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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
Following a wedding reception that was ...
Norovirus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: micro

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submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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i itnhk scaeueb they ewer so fiiccpes in edtail fro hwne eth xs ,eabng hteyre ryintg ot estt us fi ew wkno eht soetn fo aort sv .rsonuirvo also fi oyu okol ta hte simnsiotsnar of ovturirsa tsi OF and eprtaoir,rys so snlsue uyroe yagplni iwht popo ta a nw,igedd tis hcum reom yeikll ofdo aws eth sr.inintsmaso ytksehc ssay tenimya you octuh food iwht uryo dhsna tis orno

sheer a lbtae for eecnerre.f oacmrpcaaep/rfcbetisaettmltnsu0yuno12ary/ta//n/e-issrj1onssmcrrmtoig-/ias2p/raioahcehtpcttcheuslrst0.-ie6up6e-eyro:bo.

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dhkahat  lewl i rleynpalos neyoj ongitss hte ecefs ndaour ta ngdsdiwe utb ahtw od i know +5

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submitted by strugglebus(189)
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emv[do to mco]mnestub

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by beeip(141)
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How to efdaretiefitn weenbte oNivorurs nad aRtusoriv ?here Muts eb ereldat to teh eht iantcogous neurta of eth nslelis?

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strugglebus  ouY onwk its’ oroN aecsebu oppele rae tdnvaaecic gnsaita toRa ta 624,, toh.snm +8
beeip  b:sul@gtegrsu I dndti' wonk abtou hte vcecina e.lsecuhd h!aTnsk +1
strugglebus  sA na d,ndeudam uyo konw tsi’ tno tspah suuare c/b taht is irpad tneso itinhw 4 rh.ous +5
asapdoc  Bepei@ If uyo og to hte esvaiccn gaep ni itrsf ida ti vesig you all teh high ydile cnocav.insita I nidtd eirleza to reoacrtle atht aepg ot a tol fo esqnsuoit ilutn I ogt isht rseawn ognwr +5
savdaddy  its suorvirno b/c it anc iuvvser ~2 wkees hitowut a soh,t ciwhh is hwy ew see faiyml bremsme iwht msoypmst 3 sdya erfat eht ailinit vuir.s +
savdaddy  *ftar*e* hte lniiiat areutobk +1
eacv  ofr me htis was a irdacst ixd1aGi arq:. laaimlb ont oewdsh ohtatserare nad ti nsede ietnmcidoa to go w.a2 ya. vrisautRo lroymnal in uetvcaancdni ..k 3ids ahllguiSe YRVE noatfamrimyl oostl tste do ont owhs ynig4 .Stahn ruase si yrev TFAS 6-2 hr arfte eat the oatnnmitaedc o.fod +4
link981  suiroovNr is eht otsm onmmoc ucase of lvari inaresotiregtts ni teh AUS ued ot aovi.canitnc + Rsuoirtav is het somt cnommo acesu of ialrv etaionsritertgs in teh erts of eth rowl.d In hsit snuoeqit uyo dah to nokw eht smot cmmono +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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suooirNrv kcyhS()te = sfcAetf eewhr a tol fo oeplpe era in luartoescre sq - lypeielsca onmmoc no cusiser - 0%9 fo all daelhrair rubkteosa on srisuec

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sbryant6  aRurtisvo rscouc in dtncinuvaace nlhcerdi. In erdro rfo ti ot d,earps lla sehto skdi uowld veha ot eb dexvuna.x +1

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submitted by usmleaspirer(1)
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i ktinh i vhae enes isht ni kazni sracd...

rRiuto-sav smot ommnco cseau of ilvra tr()yweriaadhrae in .CDEILHRN

sioo-rrNvu mots nmoocm suaec of lirva rraadr(eeahyw)ti ni TLA.DSU

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submitted by strugglebus(189)
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[vodme ot sntbemuc]om

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submitted by mdmikek89(6)
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shTi usioqnet si itenstg htrehew you nokw het nceefiderf ni woh eht sivur tNoeic ti ayss 52 aRto is eo.cessorhlpr

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submitted by link981(208)
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rsNiuovro si teh most mnoomc euasc fo iarvl eiregssraoitttn in het UAS eud ot oaiintv.ncca + Rotvrasui si het sotm cmmnoo caues of lraiv esienrgotatirts in teh tser of het rdl.wo In htsi etsoinqu ouy adh to wnok hte omts omomcn ucaes

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submitted by beeip(141)
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dvoe[m to ubceo]tmsmn

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