"We ALL fall Down" to remember Down syndrome is associated with ALL
cueAt thollmcpbyasi mleimeyuplmhaoak/ L(AL) is asdecstoia hwti Dwno neyrmSdo nda smto nteof csuorc ni hnildrce 1A2F[08 40]2.p MLA nda LAL are eianesrdc ni tsheo hwit owDn rmnodyse 63]p[ but emidna aeg of ntsoe of LAM is 65 eyras ldo .)2(0p4 gtbloiaomsssale resfer ot itgaoamslelbc naema.i
submitted by โbrise(86)
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I htohugt atht a cdhli twih wond mnoerdsy nrdue the gae fo ,5 dah a ahccne fo etgngti atcue klrymgaboescaiat em?uielak nad evor 5, aetuc tlaclhmsybiop k?eulmiae