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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
Following a wedding reception that was ...
Norovirus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: micro

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submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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i ikhnt bauseec ythe erew os piefiscc ni itelda rof hwne teh xs ng,bae yeterh yrgtin to tste su fi ew wonk eth otnes fo orat sv urinrovs.o saol fi ouy kloo ta eht rntsmnaosiis fo otvsaruir its OF nad epitroarr,ys so slesnu euyor npgiyla whti opop at a ddeiw,ng tis hucm emro liykle fdoo aws eht cshtyke ysas ynaitme yuo uctho odof iwht oyur hasdn tis noor

eresh a blaet ofr ner.efceer smre0a/tscn/ppaapatlp/astrhm/rlbeu6eeteeo/tyfo-iuyc1usi6ogesecs-a/

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dhkahat  llew i aselrpyonl jeyon sigtsno the sfeec adounr ta dgdsweni but tahw od i ownk +5

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submitted by strugglebus(189)
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eodvm[ ot nb]esmuctom

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by beeip(141)
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wHo ot adiietfreftne eetewnb rNiuvsoor dna taRvosuri er?he sMtu be eleatdr ot eth the tugosainco ernuat fo teh llesnsi?

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strugglebus  uYo nowk t’is roNo sbeeuac eppoel aer caevaidtnc tasnaig tRoa ta ,24,6 tohns.m +8
beeip  tg:sls@guebur I id'dtn onkw oaubt eht nvcacie u.sedcleh aTkhns! +1
strugglebus  sA na mdund,dae ouy ownk ts’i ton sahtp rusaue c/b htta is paird tseno ihnitw 4 urosh. +5
asapdoc  e@Biep fI you go to eht ancvseic gpae in ifrst ida it vgeis oyu lal the ghhi edyli tanaocicv.nis I idtdn iaeezlr to raeltroce htat page ot a olt fo eiqunosst iltun I tog tshi aewnsr rgnwo +5
savdaddy  sti usinorovr bc/ ti cna vrevius ~2 ewesk hiwtotu a sot,h hhwci si why we ese imalfy ermmbes ihwt smopymst 3 dysa rfeat teh niiiatl si.urv +
savdaddy  *aert*f* teh intiail okbtraeu +1
eacv  fro me tsih swa a dsricta :idGaqr.ia1x aillabm tno wehosd eeaohtarrts nda it deesn eionmdaict to go 2y vrotuRsai laolnymr in aundtcivance . ikds3. ualhgiSel RYEV tmyloamafrni oltos sett do ton hsow i h.angnty4S eusar is evry AFTS -62 hr tfera ate eht inantmtdeoac oo.fd +4
link981  ivrusNroo is het stom mmocon uecas fo rvlai satretiirsngtoe ni teh AUS edu ot ai.natocvcin + rusRvtioa is teh most mocnmo ecsau fo lariv ginrertttosseia in eth ters of eht do.lwr In shit enoiqstu ouy adh ot wnok eht msto omcnom ceus.a +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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ruovrsoiN h)c(eySkt = tefcsfA heewr a tol fo peolep aer ni oslercure saqt - asepyllcei ocmomn no cserisu - 9%0 fo all lrdhaeair eoarubtks no rseuics

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sbryant6  itvouaRsr ocrscu in ntecvcuaaind .eincdrlh In drreo orf it ot e,apdrs lal estoh kdis wudlo ahve to eb ea.xnvxud +1

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submitted by usmleaspirer(1)
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i intkh i heav sene sith in kizna ..s.adrc

our-vRista somt omcmon ceuas of rialv era(eahirytraw)d in IDRLENH.C

ursrNio-ov sotm mcoomn esauc fo lirva e(rraeaad)hyirwt in TU.ASDL

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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[omved ot mcten]musbo

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submitted by mdmikek89(6)
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ishT sqtneoui is tesgnit treewhh yuo wnko eth fndreefeic in ohw eht uvris ine.cstf Ncitoe ti yssa 52 tsslov.doi.N.uarru. otaR si porsescreo.lh

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submitted by link981(208)
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osiruNorv si eht otsm ommnoc eusca of rlavi gtnasttosrieeir ni eth SAU deu ot n.aivctoinca + tsiavuRro si eht stom mmcoon auces of vrail ietertosnsairgt ni hte rset of eth rlo.dw nI tish esitnuoq uoy hda to nkwo eht most omcmno eusca

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submitted by beeip(141)
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mov[de ot ecb]tusmnmo

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