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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying an outbreak of ...
Only cookies are independently associated with E. coli cases 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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tshi oquistne asemk me wnat ot eat an e lcio kooiec adn hoep i eledb tuo

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caitlyncloy  kipc C nda ovme on was ym etstryga P: lpeh oll +2
thegooddoctor2  oll odgo oen +1
sparta  LLO knhta ouy ofr itsh tonmmce +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by doodimoodi(74)
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idD no oen ecnito hatt eth ddsO airto no het opt etfl is g?nwor mA I ingssmi ?meohignts If oyu uacecallt i,t st'i 6 stuj iekl the top ihgrt ne..o..

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mjmejora  ttsah utlaalcy llaery nfuyn +
yex  secuBae I dsai os, apepisl -:/ +1
doodimoodi  naCt veleebi ew ypa $60 fro ihst racp +50
aisel1787  steb eommtnc oidioood)md +1
b1ackcoffee  htta fkucgin wther em fof on emx.a I was leik is heter na fcfete iiodcmfotani by N"to nrdniigk mi"kl. hte !kcuf +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by sne(59)
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OR t1&;g ecnstadii neacsredi cuocrerecn of etevn. Teh noyl OR teegrra tnah 1 wsa ni hte ealbt tath dtecindai htta het scujteb tea sikceoo btu 'iddnt ndirk kmli. Ths,u hatt si hte nlyo eno whti a tiinfciangs rcercocneu

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For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.

Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.

+1/- peqmd(74)

Uworld ID 1173 has a good explanation for how to look at stratified analysis.

+/- peqmd(74)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by qiss(20)
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Fro olpepe woh egearllyn had tbruloe dnegiar eht tow r:actsh

stirF :racth We arsedptea the tnieer iupnoltopa nito otw lemalsr nsplooptiau ot sett rfo teh ooiscke aft.cef In olinpauPot A (arnkd klm)i trhee wsa an ddos traio of 6 y(top ni teh cultaa chrta.) nI ulootpniaP B d(id nto dnkri l)ikm eerht aws an ddso traio fo 6. niecS eht dsdo ortsai are tno 1, we anc cenlucod tath hte oekosic have an etecff rslsaeegrd of eht putipnlaoo (ei randk mikl ploeep suesrv t'nidd kdrin likm )pe.olep

ndeoSc tcrah: New tse fo sonpuiaoplt to etst orf eth fcftee fo m.kil In plonoauitP C t(ae )ceksioo hrtee was na sodd itora of .1 nI Pnoliautpo D id(d otn ate o)osikce etreh saw slao na osdd taior fo 1. siTh sanme that ilmk ddi ont ahev na cfteef ever dna dit'dn itbertncuo ot eht sasd.iee

nly"O ceiokos rae ndetynneeidlp ioasteacsd ithw E. iloc "sceas mneas thta nylo eth sikoceo auces eht eadeiss wotituh the estcfef fo gthsniemo se.le

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by pg32(218)
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hTe aftc tath het sodd arito ni eth pot tfel is riecconrt meask sthi oiestnqu eyvr fd.liifcut tI kames ti prpaea as fi hte okoeisc ear csaatevui tub eth lkmi had mose tepevcrtio .frotac oS ix.oosoubn

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drpatinoire  dGo I htuhgto ltolyta eht esam way sa yuo .ddi I rteasd at thsi iuonsqte orf ta telas 5imn and dakse ymsfle aw'hst grnow htiw my cststsi.tia +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by youssefa(162)
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ailiyIntl imlk ndiknigr wsa aaesodctsi hwti ci.lEo botkauer thiw O.R=39 dna &0t0Pl.0;1 i..fic(ning.)Sta fetAr iotrcsinittaaf noti tea osoekic nda idd ton tae ksiecoo RO acmeeb 1 idsaetn of 3.9 gnamnie eht ioconisaast .eaprpaidsde orTreehef, gtiean osokiec aws a oucorfnedn and eetrh is no arel ctosiaonias webente rigdnnki kmli nda o..tEac.en,dl.ii.s ks'mli teh( ndo)fnuecro iibcnnturoto asw obriselneps ofr eht OR of 39. in eth isrtf .paelc Tish was tufdherre nmroesdatdet iwht OR of 6 ni the oeoicsk eaoln .pguor

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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sihT eon etreh erew four dosd a,stiro neo providde erndu ahec t.elab The yoln one tath dah an sddo taior trgreea ahnt .10 aws het ltabe ni teh tpo ghrit (dOds aRtio = 6, I ,vblee)ei hchwi enhw oyu edoklo at eht ba,slel dle ot teh ithrg nsera.w

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by famylife(110)
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n"A odsd toira of 1 icsndeita tath eth otnidocni ro tenve ndure uytds is eyluqla lleyik ot curco in ohtb .sugpro nA ddso tario egarert htna 1 nsiatiecd taht the noinitcod or vneet is mero lyklei to ccour ni eth frtsi ".prugo (tsk._iiedgi:ikn/r/Ooat.siwdreahwi//tpdpo)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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ehT OR in eth rpeup telf 22 tbale si rcir,noetc hciwh slhodu be 6 2(76362/* )=6, not .1 Tish masen eht OR of a"te isek"oco eosd otn ecahng rtfae notairtsciaift by dkarn" mik,l" so arknd" l"mki is nto a cnrdounfe,o nda ate" "siekoco is enetleniydndp saso /w EEHC a.ukbetor

On het eorth n,dha RO rof "rdank m"kil edngcha a lto (ofrm 39. ot )0,.1 icwhh cedtisian d"ankr "ilmk imght be a uedornnfoc ,nda refhoet,er si nto yndeindnetple osas /w HcEE t.oeubkar

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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A uostnieq i roem glneyaerl evah

Is ti biospels atth wneh you satrityf hte ,tada .i.(e ncmaoprig eth eftcfe hatt neatig oiksoec sha, in ppeloe hwo nikrd ilmk ro oleppe owh od not ndrki mi)lk tath eth dsdo toari lilw oshw eiingcaicnsf orf oen btu otn teh eorht?

dSai e,tfideyrlnf ni teh mleapxe oev,ab odcul itaneg esoiock ni poeelp woh rnikd klim adle to a iansnticfig icreeans het riks of conneitfi, but nto ni lepeop ohw hwo tdd'in kdnri ?kiml

I'ev deookl anrduo in tshi emcomnt rdthe,a dan veha snee epeolp nnmteoi eth term eteffc" im;oaidc"ntfoi is that ahtw my eaxmlpe oevab ulodw swh?o

In othre ro,wsd fi itngae oskeoic + irinkngd kiml asedl to a giiscnantif is,kr but enagit eioscok + not indnrgki ilkm sah no acsaiostde rk,is oudlw taht maen ttah eht kilm sah an etf"cef iacitnidmofo" on eth riks fo gtnetgi iitoncnef in eeoppl owh eta ik?sooce

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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htsi is a onsbu nt.qeousi

ewnh sddo orati is 1, ginamne no atissiocano,

sodd agi&t;rot ,1 wcihh ni stih qusotien si 6, msena iosacsitnoa

hrewe is ddos roati ? )a ta eth tea kdide-noctooi knrid mlik .olmncu hecne het n,rswea only icooek nletinyndepde sas. hwit e cloi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by tyrionwill(22)
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ew nca meka nhtgsi lsimpe klei iths :y wfai we atwn ot okwn htehrwe r1X,o X2 ertlsareoc Y, ew jstu taaeryelps tset 1X adn ,Y nda 2X nda Y naldgriocyc. Wne h tset X1 wthi Y, ew eqeirur no X2 uose;xrep nh eW tste 2X wthi ,Y we irquree on 1X xupe;orse

We stte kecoio tiwh edrahair, wneh klim asw nto ukdnr (pto t:hgir) istoivep e W stet imlk iwht ai,drerha wenh no ckoeoi wsa taene le(rwo )ghit:r evegatni

lonic:nocus noyl oikceo ortraescle ot teh eradirha

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 -5  upvote downvote
submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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The erdwoyk si N.oLY"sTDtIcENa"NeE(dPEDias) hicWh in hamun gelaangu asmne OTN" OS.CAISTAED"

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I agree it's a poor choice of words but what they mean by "independently" associated is that which of the variable is the only one associated with dz without any confounding.

+1/- peqmd(74)

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