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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A sedentary 50-year-old man with hypertension ...
Antidepressant therapy ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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siFrt cneseent of hte tm:es eh sah a e6kw-e ysrthoi ..g(e &;gt2 ek)wes fo podsenries ,)(1 cftildfiuy negislpe ,)(2 tufieag (,3) cedadesre epeaptti (),4 dna orop tnmaocrinmreoyoc/ten 5()

orF a indaisgso of MDD, yuo eend a 2 week thyrsoi of 5 of the IESACSGP yosspmmt ihwhc eh emets (he is nloy isisgmn isacudil aondiiet nad estrneit ni tvcsaii.eti) Thus eh eetms eth angicdstio iarcetri rof a roamj pdsvesiree deop,sei ihchw nseam ahtt attmeetrn is iedcdntai htwi na I.SSR

oFr the retoh ardaicaurlcsov fcrta,os eht lyon osen neorpv ot rpoievm ltmaortiy rea ttsan,is iAE,C BB pe(s. aleicdrvol ni rtahe lef,)iura dan ascotipl.rnoneo oNen of sheot reew swnera coesi,hc os DMD nmteeartt saw the bste e.cioch

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umpalumpa  uy,Allatc ihtgwe lsos nad crxsieee aer het loyn sueesamr to aedreces toiatylrm (throe nhat )nsattis in tp thiw mirdiaep idlpi abl lea.vsu mI' ton blae ot xpleina wyh a lol-cwiaore dite si ngrwo ti( sulhod eecdeasr etaeihew;etsgrd-c&-g io;lttamyr) mebay eehtr si no ciretd taiorenclor ni niclaicl tssieud enweeb aocewo-irll etdi nda ori.lmatyt +1
fhegedus  neev ghutoh i tog itsh wrgon, i veelbei i avhe egdurif tuo hyw celio-lroaw idet is nowr.g In eth firts entecens fo eht sueoqi,nt it tatess eh sah wol eitapt.ep oS ew can retypt hcmu igrneo tdie dna liaecors ormf eth naequtoi. +1
drbravojose  I tihkn eabmy 2 eayrs xetn si eth yek ot eocsho iatepnd iesdant fo wo-lecolria chhiw asetk a logn ermt to akem its ef.eftc +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—strugglebus(189)
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Msto of eht tsp vleasu erwe ornma.l rkDnigni tw'nas urgeotoa,su LDL saw dim,l IBM hsa infe. eH ddi eahv NTH hhgtou. eTh sbgietg kisr otsracf are the fact thta he dha fduefsre an MI adn aersdtt uergisfnf seerve sdpineroes wgieh(t saoin/.elxsyt) T,suh he si omer at skri rof su.iicde

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sohaib111  Wn'to hagvni na MI be a yerv gib sirk trfaco ofr nothera one A?d n osal fi eyht tenawd isth ensraw (eth atrp,dn)t-sseenia hwy dwoul ythe utjs add tath his LLD si negrianis in eht tsal +14
dbg  bc rethy'e BSOs nda DsBO +33
doodimoodi  he,Ya cedodnemrem LLD in opeepl twhi rivosuep treha loebpmr si ;l&t 001 eezj +1
asingh  It is ebcuaes fo het earfmeimt of oyialrmtt is 2 ,rys eyteghivrn lees illw fftace telar +6
benny  dmd seancrie IM +
benny  ypTe 2 etibseda dan jraom desripvsee derdsrio MD)D( aer ndnnteipede cnirrubstoot to ilucaasrrocvda deasies nda ot an nieacresd iksr fo yaomdcrila ioifnactnr (.IM) +
drzed  noNe of hte coadulrsairacv tinosop udolw oervpmi itrltymoa t,asts(ni EA,Ci ,BB tcpeoronlaison are hte neos that have pernov ymarottli bni)eetf. oS fi eyht adh tup neo fo thes,o I ntihk I uwdol vhea hconse htt,a utb igenv that the rtse 'tdno cengah tioaytlmr at l,al I ntwe htwi the ssndes.aeianrtpt +2
ihatetesting  My htnkigni asw thta ncsie eh ahd an ,MI a aetb erbkcol uodlw oervimp mt,yailtro and nplooralrop si laos dseu sa an ciolnixy.ta +2

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mbourne(118)
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I khnti ttah fi eyht hda tsimehgon elik itstn"a he"atrpy sa na awnesr coci,eh we oldwu veha an eguatnrm orf hatt sa ti uwdol ecrsaede titymalro by hpligen vpentre TONREHA retha .kcaatt ew,reHvo I hnitk ttha -nneitdpstasare pyretha llwi do a TLO ot vnrepte i,sueicd wlihe 3-moega ytfta isdca hth(aley sa yeht r)ae otldw'nu od SA UMCH ot tnrevep a eathr kt.ctaa

eTh sunqotie si absclyail sak,ign uYo" nac nloy ebrrpscie oen fo eesht to kpee tsih dued eilav sa lnog sa ls.bespio hhWic eno lilw evha het btse hcncea ta ghilcoaimcpsn "?htat

,hoerfreeT the snarew dusloh eb epn-itnessdarta .atyphre

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bharatpillai  yhw aetaninsdtesrp atypher uho?gth rteeh aer ont ugnhoe eefrtsau vengi ot eggtuss DD .'esHM 65 sayer ldo, not an lldyree eligns laem os otn ta eth isgethh s"llcaa"csi ionuaolppt ta skir fo ciusied? het qosuetni si so gmaivieso. G.unu.b MI, t'woudln ircocnh hooiclacl nteiak opesispred ihm ot iaetldd rpy?ooyicathmda +1
neovanilla  I nt'do eevlibe 'ist atth eh ash MDD by teh ilnilcac nifn.oietid stI' omre ttah sih LoQ ahs lroybbpa cghaend ildacrtlays sienc eth IM adn sIM ear ontrsylg dsiacetosa ihtw saddrecee tkoolou on ei,fl eyapecslli iceorgdnnis woh mconmo ti si to tge a sceodn MI noso tefar eth f.irts I nto'd okwn the stsat no iuedcis sp,otIM- but ephigln teh pttisena' nodsreeips to kmae imh emro tcerai-pov ot lphe fmiehls tpenerv tnaheor MI ulwod be rtetbe anht a" dite ghih in aemgo 3 AFs" a(t sael,t stih aws ym tsn,oaijictuif sa umeronb saw ng)iyas +2
drzed  rsitF cesenten of eth t:esm eh ahs a e-kw6e sirhoyt e..g( t2g&; seewk) fo rspeideson )1(, dciufliyft pliengse ,(2) futgaie ,)(3 secdaeerd epepttai ,)(4 dna oorp ceinertonynotoamm/rc )(For5 a gsiadonis of DD,M ouy dnee a 2 keew yhsiort fo 5 of eht SPSIGACE tssompmy hchwi eh mtees he( si yonl issimgn sdlaiiuc doatiine adn sretntie in t.viestaci)i uhTs he tesme eht gdotiniacs icaterir for a jamro pdevseries dospe,ei chhwi nseam htat ttmeatren is dtcidenia tiwh na S.RIS +3

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—peteandplop(42)
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anC nyanoe ilxenap hyw 'ist ton it?olxiyacn yM gclio saw iths eudd sha a bum ekirtc mfor purosvie ,MI adn sih RH saw 1wc-h/hn04-iim ca'nt be good rfo hte dol e.rhat I tnew /wa iatxoynicl ot rbnig shi RH and nyixeat nedru .rctonlo

ldWou an nisaatsernetdp do hte ea,ms h,tsu is it a retbet ,aswner or coerv a erwdi narge of o?ysptsmm

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underd0g  nA SIRS owudl vreco bhot sieosdnerp nad ynt.iaex +2

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