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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old woman has had a fever and ...
Reactive granulocytosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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omse wrgno a:neswsr

k*emsa seens cb/ omsyeslbtal era prssureroc to cgtayuso,nlre icwhh esu MPO to hifgt fof csfetinoni

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temmy  xbuygnHro aka eilf vsrea +1
hello  kanhT y!!uo! +1
bbr  u.h... ayhe mi trpyte urse ew utsj lalc me "reAu oRsd" nw.o ieprcAtpae het rewsna t!oh +17

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submitted by seagull(1933)
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eTh aettnpi sah a cenifoer.f/tniev Teh tcepiru owhss maornl (1 mmeitru)a tunrsaeoygcl oeh.i)s(tpruln ehT amierutm gtihm be prat fo teh htlt-fesif ucgcnroi ni hist tan.epit orfeTheer, stih si piymsl a tvereiac eminmu s.oesrpc

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by dragon3(15)
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shW'at eht ieeffndcer eteewbn eitrvace lysauosntcgiro vs ymyosop?chslit

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whossayin  seY ’Im ta a sols rof hits noe ot.o tlliS nc’ta eguifr otu how were’ txdceeep to rieiftenftaed etsho dbaes no shit lisde h.wehno sT oyln lciolga enpainxoalt that I acn knthi of is hatt cvaerite oplhseytcym mya eb eesn in MLMYHPOAS as oeppsod ot gytunaoelscr wchhi rea sene in A hMSSEKuUcIEL a hstity wya to icktr su, ahh! +
henoch280  evcaetir plycmseoyth rae eens in VBE nfe.ciotin you oluwd ees typhecyslom in hte diels ont eopuihstnrl 8F102A gp 516 +3
whossayin  Ttah emksa eess.n. tub aws the estunoiq gkailnt aubot EVB iencfiosnt ro mahotlecalogi isicamgnl?ane uJst a gaveu esnutioq I w’nast leraly erus hwta xceylta saw it ytgnir to ahcet su, I ugsse het riaevtce cpiossloymyht ustj whret me ,ywf! yaofsnA snthak rof het inilaatroccif dduyb! +
ratadecalle  eyhT awy I uthtogh taoub it r: tl:ouycGnseaaws ulitm olbed lunyetoh: cpeLsymucs isglen lebo +9
hello  s@oasywnih - 'tsi ont eatcivre lsispmctohoyy eucabse rehet ear no zrozubdw ypet msymtos fo VEB in het Q e.stm o,Asl actrieve ysmlpyothce oklo awy fetenfri.d +

Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.

Lymphocytes are B, T, NK cells.

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submitted by step1soon(51)
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We cna lreu out A B dan C uesaebc ist rnceac dan tp liwl esrentp w/ etihgw erHe the pt ilekyl ash uiepamnon /w veealted ycutoleke uotcn gaidcintin .ieitfcnon On S,BP lecls lkoo elki irelnptshuo se(en in eatcu armfitlnoamy )tsesta hichw rea gncolytaesur oerhteefr ti is teiarevc ctsolri.nygosua

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submitted by apurva(101)
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submitted by minhphuongpnt07(5)
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hTere's a dnba lcel in het =g&mel;itdd eltf fhsit crveeiat iloacsytugorns

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