eTh enttiap has a fcreto.inie/fenv Teh icuterp whsso anmrol 1( mi)auermt yoreuactnlgs .pe)(lrusoihnt ehT mtuamier hgtmi be aptr of the iftlsfhe-t gcucorni in stih t.iptnea Te,hrrfoee shit is iplmys a vceearti imenmu cr.essop
aWs'ht hte rfeiefdnec eeenwbt aiervect liuctnosasoryg sv yphi?lcssomtyo
Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.
Lymphocytes are B, T, NK cells.
We nca erlu uto A B dan C caeeusb sit rnecca nda tp llwi stpreen w/ hgitew erHe eht pt kllyei ahs mipnenuoa /w etdealev lcuokeeyt otunc itgindnaci oc.nnietfi On ,BSP sclle kloo eikl rntsphleuio snee( in ecuat railatmnymfo stt)ase hchwi rae nloyesaugctr rrheefeot ti si iceavret ioaolsy.csugrtn
rshTe'e a adbn ellc ni eth em=gtlid;d& eftl ifsth vieercat oluyosrgtcasin
submitted by ∗hungrybox(1277)
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msoe gnorw wsrnea:s
mskae* essne cb/ myselsbatlo are rssreprouc ot glt,encasruoy hcwhi use OPM to tfihg off nesnfoitci