UW QID# 11742 had the same question. Fracture of the orbital floor causes displacement of the orbital contents through the floor and can cause enophthalmos and entrapment of the IR muscle (diplopia when looking up). Also, damage to the infraorbital nerve (a branch of V2), which exits through the infraorbital foramen, will cause numbness of the upper cheek, upper lip, and upper gingiva.
ibratol lfroo uraftrec ldea ot mpannertte of IRM lgandie ot lppiiewoa,d anc see air ni teh rbiot slup ndacepltesim of yee siuest adn eht csulme ni allairyxm ssuni .
kcryit igmea tbu qonitsue is asignk emor sifalilyepcc oabut hsi uaivsl lpnicsaomt whcih is jtsu euld"bo v"ionis os RI pmtratnene is eht bets wreasn
Thsi atpitne has a riolabt bwuootl .crrufaet ese eht aret rpdo s.ngi
submitted by โthomasalterman(181)
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anPitet has a trrfueca ot hte ienfriro tri.ob hiTs nca dmg 2V ro pteanr het IR m.ecusl ylOn IR pemtnernta woldu iprima oi.snvi