna errtasie aer shqsiyu tcianplo);(m UTB fi uoy ahd oes,hlrratsicsoe icwhh si ialerllty a ghr,idaenn you dulow ton eb lbea to rpmosecs het r,ytare dna rehneti dwlou ouy xtecep the nlmaro aliard (wut)arod onasxpnei of na areyrt rdgniu os.stlye tath( s,i eth s)u!sple +10
mnemonia  I kithn eohtra si sutj a uyesbtp of osrsslcii.rraeoet Aosl my hugohtt psorsec saw lkei( al)Li fi imshognet weer to otn eb laeblppa ehtn it louwd eahv ot lpsaocel adn raohte venesrpt shit omrf nphgeanip. +3
yb_26  AF 9102, gepa 99:2 ptyes of rsieorsAteliors:c llotosiesarsrrceio dna rgocenekbM htnr no gpae 3:00 esstrloiecroshA - romf of csriterslieoorsa asucde yb bulpudi fo esehlocotlr +

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submitted by swandy(3)
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I htnik eyeervon ioenimgntn Mkgbuoncer lscioresS aiv Oresl inSg is .rcerotc cbnMruegok ceiosSlsr is a yept of esorliserco,rsiat adn it unrst otu oeractorli"isr"sse nad rc"istrooses"lhae era ftoen dseu nnntsayo/iemonlbhyesylarcgy.u /dsoemshlhswowntt..os/ebeasmlrrepkosc:A/u/soctiwgw/

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swandy  lSilt hits axme 2#2 is lflu fo oorp einstouq winrnsa/gweitr chosice +2

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submitted by flecainide(0)
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mFor oWdrUl U 0eiaIlM4d5D klbi-dena ccnctaiisilfao aer stcetrcrahicia of Msgrc'eebnök ladmei cciilafc ecolsssri nad eepntsr as pstiemep niccotiflaacsi no .rayx- eTyh aym be idsscoatae twhi eaesrlsoitcshro tub do nto idlertyc aucse smmyotps and are ulaylsu ton llycncalii iisianf.nctg

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