eTh aettnpi sah a cenifoer.f/tniev Teh tcepiru owhss maornl (1 mmeitru)a tunrsaeoygcl oeh.i)s(tpruln ehT amierutm gtihm be prat fo teh htlt-fesif ucgcnroi ni hist tan.epit orfeTheer, stih si piymsl a tvereiac eminmu s.oesrpc
shW'at eht ieeffndcer eteewbn eitrvace lysauosntcgiro vs ymyosop?chslit
Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.
Lymphocytes are B, T, NK cells.
We cna lreu out A B dan C uesaebc ist rnceac dan tp liwl esrentp w/ etihgw erHe the pt ilekyl ash uiepamnon /w veealted ycutoleke uotcn gaidcintin .ieitfcnon On S,BP lecls lkoo elki irelnptshuo se(en in eatcu armfitlnoamy )tsesta hichw rea gncolytaesur oerhteefr ti is teiarevc ctsolri.nygosua
hTere's a dnba lcel in het =g&mel;itdd eltf fhsit crveeiat iloacsytugorns
submitted by ∗hungrybox(1277)
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k*emsa seens cb/ omsyeslbtal era prssureroc to cgtayuso,nlre icwhh esu MPO to hifgt fof csfetinoni