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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A man accidentally touches the surface of a ...
Histamine ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—temmy(153)
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rD rtaSta akstl btuao enrseaci ycalailpr yetaemriblpi in hte yaiplsrapltoc uvesenl and ioalanvoisdt in eht ertlosriae sa ciaonts fo mih.tieasn athT wsa waht i htgohut fo hwne i resdaenw het ouqtness.i

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submitted by docshrek(4)
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oigoytaPhyhlspo fo het rnub nr turAu.odsonw cerAb. ahsTGtt ppohaoyiohtsgly of hte urnb duwon is reihadczaretc by na alyoamfimrnt croeatni niealdg to radpi eedoam inofmro,at ude ot drcesiane roclrauacvmis lpbaeeryiimt, doasivoalint nad rieasendc reauvsacatlrx iomstco aic.tyvit Teehs oairntcse aer ued to eth iedtcr athe tfefec no the omlascutivraercu nda ot ihaclmce iodmrtsea fo aa.ifiotnnmlm The relaetis saget of iaaotdlianstov dan nsdaireec envsou ieariplebymt is onylmmoc eud ot saiienthm a.srelee eamgaD ot the clle nebsrmeam yraplt csueda yb gfeyeoxre-n rdsailac edselrae rfmo phoopryuncleraolm cceslotyue wloud avttceai het nyzmsee izantgyacl hte lsoiyrhsyd fo tlgrdainsnaop seuporrrc icnaciohd(ar )adci htiw pdira arfnooitm of apgnoatnlsdir sa eht lr.setu dnagrPtnlosasi bhiiitn the aleesre fo heiepoepnrnnir adn aym stuh eb of mrectaopni ni ldugtamnoi eht riceaegrnd uervson smtesy wihhc si etitdcvaa in pnoesers to telhram .yijrun The pahmolilrgooc taetriotinspern of the nsacehg ni hte anuconflit rtrsctuarletuu fo the bodplolyhm iraebrr olwlnoifg matrelh njuriy esme ot be na aeirensc ni hte runesmb fo ocluaesv dan anym npeo nlihoaedlte lrnaliuterecl noi.scnutj heeuFrrrtmo esagnhc of het ieiitrsttlan iteuss faert nbur trumaa ear of rgaet ercimaotp.n Teh nuotcuiosn lsso of fidlu mofr eht lobod nluriaitcoc thiiwn teh aylthrlem agdaemd setius aecuss nrceaesdi omtaierthca veslle dna a apdir lfla in lspmaa ,umlevo hiwt eseearcdd dcarcia tpotuu nad pifoenopsurhy no eth alrllceu lv.lee If the fiusdl aer otn ldyaaeteuq rerteods rbnu ohkcs eosp.delv huF,rrereomt hte unrb unodw prosived a tvas raea of yenrt fo ufesacr tnfcioine thiw a high rski of secpit hk.cso ourF ianm picsrlpine aer of mutsot rmoapnicet ni het terucrn tenagenamm fo tsetpian wiht srveee retahml jr,iynu lanyem yrael dnowu cselou,r rvtieeponn of escitp naslicc,oipomt adqeuate tntinriou and oncrlto fo eht nreealtx t.nvienemnro

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submitted by hvancampen(7)
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ogccArnid to AF, utiilnosmta fo eht 1H orpceret relsuts ni snaal" adn oabcrnlih umsuc ricnto,udpo arvcusla ypeiblm,aerti io,tcsrbncioorhcnnto uri,rsupt pan"i epga( 284 of FA 10)2.8

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thomasalterman(181)
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satM lecl glineuaratnod nac be rdeeitggr yb oringfe anistnge dan uartma

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thepromise  I iveeleb htwa yue'or akgesipn about sccrou orme gduinr stiytsievpehnyir nI isth ac,se eehtr is adgame to hte dnaihlelote ,csell hiwhc yeth olas ereesla msienhati rfo asivoiloa.dnt hchwi rseetca ertmeaiilybp ofr het lliseohtnpru and ehrmytae fomr teh edsainrec obdlo .vouelm +17

@thomasalterman you are right. I don't why you got downvoted. In UW QID# 17853 it's the same exact scenario. And this is what they said "the morphologic changes in burns occur due to both direct tissue damage and inflammatory mediators released from epidermal and immune cells. Release of histamine and other preformed vasoactive mediators from MAST CELLS in the minutes following a burn leads to dilation of superficial skin capillaries."

+4/- fatboyslim(118)

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