eTh niettpa hsa a cinvofeee/tr.ifn The turecpi oswhs lrnoam 1( uma)retim enualytorgcs pil)oreh.s(unt eTh iuteramm mihtg eb rtap fo the ftsht-fiel unrcgioc ni htsi .iattnep T,erfeoerh hsti is yplmsi a teraeivc immnue spsecor.
tasWh' eht eeecfrnfid nteeweb eirecavt gnayucsloosrit vs somthsyicylo?p
Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.
Lymphocytes are B, T, NK cells.
We can elur tuo A B adn C ueseacb tis caenrc adn pt lliw srntpee /w ehgtiw Here eht tp lyeilk sha oaumpnnie /w tleeeadv tcleoyeku toucn cninigitad .tienocifn nO PB,S eclls loko liek opheursiltn esen( ni etuca nammroftaiyl e)ttass iwchh ear rcegnalyuots roftrehee it si carteiev sgrasco.loytiun
srTehe' a abdn ellc in het ldt&emg=;id eltf fhtis rivcetae ulytgaoconirss
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eosm gnorw wn:asrse
*meask nssee /bc basllesoymt are esocrurpsr to nteslrcga,yuo ihchw seu OMP to fgith off fsiciotenn