"Thyroglossal duct cysts most often present with a palpable asymptomatic midline neck mass usually below [65% of the time] the level of the hyoid bone."
"The thyroglossal tract arises from the foramen cecum at the junction of the anterior two-thirds and posterior one-third of the tongue."
go watch the osmosis video of thyroglossal duct cyst and you will never get any qs wrong , i learn my lesson , same question for 3 nbmes i got wrong
^ https://youtu.be/snwEs0u99sY : osmosis thyroglossal duct cyst
Can someone please explain to me: If the posterior 1/3 of the tongue is developed from 3rd and 4th pharyngeal arches, why is it wrong to choose pharyngeal arch?
Pharyngeal arch is not same as pharyngeal floor, pharyngeal arch is mesoderm from which nerve artery muscle cartilage develop. Pharyngeal floor is from where tongue develops which is endoderm
submitted by โdbg(197)
Am I the only one who thought, my whole life, that it actually originates from the thyroid but just physically connected to the tongue