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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old woman has had a fever and ...
Reactive granulocytosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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eosm gnorw wn:asrse

*meask nssee /bc basllesoymt are esocrurpsr to nteslrcga,yuo ihchw seu OMP to fgith off fsiciotenn

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temmy  onrbuygHx aak feli rveas +1
hello  hnaTk !u!yo! +1
bbr  ...h.u ayhe im eytprt suer we sjut llca me Auer" "sodR wn.o A aietcerpp het sanewr !oth +17

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submitted by seagull(1933)
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eTh niettpa hsa a cinvofeee/tr.ifn The turecpi oswhs lrnoam 1( uma)retim enualytorgcs pil)oreh.s(unt eTh iuteramm mihtg eb rtap fo the ftsht-fiel unrcgioc ni htsi .iattnep T,erfeoerh hsti is yplmsi a teraeivc immnue spsecor.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by dragon3(15)
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tasWh' eht eeecfrnfid nteeweb eirecavt gnayucsloosrit vs somthsyicylo?p

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whossayin  eYs ’Im at a sosl orf tish eno oot. liltS ctna’ grifue uot owh wer’e etexpedc ot faeeeifnditrt tesho asdbe on ihst slied Ts.oeh whn only colilag iltapenxaon taht I nca nhitk of si atth avtecrei scptmyyhole mya be eens ni MLYAMHOSP as pospoed ot lyoetaugrscn hwich are ense in Mh ISKEELUAcSu a ihtyts awy to irtck s,u !hah +
henoch280  ivrcaete spyhytmcole aer snee in BEV iecio.tfnn uoy udwlo ese tolephyycsm ni eht eslid not loteiuhsrpn 8FA102 pg 615 +3
whossayin  Tath askme e.esn.s tbu wsa eth uioentsq nglakit bouta EBV tnofencsii or tcloihmgaeola cl?gaasenmnii sJut a ueagv iqtosune I t’wsan lelyar sreu hwta aylxect swa it ynitrg ot hatce us, I sgesu teh eeciavtr oithyycomspsl tsju trhew me ,yoAf!fy nwas natkhs orf the ncratfcaloiii bddu!y +
ratadecalle  Tehy ywa I tuhhgto uatob it renaows:asGyl :cut ulitm boedl shycoLce emypun:tlsu linseg oble +9
hello  wsihnayos@ - tsi' ton evreaict styclhymsooip eacsbue ehrte era on ozuzdrbw epyt osmmtsy of EVB in teh Q mest. Alos, cteeavri syohtycmlpe kool ywa fefrtdien. +

Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.

Lymphocytes are B, T, NK cells.

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submitted by step1soon(51)
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We can elur tuo A B adn C ueseacb tis caenrc adn pt lliw srntpee /w ehgtiw Here eht tp lyeilk sha oaumpnnie /w tleeeadv tcleoyeku toucn cninigitad .tienocifn nO PB,S eclls loko liek opheursiltn esen( ni etuca nammroftaiyl e)ttass iwchh ear rcegnalyuots roftrehee it si carteiev sgrasco.loytiun

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submitted by apurva(101)
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submitted by minhphuongpnt07(5)
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srTehe' a abdn ellc in het ldt&emg=;id eltf fhtis rivcetae ulytgaoconirss

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