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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
Following a wedding reception that was ...
Norovirus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: micro

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submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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i nhkit uabcees they rewe so piicfsec in iteadl fro ewnh eth sx nageb, teeryh igtynr to estt su fi ew onwk hte tneos of aort vs irnousro.v oals fi uoy kool at teh issosnminrta of srauiotvr sit FO adn r,yasroeitpr os uesnsl roeyu glyaipn htiw oopp ta a edniw,gd tis mhcu ermo klyeil fdoo aws het .osssaimtinnr eyhckts assy eanyimt oyu cotuh ofod itwh oyru ndsha tsi oron

hrees a baelt rfo crreeenef. mauuse-toaehnpeycrsemahta/aiesnfpoorecyscgaremtca/rrls-pj/2ciu6rtpoo:res/r0te/cbn1soy/a.m6i1t.ilti-bhoirus02/nat-ptstc

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dhkahat  well i rslyonplea eonjy ngsoits eht fcese odraun ta gieddswn tbu atwh do i nkwo +5

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submitted by strugglebus(189)
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mv[deo to ec]mnmuobts

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by beeip(141)
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How to ereftiitnefda eetewnb ovrrusioN dna vRrousita ehe?r uMst be ltrdeae to teh teh gnoauocits nrtuea fo hte ?sellisn

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strugglebus  uYo wkno t’is oNor besuace popeel aer iaadtnvecc isagant aoRt ta 46,,2 so.mnth +8
beeip  :gsg@elbrustu I idntd' nkow ubato het ceinvac hlu.deecs hnaT!ks +1
strugglebus  sA an ddemuna,d uyo konw si’t otn tsahp suuare bc/ ttha is darpi eston ntiwih 4 ho.sru +5
asapdoc  ie@Bpe fI uyo go to het inecavcs pgae in irsft dia ti vegis uoy lal eht ihgh ydlei acvtiaisn.ocn I dditn izeearl ot reatrcloe that gpea ot a tlo fo sstuiqneo nuilt I otg sthi anresw rgnwo +5
savdaddy  tsi nosirvuro cb/ it acn srvivue 2~ wekes ttiuowh a soh,t which si wyh ew ese fmaliy eebrsmm hwti mmstyosp 3 dsay raeft eth iatliin urvsi. +
savdaddy  rf**t*ea the iatniil kbetuaor +1
eacv  rof em sith swa a iadsrtc qx:r1 aaiGdi. iballma tno shdweo eattreahsro nad it nsede iamcnitdeo to og yw.2a. a rsaivtoRu onlalymr ni caciatvndeun .k3.dis ehluiglaS VRYE tiamnrflyamo oltso tets od nto oswh na4S ihgyt.n eruas is ervy SFTA 62- hr eaftr ate het nadotmicatne .odfo +4
link981  rvusoNori is eth stom onmocm ascue of lriva toeegrisnttasri in het USA edu to ccaitno.vain + avortRisu is the toms conmmo ascue of lvair rseanrigtiettos ni het setr of teh .dlrwo In tish osnuteiq yuo hda to oknw het smto ncmomo .seuac +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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vriNorous Sythec)(k = ffstecA wrehe a lot fo eploep rae ni o cusreetlqrsa - eclelaiyps nmcomo on usriesc - 0%9 fo lal iahdlarre aserukbot no ricssue

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sbryant6  viousRart csuroc ni ceuncdaitnva lh.ecdrni In derro rfo it ot ad,pesr lal otehs iskd owdul heav to eb nxduvxea. +1

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submitted by usmleaspirer(1)
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i htkin i vahe seen itsh in ainkz csdr...a

uasRovir-t mtos onmcom aecsu of rival rarertwy)ahid(ae in CRDLNIHE.

N-orivsruo mots ommcon caues of lraiv tay)drwrrhie(aae in DSAT.UL

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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v[oemd ot uec]bomnsmt

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mdmikek89(6)
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Tihs eoitnusq is ittnesg eehhwtr oyu onwk the efefenircd ni who eth irusv .nietfcs icNote it sasy 52 .ruv.ois.draus.loNt Rato si er.pohelssroc

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submitted by link981(208)
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vsiroNruo is eth tsom moomnc cueas fo laivr sioenrsigatttre in het SAU due ot vt.caciionan + utvRasior si eth tsmo omomcn eusca of rivla sitetsrnigaroet in eht ters of the odlrw. In htis sntuoeqi uoy dah to nwko the stmo ocommn esacu

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submitted by beeip(141)
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vdo[me to mmb]csutoen

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