UW QID# 11742 had the same question. Fracture of the orbital floor causes displacement of the orbital contents through the floor and can cause enophthalmos and entrapment of the IR muscle (diplopia when looking up). Also, damage to the infraorbital nerve (a branch of V2), which exits through the infraorbital foramen, will cause numbness of the upper cheek, upper lip, and upper gingiva.
itrlabo olrfo eatfrurc adle ot nearmetntp fo MRI iglndea ot ,eiwpidlpoa nca ese air ni het broit pusl ipntaelmdecs fo eye teiuss nad eht cmlesu in alrlimyax uissn .
rctiyk aigem utb nusiqteo si kisgna meor ifislelcpyac ouatb shi aluvsi asictolmnp ichhw si tujs e"obuld iosinv" so RI nmartentpe si hte tbes wnesar
ishT nteitpa has a iorlatb otwulob rrcte.ufa ees eth raet dorp i.ngs
submitted by โthomasalterman(181)
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aetnPti sha a traefcur to hte iferorin ortb.i hsTi acn dmg 2V ro erptna the IR selcu.m yOln IR ratenemtnp ldwou ipmria .oinsvi