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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A researcher hypothesizes that exposure to ...
Case-control study ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: clinical_trials medicine biostats

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submitted by โˆ—lsmarshall(465)
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An nilpraeeetmx iednsg ro pneiextlmaer suytd tmsu eahv an vnntorentiie, yb .niodteiinf -slaotrConec dstisue era oaneatbrsilvo sduseit, ont lext.irepaenm hsiT qsenuoti is ntehyclcali c.oenirtrc heTy nwedat to kmae a nitop atht ncoeola-scrt eudisst ear tmie dan ctso tiifnefce ecins ehyt d'otn reeruiq giwloofnl istaetnp orev emti ro nya rcresouse ebsedsi hiaignvenrrwig/gtee irtnaof.inom eCas sseeri oldcu not tets siht oy.epthsish

osAl, eht dorgniw acisdotsea" itw an cseaidenr iks"r teoahsmw aelslud to rccosel-anot dtseuis lyno avgnhi eth ayltiib ot nfid odds fo na tcaasisoosin enbewet sxueoepr adn uto,cmeo tub ont laseihbts cuasla iplesointh.ra

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bigjimbo  slccisa nmbe +3
poisonivy  ltlyoat rae,eg I tdno dsueadnrnt hyw eth rthgi arnswe is esCa otolncr sncei htta is tno eixrenlmeapt +2
howdywhat  am I tujbsec to siht dkin of opro dgroinw rfo het ayd fo eth xema? +1
ajss  I vebiele os +2
aaftabsethi1  Why ont a esoeprcrivett orcoht sytdu ? +1
joeschmo  rCsncaolet-o setusdi ear leryagl crettisvepoer by trnu.ea uoY nac evtesltcypreoir oklo abck ta apessml nad sak atwh" ?"apnpedeh +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—catch-22(98)
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I dwuo do a erosceiettrpv hctoro reh.e I 'dnot tkihn htis quietnos is certocr adn rvieodsp too titlel tfmaioirnon ot gte het troccre n.erasw "miTe nci"eiftfe si the rtnpoea rwdo reeh utb yhte miplsy d'tdni odirnecs taht esoirerpecvtt rhooct dwlou be a tbeetr degsni ereh sa goln sa het erbavlias rea de.cdo

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sherry  I re.ega I asw atgehtisni bwteeen het owt ioh.cecs I llsti knhti throoc usytd is rbttee ignrraegd the "k."irs I oehp ihts knid of tqsosineu notw ppo uto no hte ealr hgn.ti +3
soph  I kinht key ereh swa tehy eewr ramigunes srik uhthog +1
yex  I alos hcose ohrcot, cnies it si nmarcogpi a vegin rup.soeex +2
raspberryslushy  I aws lsoa kgithnni ittseeevpcorr torhoc suydt - ujts sa mtie etienf,fci nac look ta isk,r dna the Q tsme sadi the cernca swa m,ncoom dna I hitnk of cnatso-lcero orf raer odno.cntisi Is't keil yhet oftrog a octrho sutyd uolcd eb voptreecei.rts +2
boostcap23  eTh cisscal pxaemle htey wsylaa igve for ywh tno ot od eerrettosicvp oorcht is ceubeas atptnise who have evretahw seaieds yrou tsegtni ofr aer rmoe yeklil ot rebreemm lla trihe sirk cfotra uoesresxp hant a rlnoma snoerp thta ntde'os heav any .seesadi Of oecurs ni hits scea m'I ruse eth pepole nrningu the suytd lowud be teh enso how fugire tuo how umhc easrnci was ni the twrea but tihs osal olwdu eb yrve emti nsogmnicu to rufige out rfo ecah inddliuiva peonrs ni het usytd. Tsuh a caeoc-solrtn dtusy weher ouy ookl at a ougrp of eppleo htwi 0tg5;& caenirs eusepoxr nda a grpou ;5l&t scnreia sruopeex dna mpslyi ees hwo sha ncreac dan owh t'soedn wluod be raeise and atek esls .miet +2
hunter_dr  cnAigcrdo to the B&mB;ap adn DURW,OL if tsnioueq tesm aeesmusr het xuoepers ,frist enht it haev to eb a ohtrco dtsyu adn oyu iwll do vraeliet isrk ocilcanula,t hwihc si hyw i dpkeic hatt as an wn.srae Horvee,w I od ees Case''s adn ootCn'rl' both in eth eutsisqno os aybem ti si cr-cnleoasto om us.t.Btyodt lien DTESi-W-A-s- MY 0$6 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—misterdoctor69(70)
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I nthki osgmitneh ton oeidmnnte tey is eth tcaf ahtt odds atiro nac eb used ot eteatmsi vreailet riks in RREA ssdesiea as pre the Rrea siaeseD otusspAnim whre(e saiesde arpnlvceee si t;1)0.%l& Athuhgol eth raccen ni siht teousqin si ridbdeesc sa o,c"mn"om (momocn levaetri ot ohtre c,csna)re hte cecran is lilst olypabrb aerr eravo.ll

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cmun777(37)
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I inhtk het eky on stih tqnuosei si rgginizocen hwo humc s"otm tifci"tefmien-e upmjs uot ni eth otqeinsu tmse - a trtpey ueuqni hntgi to be flcsplecyiai i.aksng goiGn ffo ahtt nad teh actf teyh wnta ot oklo ta eepsxrou ;tg-& cto,euom yb fra het estsaft parhacop owudl be to ifnd eoplpe owh urleytcrn evha the zd in ounteiqs dan thne ujst ksa mhet fi yteh heav a vriosuep exoperus kaa n-e.racctloso

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an_improved_me  I efel eikl uoy sjtu dirdceseb a psticevepor chot?ro ndiF ppl htwi teh esseida se(am noiultppa adn ,eum)otoc nda tehn see fi yeth hda a imsalri iskr ofta;cr hetn fllowo htme ot see if yeht hda a kris lrateof. o-tacCrnsco udwol be: evaH tow porgus fo e,lppeo osme thwi teh ,Dx terosh htuoit.w See fi eehrt is a ecferdnfei in ontorrpiop ahtt andho'e/tv avhe a srik mecofotS naeor pselae cetcorr em if mi' rwo?ng +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by al1234(1)
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fI it ahd atsdet a aeRr' 'naCrec I udlwo ahev htohtgu ecsa tBu ti idas cnommo encr...a.c nyA goshutth no sht?i

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kbizzitt  I lieveeb wtha yteh ear gettgni ta wiht eht c"omomn "cacenr si ttah it si yseila andebeifl sa a c.sea ishT wya oyu cna syeail timdeener how is a seca and woh dwluo eb a .ncltoor nTeh ouy go cabk dna ees fi ttah ceas hda eesorpxu or .not +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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I hnitk yke hree si they rae gtieaisivngtn eht spstoyeihh fo mamtuno fo ainscerin treaw nsarcseei RKIS of tbes way to emrusae riks is ecsa ootr.ncl

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nbmehelp  fI teyh weer megisranu risk 'tlsdhnou ti be a toocrh ydtsu g?uhoht By ogiklno ta trsif .ai.d +6
270onstep1  Tehy btho nac eniemrted isrk. Kye heer is eth mite iyeifeccfn of raoole-nccts setsdui henw epdromca to trhc.oo +1
suckitnbme  onlcosCa-tre ynol tmniereeds dosd riato ichwh is nto actailuglcn skir. nI erar dsasseie eth odsd atori can eb used as an etmietsa fo eth isrk toiar evewh.or +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dentist(94)
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etyptr oogd mmrauys

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drdoom  eocml,we O great yshaipnic of het skllu adn lroa cti.yav ew rveere yruo ciieattnr atnngsusdinedr of eht ,feca jw,a lxmliaa nad lal rtieh niyt dna dhdnie aimfnaro. cthea su ryou ya.sw +8

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